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I spent the last two weeks packing up the life I've built since getting my nursing degree. All my clothes, pictures, pots and pans, makeup, shoes, scrubs, and memories tucked away into brown boxes that are loaded into a uhaul latched to the trailer of my 4Runner.  Jake and I talked about what to do with our furniture, since we'll have two of just about everything at this point.  Neither one of us is particularly attached to anything, so we're gonna sell the vast majority of our stuff then pick new stuff out together.  I left everything I didn't sell in the house for my landlord to do with as she wishes.

With everything packed away, I take one last look around before tucking the key in the lockbox on the door and climbing into my car.  We're having a huge family farewell dinner tonight at my parents house where I'll be staying the night with plans to roll out bright and early in the morning.  I pull into my parents' with the uhaul locked onto my trailer hitch and see the cars of my family filling the driveway.  My breath catches in my chest when I realize I won't have the luxury of hopping in the car and being at my parents house within half an hour, but Jake is worth it and then some.  I climb out of the car and head into the house with a bittersweet feeling.  That feeling is soon left in the dust when I hear the familiar sound of Jake's laughter. I abandon my keys on the floor of the entryway and run in the direction the sound came from.

"Jay?!" My voice comes out in a screech as I slide around the corner into the kitchen. I'm met with a wide smile and his arms automatically open for me to launch myself at him. My limbs tangle themselves around him like a koala and his arms wrap around my waist to hold me close to his body.

"Surprise princess," he mumbles into where his face is buried in my neck. "I know I just saw you a few weeks ago but fuck did I miss you."

Whoever else was in the room quickly dispersed to give us a little privacy for our reunion. After a little bit longer of clinging onto him for dear life, Jake finally places me back down on my feet.

"Rook is here too, can you believe we managed to keep this a secret from the two of you?" Jake teases and kisses my forehead.

I laugh, absolutely surprised they managed to pull this off. "How did you make it happen? Mal and I have always organized these things for you two!"

Jake pulls an offended look. "I'll have you know I'm very capable of adulting by myself!" I raise my eyebrow at him, more than skeptical. "Ok fine, most of the time...the moms might have helped." He shrugs sheepishly.

"Well, however you made it happen, I'm glad you did. What's the occasion?"

"We couldn't let our girls move across the country for us all by themselves, now could we? Our mamas raised us better than that," he winks and kisses me sweetly. "Now come on, your mom said she made poppyseed chicken and I'm starving!" Jake grabs my hand and pulls me to the table where most of our family is gathered and it makes my heart swell. We enjoy dinner and soon head upstairs to get some sleep. Dad warns the boys against any "funny business" and says we all need rest before the long drive.

We wake up early, wanting to get the jump on rush hour traffic around the city. Of course mom got up before us and made breakfast, which we scarf down before we hit the road. Lots of hugs, kisses, and safe travel wishes are given as we climb into the cars. Mal and I have already booked a hotel room around the halfway point in New Mexico where we planned to stop for the night. Jake volunteers to take the first driving shift like he's done multiple times before. After an hour or so of singing along to our tried and true road-trip playlist, we start talking about any and everything under the sun.

"I was thinking, we should get a puppy. That way you'll still have someone to snuggle when I get sent on missions. Plus it could be like a practice baby," Jake winks and squeezes my leg where his warm palm has stayed planted for the entirety of the drive so far.

I squeal at the idea. "A puppy?! Absolutely! What kind? Do we want a girl or a boy?!" The questions shoot out at a rapid fire speed.

"Easy there, Ror. Take a breath," Jake chuckles. "I was thinking we could go to a local shelter and look there first, sound like a plan?"

"Sounds perfect! Now, I've been a productive passenger for too long, it's nap time!" I lean over the console to plant a kiss on his cheek. Jake laughs, knowing this was unavoidable.

"Happy nappy, princess."

The rest of the drive goes by in a blur, mostly because I sleep on and off, and we check into the hotel and crash quickly. With two double beds in one room, none of us feel like scarring the other with shenanigans in the dark. The next day goes about the same, save for the excitement of rolling down the PCH and inching closer to our new home.

We have about 2 hours left of the drive and I can feel the salt creeping into the air. I roll down my window down and take in a deep lungful of ocean air. "Ahhhh. You smell that, Jakey? It smells like dreams coming true!"

Jake grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "They certainly are now."

I easily recognize the Hard Deck as we drive past it, given this isn't the first time I've been in San Diego and it's one of the boys' favorite places to hang out when they have some free time.  Jake's...our house is only a few minutes away from the well loved bar and I can only imagine the trouble the tornadic trio will cause before stumbling back to the house.  Jake pulls into the driveway with a smile before hopping out and rounding the car.  He opens my door, pulls me out, and grabs my face between my hands.  Jake leans in and kisses me, sweetly yet full of dirty promises for later.

"Welcome home, princess."

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