I'll Be There For You.

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3 months later.
I'll Be There For You/ You're All I Need by Method Man

         I walked into work in a yellow sundress ready for what the day May bring. We were working on a new movie and I was super excited hence I get to meet THE Jordan Peele. We sat down at a table and talked finances,management, marketing etc. I was too excited but I had to have decorum sadly. It was such a great distraction from the lingering negative thoughts that stray around like an annoying fly.

          When we finished the day, I was ready to go to my room and work on extra assignments. Usually whenever we get inside the industry most just stop taking classes but I loved the school so much plus I'll have hella credentials by the time I'm finished.  The beautiful California sun shines on my skin as I walked past the same spot Tish took me when I first heard her poetry. A smile danced on my lips while the lingering feeling of missing her came along. It's been about 2 weeks since we've talked but I understand because she's working.

       When I made it in my dorm I dropped down on my bed. Gosh I've been so tired lately that it's driving me insane. Between school and work I've been trying to find space to rest but right now I can't. My phone began to rang as I smiled at the caller id. "Hi asshole." I said after picking up the phone.

       "Hi geek. I- woo I'm tired. I miss you. I had to sneak away to give you a call ." She was out a breath causing me to chuckle. "I miss you too. How's filming ?" I asked kicking off my shoes and putting her on speaker to get comfortable. Gosh, I miss this girl so much but I'm glad she's doing what she loves. Ever since we met, that's been her only goal and she's finally there.

       "It's tiring and I'm hungry but I'm enjoying it. How's your job going, Ms.Producer."I smiled at the fact that she cared enough to ask even though her thoughtfulness is nothing new. "Oh baby it's great! I got to meet Kate Oh and she's amazing! I've learned so much fr-" I was cut off.
       "Wait I'm sorry mama, I have to go back to filming. I just wanted to say I missed you but I'll be in town next week so in the mean time, keep holding me down."Letitia sighed over the phone as I felt a bit of sadness. It's been the same thing since she started filming and since I've started working. We barely even have time for each other and the distance is getting bad. At least I know we're both trying. "Oh..okay well I'll talk to you later. Be safe." The line went dead as I ruffled my hair in loneliness. In knowing that there was going to be days and weeks like this but sadly it's been 3 months.

         After a good shower and some relaxing, I picked up my phone and did my daily scroll. I'm not on it much but today I decided to see what was happening in the world. I seen photos of my different friends from home until I seen something that made me stop on my tracks. I read the headline of the shade rooms post stating "New upcoming actress Letitia Wright having good time in club." My blood was boiling as I seen my woman and another hugged up on each other.

          My eyes are deceiving me right? There's no possibility that she would be all over some girl knowing that she has me,humbly of course. I sat my phone down and stared at the wall in deep thought. Lord knows I was trying not to overthink but damn I couldn't help it. Picking back up my phone I decided to send her a text message.

    Me: hope you had fun tonight! :)

      I turned off my phone and went to sleep with so many different emotions.

Play song.

          The days flew by as it was now time for her to arrive. Of course I was hella excited but I knew that we had to have that conversation about what happened last week. I waited in front of the school in a white pixie dress with brown sandals twiddling my thumbs. Soon, a black car rolled up and boy she looked amazing without trying. She had on this satin yellow button up set that complimented her so well. Shit it was almost impossible to be mad when I seen her.

       "Hi geek." She walked up to me while her hands cupped my face. She laid a soft kiss on my forehead as I melted in her touch. My eyes closed and I soon felt her lips come to mine, just as soft as I remember. When we pulled away I smiled looking in her face. "Hi asshole." She blushed pulling me in for a long hug.

      We were walking downtown stopping by some of our favorite places. You know the book store,record shop and that random cafe? Those places. We were having conversation but something felt off. It most definitely wasn't her because honestly I knew it was me. She stopped walking and turned to look at me.

        "Get it off your head, Blair." She stated reading through me. I twiddled my thumbs looking at her not even knowing where to start. "This whole little thing that's going around on the internet is fucking with me. It's the fact that we already don't talk much as is and I know you wanted to 'decompress' and let loose but damn Tish. We talk every three business days but you can be hugged up with some random at a club?" I tried not to sound insecure and overly sensitive. She grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers looking so deep into my eyes with a gaze that was impossible to break.

          "I apologize okay? Very very deeply because you are important to me. I don't ever want you to feel like I'm pushing you to the side and admittedly I have been. So let me make it up to you..please?" Her voice had sincerity in it. The healthiness of this relationship brought a blush to my face as I nodded. "Now bring yo jealous ass here, o?" I laughed as she pulled me in for a kiss while one of my hands went to her waist and hers went to my ass.

We ended up walking to one of Cali's many beaches to sit in the sand and enjoy each other's company. We had a pizza and some wine considering she was old enough to buy it just chilling with our feet in the sand. "So you eat pineapple on your pizza and IM the weird one?" Tish leaned back while I snapped my head at her.

   "It's the best thing I've ever tasted so don't do too much. You literally eat pickles with your Mac and Cheese." I spat back as she laughed pushing me softly. Her eyes closed letting the sun wash over her while I watched every second of it. I missed everything about this girl and it made me smile to just be in her presence. A couple of moments later she took started to unbutton her shirt. My eyes widened as she looked at me. "Gosh if you wanted to have sex that bad you shoul-" she cut me off.

"Shut up, take off your clothes and get in the water with me mama." Her shirt dropped to the ground revealing her black shimmel as I laughed. She's not serious right? I mean yeah no one's here so I decided to attempt to undo my dress. She got up and came behind me untying it. Her fingertips rubbed my back causing shivers to hit my spine. The dress dropped to the sand as we stood there for a moment taking everything in. I love this g-

      In an instant I was being picked up from behind and being carried into the sea water. "LETITIA MICHELLE!" I laughed as she threw me in. Luckily I closed my eyes because that would've been here ass. Once I got myself together I heard her laughing her ass off while I glared at her. "Oh that's funny? You laughing and cackling?" She was backing away putting her hands up in surrender as I got up walking towards her. "Wait bab-" I started to run after her and she booked it. The girl was so damn fast that it almost seemed impossible to catch her ass.

I finally got her jumping on her back as she spun us around. My inner child felt a sense of healing. A sense of peace that she was looking for and it felt beautiful. In the water, I got off her back and wrapped my hands around her from behind placing one of my hands on her chest. I felt that same beating from the art museum as I closed my eyes.

"I love you Blair.. with all that I am, I love you." My eyes closed laying my chin on her shoulder.

"I love you more Letitia. Forever and always." I replied.

Cliché. (𝓛𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓽𝓲𝓪 𝓦𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora