Chapter 1 - Local Workaholic

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Holding a picture of the Zoldyck estate to his face, he made his way across the paved crosswalks, wearing his old leg-lengthened trench coat. It was cold season, so he decided to wear a white long-sleeved turtleneck right under it. People were giving him looks as he walked across the street, but he didn't mind. Maybe it was because he looked like he was about to pass out, it's nothing coffee cant fix though!

He entered his all time favorite, Hunters corner. It was a coffee shop specifically made under the request of the Hunter organization, discounted coffee was there for any members available. Gon was down for some cheap coffee, so he loved visiting here every now and then.

Approaching the counter, he was greeted by the man who usually took his orders.
"Mornin' Gon! The usual?"
"Mhm... the usual."
He had white hair, alike to snow. Gon always wondered what it felt like, must be nice to touch. He smiled at the barista and left to take a seat near the window, he needed the sunlight after all. Taking the same picture he looked at earlier, he placed it on the table and observed it closely. The picture was old, so he believed the estate looked nothing like this as of the moment. According to the files, the family abandoned the home after the murder of Killua Zoldyck— how pitiful.
"Heres your order Gon!" The barista happily said, putting down Gons coffee in front of him. "Thanks." The barista took a peek at what Gon was looking at, and his eyes instantly lit up.
     "Isn't that the Zoldyck estate? It's so pretty..."
     "You know about it?"
"Of course I do! I'm a master at locations remember?"
Gon looked up at the proud barista in surprise, the world must be in his favor right now.
"Well... 'master of locations', where can I find this place?"
"Woah straight to the point, okay so..."
He began to give Gon small details of where the place was located. It was somewhere near the very top of Kukuroo mountain, it was huge so Gon probably wont miss it— even if its in ruins.

As the barista was going on and on about the Zoldycks, Gon listened with interest. By the time the man stopped talking, Gon had already finished his cup of coffee. "Thank you, i'll make sure to remember that information." Gon said, wiping his mouth with the table cloth. "O-oh... You're welcome! Im surprised you actually listened..." The barista laughed. "Mm... i'll get going now, heres the money." Gon smiled, gently shoving 1.45 and an extra twenty dollar bill into his arms. "G— sir! This is too much! The coffee is only 1.45–" He called, trying to stop Gon from leaving the shop. "Take the extra as a thank you for the information." Gon chuckled, closing the door. The barista stood there in shock before softly smiling. "That guy, honestly..."

Now that he had his morning coffee, it was time for work. He first went back to the office to get things he'd need, like a few more pictures, information written on notepads, and... a gun— for you know, safety measures. Slicking his hair back, he calmly put all he needed into a brief case, it made him look pretty scary yeah but it would fend off any drunkards in the alleyways.

"Whats up detective! Aren't you gonna wear a hat with that outfit? It would really complete the look."

"Leorio, I don't have time for these jokes right now. Save them for later so I can laugh at how unfunny you are."

"Rude... but alright."

Gon gave his buddy a pat on the shoulder before brushing past him and leaving the office. He greeted everyone on his way out, but most of them ignored his kind gesture. "Hm... the consequences of my own actions I suppose." He shrugged. He pushed against the door and left the building with high spirits. This was the first time he actually had the chance to go to one of the crime scenes from this case. Going alone to abandoned places is never a good idea but Gon has done it way too many times, he was given permission to shoot anything and anyone hostile anyway... if something were to get in his way of work he wouldn't hesitate. Its pretty brutal if you ask me.

He waited on the side walk for a taxi, and one came eventually. "Good day sir! Where to?"
"Kukuroo mountain." The driver was silent for a while, then turned their head to face Gon. "Im sorry, kukuroo mountain...? What kind of insane person are you to request such a place." The driver laughed. "I'm a deadbeat detective dedicated to his work, don't expect the least from me." Gon smiled, resting his arm on the car door. The driver thought he was joking for a moment, but the second they realized he wasn't, they gulped and turned their head back onto the road. "Fine, but I'll only drop you off halfway to the top. You'll have to hike if you want to go further."
"Thats better than nothing."

The driver sighed and turned on the radio, shakily placing their hands on the steering wheel. As the car began to move forward, Gon took the time to relax and sleep for a little while. The ride was a long one, and the radio this time of the day was always such a boring topic. His eyelids began to close, and his shoulders lose its tenseness. About time he got some rest.

. . .

"Sir, we're... we're here." The driver nervously murmured. Gon blinked himself awake. "Ah... thanks." He dropped a fifty in the mans hands and got out of the taxi, slightly bowing at the driver as a sign of thanks. Though, the driver didn't seem to notice because they immediately drove off after Gon got out. "Is this place really that scary to them?"

He sighed and began walking up. If it weren't for any special training, he would probably die trying to get to the top. He took out the four pictures he picked up from the office and observed the appearance of every structure, he had a good eye for anything so he can easily recognize if a ruin was the exact of what was in the picture. "This will be easy." He smiled.

Shoving the pictures in his trench coat, he continued the walk up the mountain with a giddy feeling.

(1085 Words)
A/N: Not as long as my usual chapters ik but I need to save the rest of his journey for the next chap so uhm yeahhh🤧

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