The Phone Call

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Ok so I know the title might make you thing something else but basically this is if when Ricky was trying to call Nini is episode 10 and she decides to call him back because she wondered why he called her so many times
Nini just came off the stage wondering what EJ was doing as Troy.
She goes to look at her phone when she sees she has 11 missed calls from Ricky

Nini: Hold on Kourt, I'm going to call Ricky back. It might be important.

Nini calls Ricky and he picks up immediately.

Nini: Ricky I have a lot of questions, first why did EJ go on as Troy and why did you call me 11 times?

Ricky: It's going to be hard to explain so meet me by the gym entrance.

Nini got up to go find Ricky even though Kourtney was yelling at her because she had to go on soon

Nini: Ok Ricky not to be rude but hurry this up because I have to go on soon!

Ricky: Ok so, long story short. My mom's boyfriend showed up, I got all nervous, and the reason EJ went on as Troy was because I heard about that teacher from the performance arts school you were looking at came and I didn't want to mess you up by me messing up.

Nini: Wait, why didn't you tell me?

Ricky: I tried calling you. 11 times!

Nini just laughed

Nini: oh shoot, I have to go on in a minute! You have to come back on for Breaking Free, and the rest of show!

Ricky: I can't right now it's too much to see my moms boyfriend out there

Nini: well maybe this will change your mind

then they kissed 😳

tysm for reading!

Part 2????

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