Operation Condor

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Leon Ivanov

[REDACTED], Argentina

December 22th, 1983

"A military base from the colombian government blew up three nights ago and the colombian president was assassinated last night. I assume this is all your work?" Andropov asked me over the satellite phone. I could not help to crack a smile and so did the rest of the team when they saw it.

"Indeed, comrade. We decided to kill some time while our arrangements were taken care of." I said. Deep down I was afraid what his reaction would be since we had other priorities. But instead of yelling at me, he laughed.

"Ha! If that's your idea of 'killing time', I would love to see your work in person. Oh what I wouldn't give to be back in the field. But I am afraid I am too old for that. Glad you did some damage to the West while you had to wait."

"Sir I don't want to be rude but you said you had some information for us."

"Yes, the KGB did some more digging and we did find one commonality between our suspects. All of them criticised their government on way or another. Wrote a critical article, held a speech in public, strikes, demonstrations, that kind of thing."

"So no actual rebels or guerillas then."

"And if our informations are correct, foreign citizen are not safe either. We have no idea what is going on but this is happening all over the continent for decades."

I took a look out the window as he was telling me this, looking down at the streets of Buenos Aires. All this people just going on with their life, being good and kind to their neighbors and friends. Then, just one mistake, and they are gone. Defined by that one mistake and faced with an unknown fate. "The KGB has no idea what's going on then?"

"No, but if you were to find out more about this during your hunt, our nation would be grateful. Find the connection to Perseus. Good luck, agents. I trust you know what to do." he said. When he said it like that it usually affirmed our autonomy.

And what was the plan we eventually came up with? Letting one of us get arrested by the secret police. A transmitter would then lead us to the location of whatever blacksite they would take them. "This is a terrible idea." they all said at the same time and in some way or another.

I meekly shrugged at them. "I don't see anybody else coming with a better idea. We can hardly walk to the HQ of the Secret Police and demand them to let us in."

My team shared glaces with each other, then sighed and nodded. We really did not have any other ideas. "And who is volunteering for the job?" Portnova asked.

"I should do it." Vargas suggested and stepped forward, only to be pushed back by Park.

"No. I do it." she declared. Everyone stared at her in surprise, including me. "I wish to prove that you CAN trust me. So I will do it."

"Park you do not have to do this to..." I spoke up but she shut me down.

"I know, I know. But I really wanna do this. After what I've seen.... these people need to pay." she hissed. I could see the determination on her eyes. There was a certain passion in them that I had rarely seen in her before. It was... exhilarating, to be honest.

"Then prepare yourself. We will be ready." I assured her. And then she gave me that look. A look of utter trust and confidence in me and the others. I just hoped it would not be misplaced.

We were at the black site by nightfall. It was located deep in the jungle and as far as I could tell, used to be a wood processing factory. We stormed the building and shoot everyone we came across. We found Park hanging from the ceiling, she had taken several severe beatings. My anger at the men who did this was only overcome by my compassion and worry towards her. I am not ashamed to admit that seeing her like that... it made me realize that there were indeed still feelings for her in me. Or, at least, some unresolved issues that remained between us. At that time I could not tell if that was a bad or good thing. "Park.... Park I am here. You are going to be alright." I whispered to her with a gentle and caring voice.

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