You Make Me Wanna...

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A week later.
You make me wanna... by Usher.


     My legs were crossed at the little cafe they have in the school. Different people walked past as I read my current fav with a caramel macchiato. "Hey Blair." A voice interrupted me as I fluttered my eyes to them and smiled.

      "Hi Tami." She sat in the chair next me as her arm landed around my shoulder. We've been talking a lot and I guess you could say I'm attracted to her personality. She just has that charm about her that I can't explain. "I thought you would've finished that book by now shit you're always reading it." She joked as I giggled lowly.

         "It's my fifth time reading it actually." I said as my eyes caught something in its peripheral. Tish and Eva walking in to sit in a table across the room. She looked at Tami then looked at me with a smirk as she shook her head. Eva was obviously talking her ear off but her eyes never left mine. I was trying to focus on what Tami was talking about but damn her eye contact was really throwing me off. She looked me up and down before licking her lips and looking away.

             "Damn you good ma?" Tami asked as I turned my head to her then nodded. "My bad, I was just in deep thought." I lied through my teeth as she gave me an awkward look.

    "But I have a lot of homework so ima head to my room yeah? I'll call you love." I stood up and grabbed my book and coffee walking out of the cafe. My stomach was in knots as I made it to the room and groaned loudly once the door was shut.

      Not to long after me the person I was avoiding walked in. I sat my stuff down to avoid anything being awkward as she walked to her bed chuckling. "And I thought you were straight." She joked making me throw a pillow at her.

          "My sexuality is none of your business Tish." I taunted as she leaned back on her elbows while her legs were gapped. It took everything in me not to stare so I turned around getting some comfortable clothes out for tonight. When I turned back around her eyes met mine for the second time today. "What?!" I asked

     "No you are not staying in tonight. It's Friday and the parties are jumping.. you're coming with me." Her voice full of laughter. Something inside of me was highly convinced. Maybe it was her tone or the look on her face but without argument, I agreed.


     When the night was young, we walked into this party that was indeed jumping. I mean it was your normal college party where people are making out in the yard, some are doing coke on the porch. Regular college tings. Music blasted through the house as Tish lead me to where the drinks were handing me a cup. "I don't drink." I yelled over the music as she furrowed her eyes.

     "Stop being a pussy and drink it Blair. Here, we'll chug one together." She handed me a cup as she had hers and intertwined our arms. Personally I only thought people at weddings did this with cake but Liquor is just gonna have to do tonight. We chugged until the cups were empty as I scrunched up my face. The biter jungle juice went down my throat making me slightly gag. She laughed then picked up another cup giving it to me.

         "If you're trying to get me drunk to fuck me, just say that." I boldly yelled over the music again grabbing the red solo. My body started to feel a little loose as she came to my ear. "I don't have to get you drunk for that mama." She backed away as a smirk danced on her lips. I don't know if it's the alcohol but I bit down on my bottom lip shaking my head. We had that moment where our eyes didn't leave each others and I started to admire her features a lot more than I usually do.

    "Blair?" Looking over at the girl who just said my name a smile danced on my face. "Well I'll be damned. Coulda swore you didn't party." Tami gave me a hug then rested her arm on my waist.

    "My roommate made me so I'm outside tonight." I looked at Tish and boy if looks could kill? Everyone would be laid out. "Wassup." Tami attempted to dap her up but ultimately failed due to Tish being the asshole she is.

         "Anyways. I want to introduce you to some people." The girl removed her arm to grab my hand and pull me away. I looked back to see my roommate engaged in a conversation with someone else.

    The night was on going as I was now tipsy. I mean I've been throwing back more shots then I could handle but after the third one? I started not to give a damn. Tami had went to get more drinks so I sat on the couch and waited. Suddenly, I felt someone sit next to me with urgency. "Tish what's wr-" She cut me off by softly putting her hand around my throat, thumb resting in the middle. "I'll explain later just follow my lead." She quickly said before smashing her lips into mine. At first, I was in complete shock but soon I adjusted to her taste.

        I don't know what's happening but I can guarantee it that I'm enjoying every second. I placed my hand on hers deepening the kiss until finally she pulled away. Looking over, I noticed Eva walking away into the crowd then turned back to her. Is she fucking serious right now?

       "What the hell Tish?!" I pushed her off of me furrowing my eyebrows in anger. She used me as get back and that absolutely hurt my feelings. I am NOT the yellow laffy taffy and I'll be damned if anybody treated me as such.

    "Wait B, lemme ex-" I got up shaking me head as I exited the party completely over the whole night.

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