If I Ever Fall In Love Again.

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A week later.
If I Ever Fall In Love Again by Shai.

     My head was stuffed in paper in my last class as my music played to limit distractions. Of course that distraction being Eva. These past few days have been dreadful and difficult but I've been trying to cover it with Doritos, ice cream and sweatpants. I felt like a crackhead going through withdrawal. I missed this girl so much that it was too much to think about but my pride is so high and what she did was disrespectful.

       The class soon came to an end and the only thing I wanted to do was go to the library and read. Just as I was walking out my professor stopped me. Something he seems to do a lot now. "So miss.Hathaway, Monkeypaw has seen your work." He exclaimed with a serious face. My heart raced at the tone of his voice because this could either set me back or set me up for life.

"They wanna give you an internshi-" I screamed before he could even finish. A smile danced on his face watching me jump around like a crazy lady. I could cry because my time is here and man I've worked my ass off for this. "Professor, thank you so much. None of this would be possible without you!" I thanked him as he crossed his arms fixing his glasses.

"No young lady, none of this would be possible without you. Don't forget to thank yourself." He started. "And before you go we're also having our Winter Exhibition in about 3 weeks. Some performances and just some time to talk about and appreciate the different talents here at Howard. I'd expect you to be there." I nodded then shook his hand before walking out of the classroom.

I'm just so happy because it seems I'm always worried about the next chapter of my life without realizing that I'm living right in the middle of it. During transformation, you might feel like everything is falling apart, but in reality, everything is coming together for your highest good. I Finally made it to my favorite destination and I sat down with Acts Of Desperation putting in my headphones.

   My phone began to ring and the number kinda made me smile. After I answered I put the phone to my ear .

"Blairrrr." Dom cooed over the phone causing me to smile.

"Wassup Dom." I crossed my legs on the couch and closed my book. Ever since we first met, she calls me once a day. I'd honestly consider her a friend. "Look you're coming with us tonight. Ill send you the addy." I smacked my lips thinking about the fact that Tish could possibly be there and I'm not ready to see her yet. "I know. Tish... don't let her hold you back from having fun with us tho. So be ready by 7 byeee." I laughed as she hung up the phone. Damn she's so enthusiastic that it kills me.

Play song.

Dom said to be ready by 7 but I left a little later than usual due to me being nervous. I fixed my white spaghetti strapped dress then ruffled my hair walking into the place Dom sent me. Something I've noticed about this friend group is the places they hang out at are so unique and scream natural. When I made it to the patio and table Dante , Basil and Dom were the first people I had seen. A smile plastered on my face as Basil stood up to hug me.

"That dress is totally something I need in my closet." She said while I sat down.

When I did, I finally noticed she was here. She had on a brown sweatshirt with the sweats to match, a gold chain that was tucked in her shirt and the black shades she always wears. Fuck, it was almost impossible to look away. To distract myself from her, I decided to just engage in conversation with the others.

But man I could feel it. That gaze even though I could barely see her eyes and I tried my hardest not to look but when I did, I couldn't look away. Everything about it made me want to whoop her ass then kiss her after. Her eyes went to my dress then back up to my face as I shook my head and continued my conversation.

          "Did you ever hear back from your professor for the internship?" Dante asked and I nodded forming a smile.

   "Yeah I got it ! They should be reaching out soon about when I can start." I exclaimed as they cheered.

        "Congratulations, love. I'm proud of you." Tish softly said. I looked back over at her then gave her a small smile before taking a sip of my drink. "I'll be back you guys." I got up from my chair and went to the bathroom to get myself together. Gosh it feels like her presence is suffocating me.

     I made it to the bathroom and leaned on the counter to get her out of my head. A couple of seconds passed by as the door to bathroom opened and shut. Looking up, it was such a cliché moment in time. She stood there then took off her shades as I turned around. We stood for a moment not knowing what to say. Where to start. The bags under her eyes were so heavy that the only thing I wanted to do was hold her.

      "You- you look beautiful tonight." She simpered. "And congratulations again. I know that's what you've been wishing for."

           I twiddled my thumbs trying to break the eye contact. "Thank you, Letitia." I couldn't take it anymore so I attempted to walk out. Before I could get far, she grabbed my hand as I yanked it away and gave her a bewildered look.

     "I feel your absence in everything I do alone, in every place I go without you. Blair I can't think straight." She started. "Please, don't leave me. give me another chance to show you how much I breathe for you, how much I actually care."

       I chuckled then turned to her. "You knew what you were doing would hurt me but somehow that didn't stop you. So it's a little too late for that now." My voice was low and venomous but she obviously heard what I had to say before I walked out. My night was absolutely ruined as I walked back to my dorm.

    The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong hearted and minded and right now? I'm too weak to forgive. Our memories flashed through my mind as my heart started to make excuses. It said y'all weren't official so go back and get ya girl. But my mind screamed it's about the principle. And that was the moment my mind finally won.

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