V; Sleeping is dangerous now

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Phil was quiet while they walked, once and a while falling back to take a phone call. They usually consisted of quiet, angry whispers. While Dan stopped to wait for him, and Phil narrowed his eyes and motioned ahead.

Something was different when Phil headed back to Dan, and this time without his phone. Dan looked behind him, the small phone shattered into a million pieces. Before he could get a good look, he was tugged along by Phil. "Let's go." Phil muttered, and opened the door to a house when they reached one.

"Phil, hey!" Yelled a voice, and Dan shrunk back. The voice belonged to a man slightly taller than Phil, with red hair and lip piercings, and tattoos curling around his upper arm. "Who's the hot-"

"His name is Dan, and fucking get out of my house, Liam." Phil snapped, and Dan shrunk back again, suddenly right next to Phil, shaking. Liam grinned, gave Dan a small wink, and sauntered out the door.

"Holy shit, sorry." Phil cursed, and went to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with a mug. "Green tea, it helps with calming your nerves." He smiled hesitantly, "Anger, too. That's why I have some."

Dan took the mug and slowly took a sip, while Phil sighed. "You can sleep in my bed, or on the couch. Both are comfy as heck." Dan nodded quietly, hands in his pockets. 

"Got it. Uhm," He reached for his flower crown, taking it off and putting it on the table in front of the couch. "Not to be rude, but do you have any movies we could watch?" He suggested with a small smile.

Phil looked over at a rack of movies, and nodded. 

"What kind?" 

Immediately, Dan had sprung up and pulled out The Outsiders, grinning. "This! This!" It had almost surprised Phil how fast the other boy had done that, and he nodded. "The DVD player's right there. Want any popcorn?" He asked, and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Please." Dan replied, and so they set off, watching a dorky movie, side by side.

Who knew what would happen next? Not even they knew.


hiya, yet again a warm thank you to my friend hailey for this!!!!

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