Nice To Meet You.

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"Gosh why does it reek of weed already. You better not go smoke pot Blair." My mom ended her lecture as I opened the door rolling my eyes. Fuck she's so protective that it gets on my last nerve. "I'm 20 . If I wanna go out and have sex while smoking pot, I will." A small smack landed on the back of my head as I giggled.

Once I stepped out the car, I took in the atmosphere of the school. Howard School Of Arts. I mean you have to be dead talented in order to get in so I'm very humble and grateful. I went to my moms trunk and got out the two suitcases I had while she grabbed one from my hand. "Mom, I don't need you to walk in with me." She snapped her head at me then gave me puppy dog eyes. Here it goes.

"You're my only little girl. I- I'm just so proud of you." She pulled me in for a hug as a part of me felt bad. Being the only child and her being my only parent? I know it's a lot for her. "Hey I'm gonna be alright I promise. I'll call every day." I reminded her as she laid a kiss on my forehead. When she pulled away, I was off to find my dorm.

Luckily, I requested a self dorm so I don't have to go though the horror roommate phase. All of that was out the window when I arrived to the already half opened door. Opening it all the way I seen a suitcase on the other bed in the room and groaned loudly. I don't want to sound bitchy but damn this is not what I wanted.

"I promise I'm not that bad." A voice said walking out of bathroom. When I looked over it was a girl who was about 5'6 , short curly hair and a brown complexion. She was wearing these oversized dad jeans, a letterman and black t-shirt. Shit , she's hot. She smiled lowly before stuffing her hands in her jacket.

"It wasn't m- I just requested for a self dorm." I internally face palmed myself for stuttering over my words.

"I did too but looks like we both have to deal with it for the year. My names Tish by the way." She softly spoke while leaning on the wall and tilting her head.

"I'm Blair. Nice to meet you Tish." Placing down my suitcases the girl watched me like a tiger watching its prey. I felt like I was getting eye fucked. "Likewise Blair." She smirked then walked out of the room closing the door behind her. When the coast was clear I punched the pillow and cursed to myself. I swear I don't mind having a roommate but I knew this was gonna be trouble. It SCREAMED hella problems but you know what? It's college. I'm gonna enjoy every second of it.

      Later that evening the sun went away as the moon came in. I was in my room setting up my side while my roommate hasn't been back since she left earlier. Not that it's my business but it's just a fruit for thought. As soon as that crossed my mind The girl walked in and lifted an eyebrow.

"It's move in day and your in here with pjs on?" She taunted as I looked at my oversized T-shirt gasping.

"Well what is there to do? Plus I'm not much of a social person ."I said as she face palmed herself while laughing. "You're such a geek. I like that." She teased making me smack my lips as my eyes went to hers. It was a moment of awkward eye contact but it wasn't..awkward.

"You should come with me and my friends. Their throwing this house party." She asked me leaning against the door frame as I shook my head. "I'm good. I'd rather just sit here with a good book." She giggled until someone knocked on the door. I lifted an eyebrow and sat down while she opened it revealing a brown skin girl with short hair and gosh she was gorgeous. "You ready to go babe?" The girl asked as I chuckled opening my book. Gosh, so fucking cliché!

      "I'm not ya girl Eva. And are you sure you don't want to come? Because I would love you to." She softly said as my eyes fluttered to her.

      "No thank you Tish. Have fun." I smiled and looked back down as the girl behind her side eyed me. With that, they left.

Later that night, I was in deep sleep until I heard shuffling around the room. Sitting up , I turned on the lamp and saw a drunk Tish falling to the floor. "I-I'm so sorry roomie." She stumbled over her words as I rolled my eyes. Not trying to sound bitchey but I hope that I don't have to deal with this shit all year. I furrowed my eyes and shook my head as I got up and helped her. I sat her on the bed and began taking off her jacket.

"Damn mama, you want me?" She smirked leaning back on her elbows. She can't be serious right now huh?

"Tish lay down and go to sleep." I backed away to get some Tylenol from my dresser and a bottle of water from the mini fridge on my side. She groaned lowly and laid down as I sat it by her nightstand and turned off the light. This was a great first impression, I must say.

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