I; Dying was all part of the plan

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Dan took a small breath, looking around.

He gripped a pink umbrella, eyes focused on the ground, biting his lip.

He didn't know what to do then, because the only thing he could hear was the patter of the rain and the calming voice of Ed Sheeran floating through his ears. He approached an alley, not moving his stare from the rock incase something were to happen. "Hey, flowerboy." Sneered a voice, and Dan froze, reaching up to adjust his flowercrown almost in terror.

His heart pounded, he could hear it racing in his ears, and he could feel nervous energy rushing off himself. 'My god," He thought, 'This is how I die.'

The shadowy figure came out, and Dan whipped his umbrella in the way of him, hearing a sharp snap and an 'Ow!'

He laughed, because if he died there, he'd have this memory. He laughed, until he couldn't breathe and his head was achy, and he felt dizzy all in all. "It's not that funny." Shouted the figure, now suddenly recognizable to Dan's eyes. Black hair, part of it dyed a bright blue. Matching blue eyes, and tattoos that made him seem uneasy.

He looked like the kind of people Dan had been warned about as a child. Dan, brown hair flicking in his face, shook his head. His hair was curling slightly now. "It totally is." He grinned, puffing out his chest. He was so ready to die there

Suddenly, Dan was pinned against a wall, hot air on his ear. "I'm not really sure it is." He closed his eyes, and waited until there was only rain on his neck, and hands on his wrists had dropped.

The boy in front of him smirked, and Dan huffed. "Asshole, you should probably get back home."

"Same goes for you, prude."

Dan took that as the last straw, and narrowed his eyes. "I'm sorry?" He spat, and the other boy raised his hands innocently.

"Prude. Sheltered." The black haired boy scoffed, "Are you deaf too?"

"Woah woah, back up!" Dan yelled, "I'm not a prude!" He raised his hand.

"You sound too posh." The punk-like boy snickered, and immediately felt a force across his face. "Did you just-"

Anger. Anger.

Suddenly Dan couldn't breathe, and there was so much anger in the boy's face that he turned immediately, running.

"Wait!" Yelled the boy, and Dan kept running, not even letting himself stop to breath.

The moment he got home, he took a long shower and collapsed on his bed, hands covering his face.


aye hi this is also for pastelphaaan but ty all you weirdos for reading it aswell.


{edit; hello! i see you're reading my horrendous story, and if you see some error, please point it out. I'm in the process of checking this story out ((even though gosh the plot is so cringe-y and i want to rewrite it)) just for the errors, so <3!!}

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