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Briar is dressed in adorable sundress that has my fingers itching to slip under the skirt and grab her ass as we walk out to her car.  My hands move to do just that before my brain can tell them not to and Briar swats at my hands, a teasing glare across her soft features.   "No funny business until after, I'm barely gonna be able to look our parents in the eye given how you ruined me in the last 24 hours!"

"I'd consider that a job well done, honey."  I grin at her.

"Wipe that smug smirk off your face, flyboy.  It's too damn attractive and I'm trying to behave enough for the both of us."  A finger is pointed in my face and the look of determination has me holding my hands up in surrender before I open her door.  "Thank you, handsome.  Now, tell me about this Bob guy our Morgy has found herself smitten with!  Did you know they're gonna be here today?!"

While I did not know that small detail before that very moment, I spend the ride talking to her about Bob and how he's had heart eyes for Morgann since they met.  After the shithead that is her ex, she absolutely deserves a good man and I think Bob can be that for her.  We pull into the Langley's home and find my mom's car, Mallorie's car, and another I don't recognize in the driveway.  It looks like we're some of the first to arrive, thank God.  We'd catch all kinds of hell if we were late.

Hand in hand, we make our way into the kitchen where we hear the excited squeals of Mallory and Morgann. Not wanting to miss the reunion, Briar releases my hand and darts off to join in the hugs and giggles. My eyes land on Bob and I realize that the other car outside is his.

"I see you've met the Tornadic Trio, Bobert." I smile at him and he looks confused.

"You'll soon learn that chaos follows them whenever they're together, the chaos is usually of their own making. It'll be nice to have an extra pair of hands and eyes to help wrangle them from now on." Brooks chimes in with a loving smile on his face.

"You ready, buddy?" Tilting my head in the direction of the backyard where he's planning to propose later.

"I've been ready for years, bro. I can't wait." The lovesick grin that takes over his face makes Bob and I both smile as he walks away.

The girls are still catching up and will likely talk for at least two hours with how much has happened since they were all together last. I'm sure they're gonna want to hear every detail since B and I are now officially a thing. I grab a few beers from the kitchen for me and Bob, possibly for Rook if he comes back in here any time soon, and we sit on the ridiculously comfy couch in the den, UT football on the tv.

"So, Morgann told me that you and Briar have been in love with each other for as long as she can remember, yet you were never together? But also weren't with anyone else?"

I chuckle at the oversimplification.

"Here's the thing, Bobert. I've been in love with that girl since I knew what love was. But I promised Rook that I wouldn't make a move on her that would ruin our friendship, because we all know a teenaged boy would inevitably fuck up the one good thing in his life. By the time I settled down from my man whore ways at the academy, which were me trying to fuck my way through my feelings for her, I realized that I couldn't put her through loving me when there's such a high chance of losing me on missions. So I figured it was just better if I didn't let it cross over into something more than being my closest friend. I rationalized that not letting myself completely have her and keeping her from completely having me would make it hurt less if something ever happened.  But my feelings never faded like I'd hoped they would. I was content with loving her from afar, until the uranium mission. Almost losing Mav and Bradley changed something for me, made me realize neither one of us were living our lives to the fullest without each other involved in every way we wanted to be. So I pulled my head outta my ass and locked her down when we got home yesterday. Best decision I've ever made."

Bob sits and processed the information for a second before asking the question I've always heard:

"How could you be in love with her but still be with other women?  No judgement, it just doesn't make sense to me.  If you've been this far gone for her for that long, did it feel like cheating?"

"Yeah, it did.  Which is why it stopped almost completely after college."

Poor Bob's little brain is about to short circuit.

"But...I've seen you flirt and take home tons of girls."

"Flirt, yes. Take home, also yes. But I didn't actually go home with them. I would literally just take them home or make sure they got into a cab or Uber. My mama raised a gentleman, Floyd."

I nudge his shoulder with mine, teasing him but also letting him know I'm not mad. We make our way to the patio where dinner is set up and we all enjoy the food and conversation. I particularly love being able to be touching Briar the entire time like I've craved for years. My arm has been over the back of her chair since we finished eating, she's leaned into my side and my fingers are tracing shapes on the bare skin of her arm. As everyone finishes up, Briar and Morgann are quick to clear the table of dishes and subtly usher everyone inside for the important question pop.

Brooks grabs Mallory's hand and walks her to the willow tree in the backyard where the girls had hung twinkle lights and laid down a blanket. We all huddle together to peer through the window to watch the proposal unfold. Nobody is surprised when she starts bawling and frantically nodding after he drops to one knee. We all rush outside to congratulate them, our huge crazy family pouring into the yard to wrap them in hugs.

We decide to go to the Mendez family owned bar to continue the celebration, just as we've done for every other milestone moment in our lives. Walking through the front door brings a wave of nostalgia, lots of happy memories were made here.  The girls head to the bar to grab some drinks while the guys went to push a couple of high top tables together. The girls had just returned with drinks in their arms when Morg's dirtbag ex showed up and caused a scene. He ran his mouth and grabbed her arm, and before Brooks or I could move, Bob decked the fucker, leaving us in shock.

"Damn, Floyd. I didn't know you had it in you,' Brooks joked, patting Bob on the back.

"Seriously. Who knew that our baby on board was a closet alpha behind the glasses," I joke, impressed with the fire Morg sparked in him. They work surprisingly well together.

Morgann ushers him to the back to patch him up, and Mal, Briar, Brooks and I just stare after them dumbfounded. We're eventually shaken out of our stupor and start talking about planning a trip for the girls to come visit us soon. A little bit later, Morgann and Bob rejoin the group and we spend the next few hours laughing, dancing, and horribly singing old country songs. Briar stays tucked into my arms the whole time and I swear in that moment to do whatever it takes to keep her there.

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