II; I don't want to die

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Sitting at his kitchen table, Dan tapped his pen along the crossword. He had planned to finish it, but ended up drawing a long vine of flowers instead. His parents had always supported his learning, and even when he was in college, becoming some stupid lawyer. It was summer, though, so college was merely a thought in a filled head.

Filled with that boy from last night. Damn it, he could have died, but the adrenaline was pumping in his chest.

Maybe he'd see him someday, Dan tended to think, sipping a mug of tea as he turned to the clock. An hour before work. He should have started to get ready, and he did, because fuck, he was bored.

Stepping out of the door, half an hour later, Dan began walking to work. He was excited, slightly, and he didn't even know why. It just seemed like a happy day.

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