I Have Nothing.

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4 days later, the winter exhibition.
I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston.

     "Blair hurry, we're gonna be late!" Tami was trying to convince me to get out of the bed as I pulled the covers over my head. "I don't want to gooo, leave me alone." I groaned. A couple of seconds later I felt the covers being pulled off of my body as the cold air hit me. "Tami what the fuck did I s-" I sat up in rage until I noticed it wasn't Tami who pulled the covers off.

           "Momma." She lifted an eyebrow before setting the covers down and sitting next to me. She grabbed my hand and looked at me sympathetically. It's something about being sad and your parent is the only one who can help or understand. "Mina." I looked down sighing.

   "I know it's rough right now...but you deserve to look and feel like a princess tonight. You owe it to yourself to go out tonight and celebrate your accomplishments." I looked at her and nodded. My eyes went back to Tami who had an evil smirk plastered on her face.

        I had taken a shower, did my makeup and got dressed after the conversation. My mom was right. Tonight is about celebrating how far I've come and I owe myself that much. When I put on my clear heels , me and Tami had met in her living room considering she has one of what I'd like to call the rich folk dorm. Tami was fixing her tux and my jaw dropped. It was a white everyday suit and don't get me started on the reptile shoes. "Well I'll be damned Tami." She did a spin laughing lightly while I nodded in approval. She looked amazing. "You look ravishing as well. My lady?" She said in a southern accent holding out her hand for me to take. I took it and did a curtsy while we both giggled. Here goes nothing.


          We arrived at the hotel the Exhibition was and walked into the building with our arms cuffed. It seems like the place was straight out of a magazine. The stuff you only see fancy white people go to for balls. Different sculptures, paintings, instruments, and pictures from students were everywhere. There was just so much talent waiting to be discovered in one room. Students were dressed up in their nicest clothes while professors and teachers looked amazing as well. We seen a picture of Tami playing the guitar as we pointed laughing at the exact moment.

    Dom,Dante,Lyric and Blair were sitting at a table so of course we walked over to them. "Look at y'all! Oh my y'all look fly as hell." I cooed going around for hugs. I actually felt better now that I was here. Being surrounded by people who genuinely care makes me feel so thankful for what I do have.

       "Good evening, students of Howard University. You guys sure know how to clean up nice." The dean, Mrs.Pacheco, spoke into the mic as We clapped for her. "Tonight we are honoring the amazing talents of our University. I couldn't be more proud of how far you all have come in one semester. Let's get this started shall we?" We cheered and clapped as some of the sororities barked and did their calls. Ugh, black people.

The show started as different people performed and presented their talents. We were having such a great time singing and laughing, ooo's and ahhh's bounced off the walls. After a couple of people went, professor Roberts walked to the mic.

"Man y'all folks got some talents, I must say." He started and a screen went down behind him. "This next young lady has stolen my first set of eyes as soon as I seen her work. She created a short film in under a month and even got an internship at Monkeypaw productions. Miss. Blair Hathaway, May you please stand." My eyes widened as I stood up and humbly waved at the crowd around me. The clapping was so overwhelming that I couldn't wait to sit back down.

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