Red Light Special.(R)

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3 days later.
Red Light Special by TLC.

     My eyes fluttered open as the sun shined on my face in the hotel bed. Tish decided that we got some 'alone time' plus we were on break so she bought a hotel in Southern California. I looked over at her who slept peacefully. I admired her features. I mean every last one of them. From the way her chest heaved up and down, her soft silky black skin and her long natural lashes. She's so classic that she'll never go out of style.

        "Stop staring at me geek." She said in her light sleepy voice.

   "I was just admiring you, asshole." I chuckled. Her arms pulled me in for cuddles as she laid her head on my chest. It seems like every time she touches me I melt into puddles . We laid there for a while until I tried to get up but failed due to her holding me tight. "Baby, I'm gonna go get us some breakfast from downstairs." I said as she groaned.

         "No Blair just lay with me a little longer o? Don't leave." The clinginess in her voice made my heart speed up and she knew because I felt her smile under me while I lifted an eyebrow. "Okay baby. We'll order food later."

         Once we got ourselves together the day went by fast. It was now 5 pm as we walked to a frozen yogurt place. Tish got mint chocolate while I got strawberry. "Mint chocolate Tish? Really?" I side eyed her while she devoured it like it was her last meal. Damn, the frozen produce shes eating is so lucky. My thoughts drifted elsewhere as she looked at me. Her head tilted slightly while the eye contact got intense quickly.

"I'm already dying to take you right now, don't push me." Her voice was full of lust as I ate a spoonful of froyo.

When we finished our sweets, we walked along a nature trail. We were enjoying each other so much that we didn't even realize where we were going. I spotted a hammock running over to it as she followed behind me. "Oh my gosh I've always wanted one of these." I sat in it admiring the beautiful view around me. Tish got in between my legs as her back laid on my chest. She grabbed her notebook from her bag while a smile danced on my face. I just love the fact that I could tell when she got a hint of inspiration.

She began to write down whatever was on her mind while all I could do was rub her head in serenity. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I mean she had something so special inside of her that it made me cling to everything she was. "Wanna hear it?" She skeptically asked while I nodded.

"It's called Serendipity.

one night a star exploded and it split right in to two
and each part became a person one was me and one was you
we shimmered down to Earth and lived our individual lives but one day serendipity decided we'd collide
your face felt so familiar and every time you spoke
it sounded like a harmony a song I'd always known
it was like you were an ocean that I wanted to explore
but the waves I surfed, the depths I swam I felt I'd swum before
it was just like I knew nothing and yet everything as well
as if me getting to know you helped me get to know myself
I think the universe intended and had planned it all along
to return me to your ocean to your face and to your song
My only question for you, the answer could make or break my whole world
Blair Mina Hathaway.. could you please be my girl?

It was silent for a moment while my breath hitched in my chest. 7 months ago, we walked into each others lives. Not having a clue that fate brought us together for a reason. She looked at me with hope and a twinkle in her eyes. "Letitia Michelle, I would be honored to be yours." I softly said while she danced around making the hammock swing side to side.

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