Where I Wanna Be.

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6 days later.
Where I Wanna Be by Donnell Jones.

     "I just used a recording from your poetry and some of our videos from my camera then boom, my project. He says he's gonna get back to me in a few days about it and im so nervous." I rambled to Tish as she rubbed my leg with oil while we sat on her bed. She nodded in understanding.

        "Well babygirl, you got this. What's meant to be will be and if they deny you, which they won't, then I'll go up there and flip shit over." I laughed lightly pushing her then grabbed my Doritos off the dresser. We've just been sitting here talking until her phone began to ring. She wiped her hands then picked up.

          "Yes, this is she... I wh-.. okay thank you so much. Oh thank you." She hung up then threw her phone on the bed then paced back and forth. Her eyes started to tear up as I got up in worry. "Hey you okay?" I grabbed her hand as she looked at me with a face I couldn't read. It was silent until she broke it.

   "Blair..I got the rol-" before she could even finish I screamed out in happiness. She got the fucking role! "YOURE GONNA BE IN A MARVEL MOVIE!?! OH TISH IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She pulled me in for a hug as she cried.

      I knew the reason behind her tears. She's been dreaming about this since she was a child. Acting out movies since the age of 9, working hard, auditioning for different films and getting rejected. She's crying because her dreams are finally coming true and I couldn't be more proud of her. I pulled away and cupped her cheeks taking a look into those deep brown eyes.

        "I am so so proud of you, Letitia." I sincerely said as she looked down then back at me. I can tell by the look on her face that there was something else.

    "I leave in a month.." She lowly said as I closed my eyes. I felt my heart drop out my chest but I kept it together. This is her moment and I refuse to let my attachment to her ruin it. "Hey that's amazing. This is amazing alright? Let's go celebrate because my asshole is about to be on the big screen." I chimed then laid a kiss on her forehead. A bright smile danced on her face while I wiped her tears with the pad of my thumbs.


        "Cheers to my girl Titia!" We lifted the red solo cups cheering then downed the brown Crown Royal as I scrunched up my face. We were at this small house party just to have a great time and celebrate. Letitia put her arm around my waist while I melted at her touch.

         "Dante and Lyric, I appreciate y'all for dealing with me and Dom, thank you for being such a great friend. And Blair, thank you for supporting me." She looked at them then at me. "I love y'all so much." She softly said pulling me closer to her. Those words made me feel alive. Like butterflies fluttering around my body.

   "You welcome man. Just don't forget about us when you get big. That head already big as hell." Dom joked causing her to laugh. Everything was fine until I seen Eva walk in with some of her friends. Damn it feels like I haven't seen her in forever. I decided to mind my business and continue to have a good time.

Play song.

     We all stood around conversing and dancing for a couple of hours. "Hey I'll be back, y'all." Tish kissed my cheek as I watched her walk away. When I turned back around Basil smirked at me causing me to smack my lips. For Basil to be the calm one, she sure does get amped whenever there's liquor in her system. "What Basil?" She held her hands up in surrender laughing.

        "You need to make her yours before she leaves." Basil exclaimed over the music. I took a sip of my drink thinking about that possibility. It wouldn't be a reach right? Yes, we've talked about having a relationship and I wouldn't mind being with her but I don't know the right time to ask. All I know is, Basil is right.

    Thirty minutes had passed and Letitia still hasn't came back. I started to worry so I finished my drink and went over to Dom. "Hey I'm about to go look for T, I'll be back." She nodded in understanding as I went around the house. I searched in the crowed and I even looked outside but she was nowhere to be found.

      When I got back in the house , I went upstairs to search the bathrooms.I mean I looked in every room but I didn't find her. Damn did she leave? Pulling out my phone I decided to call her. At first it went to voicemail so I dialed her number again successfully hearing it go through. There was a ringing in a room down the hall that I obviously forgot to search. Walking to the door, I opened it.

      "Baby you in her-" I turned on the light and gasped at the sight in front of me. Eva on top of her shirtless in a steamy make out session. Tish pushed her off with wide eyes as I stood there in disbelief.

     I thought we had something. I thought we were building something so profound and beautiful. But hey, nothing's forever right? "Baby, wait." She got up walking towards me but I had nothing to say. I backed up and headed out of the house to get as far away as I could. Walking past Dominique she tried to stop me but I couldn't bare to even speak at the moment.

      Once I made it out the house I finally felt the tears running down my face. My feelings were so hurt. I mean it was like someone took out my heart and stepped on it. I was walking until I heard someone call my name. Already knowing who it was I didn't even turn around. She finally caught up to me and grabbed my arm as I yanked it away.

        "Blair let me explain myself." I stopped then turned around furrowing my eyes.

    "Letitia, explain fucking what?! Huh? Yo-" I paused.

    "You know what. I'm not even fucking hurt, I'm disappointed. I just knew that this. Us? It was too good to be true." My voice cracked as she looked at me with guilt.

         "You're the first person I've given myself to. The first person I fell for so damn deeply that it hurts so good. There's is nothing to explain Letitia because it's my fault. My mistake was making you a priority when I was your second choice this whole time." I shook my head as she took a step closer grabbing my hand.

     "No no baby you were never my second choice. I just..I still-." I pulled my hand back at the realization. I couldn't help but let my tears completely fall because my heart was in pieces. She's still in love with her and by the look on her face? I could already tell. "Goodbye, Letitia." And with that I walked away.

    I couldn't stand to even be in her presence. "Blair please!" Was the last thing I heard her say.

      Walking back to campus, I got some of my belongings from my dorm and went to the only person I knew could take me in right now. When I made it to her dorm, I knocked until she answered. She rubbed her eyes then looked at me.

      "Blair? It's 3 in the morning wh-" She paused as I began to silently cry. She pulled me inside and wrapped me in her arms. It was too much.. it was all just too much.

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