Loona's Confession

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Loona's pov

I'm sitting down in a fancy restaurant with Mike, having a nice little conversation about hobbies or any past jobs one another might have had. I was having a great time with Mike, to be honest. That was until he went slight again.

Loona: Is something wrong, Mike?

Mike: Hmm?

Loona: I asked if something was bothering you.

Mike: You really want to know what's bothering me?

Loona: Of course I do.

Mike: Fine, since you're just dying to know.

Loona: Just let it go, babe.

Mike: I'll tell you what's bothering me. You are the worst hound I know; you constantly treat your employer and adoptive father like shite. The guy who rescued you from living on the streets gave you a job and a place to live, and this is how you repay him. To add insult to injury, you treat your co-workers just as bad, if not worse, and you are such a damn sponge that for some reason making you do your job is such a fucking chore for them because you're too "busy," either being an edge lord or looking up random shit on your fucking cell phone of yours. But what bothers me is the fact that you think you're entitled to talk down to others and everyone else around you. I don't understand why you think you're so superior to others around you when you've never had to work for a damn thing in your fucking life, and don't think I didn't know you're only dating for my body. Do you even know anything about me other than the fact that I have big muscles? No, I didn't think so. Hell, I'm willing to bet you are completely blinded by my body and don't give a shit about anything else, not to mention that everyone tells you that you're allowed to get away with anything you want, and you want to know why that is. Well, it's pretty fucking simple. It's because everyone around you thinks you are some misunderstood, tortured soul, or maybe they're just blinded by your body like you are by mine, or maybe both! But what pisses me off is how freaking easy you've had it this far. Unlike you, everyone else you work with has to work to pay for shit, while you just get shit handed to you. And I know what you're thinking: "Oh, I can't be a shallow bimbo; I'm goth; I'm not like the other girls, and you know what? You're right; almost every other hellhound I've mentioned is actually really chill and only fights when they need to, while you are angry all the time for no reason, or maybe it's your way of greeting people who do things for you. But you know what? None of it matters because, at the end of the day, all you are is a spoiled brat and nothing more.

(Wow, another copy and paste; well, yes, but actually no; this was the last updated chapter from the original, while the one from earlier was a rewrite.)

Loona: But I can change; just give me a chance.

Mike: Why would I give a piece of shit another change?

Loona: But I

Mike: "Shut the fuck up." Just shut the fuck up for once in your fucking life.

Loona: But I

Mike: Shut the fuck up, you little piece of shit. I'll tell you something else: they all fucking hate you, and you'll never find anybody who loves you for who you are! You have got to be the most pathetic hellhound I have ever fucking seen.

I woke up screaming, which must have alerted Blitz.

Blitzø: Are you okay, Loony?

Loona: I'm fine, Blitz.

Blitzø: You don't look fine.

Loona: Please, just leave me alone... I don't want to talk right now.

Blitzø: You can tell me, Loony.

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