XIX; He would never be ready to let go

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Two weeks after, they attended the funeral. Dan seemed to stare right through everything, brown eyes still lost in thought, still lost in the reality Hailey was alive.

The funeral was short, people cried. Death was a terrible thing, Hailey was the best thing that happened to him other than Phil. Now he wasn't sure he was ready to face either; Hailey's laugh was stuck in his mind when he talked to Phil. Her face scrunched up when she stuck her finger in his coffee. Her laugh when he threw it on Phil. Her stupid jokes and ideas.

He was going to miss every piece of her.

He was going to miss her more than he could fathom. He wanted to scream. He wanted to yell until his throat was raw and his eyes were bloodshot. He wasn't ready to let her go.


these are short bc they're leading to the epilogue next chapter!!!

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