Love./ Epilogue.

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2 days later.
Love by Musiq Soulchild .
(Slightly rated R)

Play song.

     "So does he die or not?" Tish asked looking up at me since her head was in my lap. I closed the book setting it down and shrugged already knowing the answer. "I guess we'll never knowwww." Smirking at her, she groaned loudly in frustration. We were in another suite to just get away from world and reconnect to each other since it's been so long. I rubbed her head and just gazed in her beauty. Something I do every single chance I get. Just as I was looking at her she took in her bottom lip causing me to shake my head. Gosh, she does this shit so easily.

      "I like when you look at me." She softly said sitting up.

     Letitia's eyes roamed all over my face causing the pressure in the room to build up. "I love being able to know exactly what you want by looking in those eyes." It felt like she was touching me with no physical contact and it was driving me crazy. We don't have sex much but when we do it feels like everything in the world disappears.

    "Stand up." Letitia demanded and I obeyed by getting out of the bed in her t-shirt and shorts. She went to the edge of the bed and leaned back on her elbows. "Take off your shirt." Her voice was so damn smooth as my hands went to the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head. Her eyes went to my bare chest shaking her head.

         "Take off your shor-" she was interrupted by her phone ringing. Tish groaned loudly then reached for her phone silencing it. Whenever she looked back up my shorts were already off. Call me desperate but I was impatient as hell. I breathed out in frustration as she smirked signaling me to come here with her hand. I walked over and straddled her while those veiny hands went to my waist and My lips crashed into hers .


             Later that night, She slept peacefully and I was on the verge of doing the same. The tv played House Party as my eyes began to close for slumber until I heard vibrating. Brushing it off, I close my eyes but it wouldn't stop. It was coming from her phone. I reached for it to put it on dnd until her screen came on. The messages at the bottom made me wish I fell asleep.

I wish u were here

It'll be ready whenever you get home.

Why are you not answering?

I froze putting the phone down not knowing how to approach the situation. A part of me wanted to slap the hell out of her but the delusional part of me wanted to pretend like I didn't see it. Sitting upright, she began to move around in her sleep. I closed my eyes chuckling to control the anger I felt.

"What's wrong baby?" She said in a sleepy voice. I rubbed my hands together to not overthink and just simply ask her about it. "Um your phone kept vibrating so I put it on dnd. But the messages at the bottom, who the hell is that Letitia?" I turned around to look at her as it was silent for a couple of moments.

She had nothing to say and that blew the fuck out of me. "Um.." She trailed off which was enough for me to get out of bed.

This can't be real right? There's no possibility that she would do that to me.. to us? It's so fucking Cliché for her and I should've known when I seen her with Eva. I didn't want to do anything but go home. Not to my dorm but to my actual home. "Blair wait let me ex-"

"Letitia at this point there's nothing to explain. These trashy ass excuses are getting OLD and I don't have time for it." I was getting my stuff out of the bathroom and she followed right behind me. "Blair it's not like that stop acting so insecure!" I froze feeling my eyes sting. They wanted to fall so bad but my pride wouldn't let them. I turned around as she stood there with a guilty look on her face.

Lord knows I don't mean what I'm about to say but I have to protect myself from the pain that'll come if I stay. "Maybe w-we shouldn't be together." She shook her head no walking up to me as I backed away.

"Blair I'm sorry! you-.. you know you don't mean that." Her voice cracked. I shrugged looking down as they finally fell to the ground. The inside of me was like a thunderstorm. Winds blowing every which way and rain pouring. "Letitia I trusted you with everything. Maybe we just.. maybe it's just right person wrong time." She closed her eyes in response as I finished getting my things and walked past her.

I know she loves me. Without question. But I also know deep down inside that we went into this so blind that neither of us were ready. It was like music to my ears to know someone cared so much but sadly I had a feeling deep down in my stomach that this wasn't going to work no matter how bad I wanted it to. I sniffled as I zipped up my bag,getting up and walking to the door. "Baby wait." She walked up to me once again and I knew her eyes were on me but I couldn't bare to look at hers.

"Tell me what I can do to make you stay. What I can say, so you won't leave. Just look me in my eyes and tell me that w-we shouldn't be together." Her voice was more of a sob and that was enough to make mine fall to the ground.

I placed a hand on her cheek and finally looked into those ocean eyes. "We can't be together. You go out there and you take over the world Tish. I wish you nothing but the best." I removed my hand and walked out of the door before I changed my mind. I silently cried, Not knowing this was the last time I'd ever see her again.

8 months later.

"Blair just let me move in with you, I'll sleep in the tub." Tami begged as I put the last box down inside of my apartment. I laughed then shook my head. Time flew by and I've been doing a lot of work to chase my dreams. At the moment, it's the only thing that matters to me. Monkey Paw gave me a promotion and in about a year or two I'll have my own production company. "I'm proud of you Blair." I looked at Tami and smiled lowly before pulling her into a hug. The first one I've given someone in months.

"Woah cold hearted Blair gave me a hug? I'm gonna remember this forever." I smacked my lips and pulled away chuckling.

"Oh please T, I'm not cold hearted." I dryly said opening one of the boxes. "I just turned my emotions off. I got shit to do." She sat down on the floor looking out of the window.

It was time for me to get myself together and live my life. I couldn't let what happened I'm the past affect me so I decided to work harder and stay focused. It's so funny isn't it? How much of one moment can affect someone so deeply. How one interaction can impact the next couple of years of my life. Little did I know that in the next two years.. it was going to completely change all over again.

How fucking Cliché.

Thank you for reading and rocking with me. I love y'all. Until next time

— C. <3

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