III; Coffee is good for the soul

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Dan, tired from working at the stupid perfume shop, headed to a coffee shop. He needed something to keep himself awake, and he was going to see if coffee could help. Not something fancy from Starbucks, because they didn't have many of those around, but probably a quick and simple drink from the place downtown, which kind of reminded him of an Old Inn.

'Richie's Coffee' was the name, in gold letters on a white sign above the store. It was various colours of red bricks, with the words' 'Richie's rich coffee' written on the windows.

It sounded lame, but Dan absolutely loved the place, and especially wanted to see his friend Hailey. She was loud and funny, but one of the kindest people he knew.

Another thing about Richie's was the murals inside, all painted by hand. None other than by Hailey herself, who was the best artist he knew. The people had brilliant expressions, and made Dan appreciate art alot more than he had before meeting Hailey.

But inside, when he got there, he turned to leave. Oh god, it was him. Not in a complete bad way, but it seemed the punk boy was stalking him. "Dan!" Hailey called over with a smile, attracting Phil's attention, who rolled his eyes. He seemed grumpy as usual, and Dan, with a huff, strolled right past him and over to Hailey.

 "Hey loser," He joked, leaning on the counter. "My usual."

 "Please, bitch." She flicked her hand, and he almost laughed aloud.

Gosh, this was why they were friends. Although when she left, the unbearable silence began, as the Punk stared awkwardly at him. Dan had decided, until he knew the guy's name, he was Punk. Punk seemed like a reasonable name to describe his appearance anyways.

"So we meet again." Punk said, in that awfully venom sweet tone he had, with his voice almost rasping. Dan could have said it was hot, but he wasn't going to think of Punk like that. He kinda scared Dan, to be honest. 

"Yeah, asshole, we meet again." Dan scoffed, and stared at the counter. 

"God," Punk said, laughing, "You're awfully rude for a posh." "Posh is an adjective."Dan snapped, "Not a fucking noun, you twat."

"What the hell have I walked into? Lovebirds?" Hailey joked as she set down Dan's cup, and he grabbed it immediately, smiling at Hailey. 

"Nah, you've walked into Punk here not knowing the difference between adjectives and nouns." Punk smirked at Dan, and leaned back slightly.

"Pet names now? Wow, I didn't know we were that close." Punk teased, and Dan slammed his hand on the counter.

 "Tell me your goddamn name and I won't have petnames!" He growled, and Hailey jerked backwards, surprised by her friend's tone.

Punk stood up, and gave Hailey a small smile. "Coffee, regular." She was off then. "I'm Phil." He added to Dan, and leaned against the counter.

"Phil sounds more posh than Dan."

 "Fuck you." Phil laughed, and for once, Dan laughed along. Oh how the tables had turned. Five minutes ago, they were angry as hell, and now they seemed like friends to everyone. Like they had known eachother for years.

But that was funny, because they didn't even know each other's names until today. They might have died not knowing each other, and god, that would have ruined everything that life had in store for them.


Two updates in a day, I'm oN a RoLL


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