Chapter 8 - Tell Me About Yourself

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Gon opened the blinds of his hotel room as his alarm rung from behind him.  "Ugh... stupid clocks." He slammed a hand onto the morning alarm rather aggressively, causing it to fall off the nightstand and break. "Oops..."
He huffed as he buttoned his shirt, he really needs his morning coffee. After he was all dressed and ready, he took his wallet and keys, stuffing them into his coat pockets.

"I wonder if I should order something new today..." he mumbled, exiting the room.

. . .

Killua was just wiping up the counter when he heard the bell hovering above the door ring.
     "Welcome to Kuro Cafe! How may I— Oh, its you."
     "Whats with that tone?"
Killua playfully rolled his eyes as the man approached the counter. "I'll have something sweet this time, can you do that for me ki'?" He smiled, leaning forward. "Yeah yeah, go sit down." Killua sighed. "Thank you!" Gon said with enthusiasm, drastically extending the 'u'.

"Zushi, Could you make one cream coff?" Killua asked, turning towards his barista buddy who was standing right next to him. Zushi didn't respond, he just stood there with his mouth open.
     "Hello? Earth to Zushi? Sushiiii?"
     "O-oh— sorry man, I never knew you two got so close!"
     "What are you on about?"
     "You and Gon! I remember like a month ago you were terrified of him—"
     "Times change. Now go make that coffee."
Zushi chuckled before making his way to the coffee machine. "About time you made some friends."

Gon sat at his regular table, tapping his fingers on its hard wood to the beat of his favorite song. A few more minutes pass by, and Killua was seen approaching Gon with his order in hand. "Here's your drink 'Sir'." He huffed, placing the coffee down. "Why thank you, you fine gentleman."
"PFT— ehem, you're welcome." They shared a short laugh before Killua went back to doing his shift, glancing at his friend every now and then.

"He's a real eye catcher ain't he?" Zushi cooed.
"...I suppose so."

Zushi blinked, not expecting to hear Killua mutter those words. "Woah there bud, you're looking at him a little too much." He whispered, nudging Killuas shoulder. "Huh? Oh, uhm, sorry." He cleared his throat, resuming his job to serve the customers. "Mhm... suspicious." Zushi smirked, rubbing his chin mischievously.
Killua shivered as he felt Zushis frisky gaze stab him in the back, "Don't get any weird ideas man..." He said, turning his head towards the barista, eyes narrowed.

An hour passes by, and Gon was still sitting at his table. He glanced from the scenery outside, to the employees serving customers with smiles on their faces. He thought to himself, 'What can I do to be around Killua more?'. He wouldn't want to let a perfect opportunity pass by, and right now, he sees one taped onto the wall. A poster with two words that gave him a hint of curiosity and excitement.

'Now Hiring'

He smiled to himself as he read the description from afar. Apparently, the cafe was short on staff, because a bunch left for educational purposes. So, the way he sees it, whats better than working at the same place Killua works at? Its perfect isn't it. Taking this opportunity would mean he could be with Killua for almost the entire day. "This is great, I can finally dig up something new..." he whispered to himself.

"Dig up what?"

Gon flinched at the voice and snapped his head in its direction. "Woah Gon! Whats with the fright?" Killua said surprised. "Ah... sorry Killua! You scared me there haha..." Gon laughed. "Oh, apologies. Say, what did you mean by 'Dig up'?"
"Oh it's nothing, ignore I said that." He murmured, stirring his spoon in his empty coffee mug. 
    "Alright...? That aside, I saw you looking at our poster."
    "Hm? Oh, that one? Yeah..."
    "Please don't tell me you're planning to— work here..."
Gon glanced at him for a moment before giving him an impish smile . "You are, aren't you." Killua sighed. "Correct." Gon grinned. Killua huffed, but then again, it would be nice to have more familiar company around. According to Killua, he feels more at ease with Gon, even after all these death threat situations.

"So, when will I be able to sign?" Gon asked, getting up from his seat. "Applications start in a few minutes, so you don't have to wait long." Killua shrugged. "Oh! In that case, how about we sit here and chat while waiting?" Gon smiled, sitting back down.
Killua blinked, but decided to sit down on the chair opposite to Gon. "You actually agreed— don't you have like, a shift to finish?" Gon coughed.
     "Do you want to talk or not?"
     "Ah— no no, lets talk."
     "So, did you want to say anything?"
     "Nothing specific, I just want to know more about you."
     "Tell me about your hobbies! Do you like arts? Or maybe engineering?"
Killua was taken back by the reason. He was used to friends asking him these questions, word for word even, but when Gon asks— it feels... different. Was Gon that different contrasted to the people around him? Not really. So why did Killua view Gon as a separate individual whilst every one else stayed neutral? Thats a question he's been asking himself.

They exchanged fun facts about themselves till it hit twelve noon. "Alright, lunch break!" Zushi cheered. "Wha— its lunch break already...?" Killua murmured, taking a look at his watch. "I guess we lost track of time, after I go sign that employment, we could go somewhere for lunch! If you're okay with that, of course."
"I never knew you were so clingy, Mr. Mysterious." Killua joked. "Oh shut up... is that a yes?" Gon smiled. "...yes."
"Alright! I'll go sign real quick, wait for me outside will ya?" Gon said excitedly, rushing to the counter to get the papers filled. "He's always full of life isn't he?" Killua said to himself, a warm smile creeping up on his face.

He took his apron off and gently set it on the rack behind the counter. He then made his way outside and waited for Gon there. He had to admit, he wanted to know more about Gon as well. Gon somehow nudged his way into Killuas life, so he didn't quite get to know him better. Sure, Killua knows Gons character, but he doesn't quite understand him. "What a confusing man..."

"Killuaaa! I'm finished!" Gon called out. "Oh, you got the papers signed?"
"Yup! They're gonna interview me tomorrow and train me on the day after that, if— I get accepted." He smiled.
The two began walking across town, stopping by a few street vendors to buy their lunch.
     "Hey, why do you want to work at Kuro Cafe anyway? Aren't you rich?"
     "I could ask you the same thing."
Killua paused. What? How did Gon know? He didn't remember telling him anything about his wealth. Gon realized he fessed up the moment Killuas face showed multiple signs of distress. He cleared his throat, "That car you drove me in, isn't that the kind only available for the wealthy?" He shrugged, taking a bite of his food. "Oh— did that give it away?"
"Huh? Well obviously." Killua sighed in relief, guess Gon didn't have ends on him after all.
'I should stop driving around in that thing...' He thought.

"Oh, and to answer your question, I— uhm... I just wanted to be around you more."


"Sorry if that sounds weird! It's just that you're the only person I really know here, and its kind of boring to just sit in the hotel all day, you know? I always have fun when talking to you and—"

"Okay I get it! You can stop talking..."

Gon couldn't see it, but Killuas face was an embarrassed mess. He could feel Gon look at him in confusion, and so he tried to hide the red as much as he could. What was he feeling? Compliments and sweet words make him feel giddy yeah, but this, this was a whole new level.

(1350 Words)
A/N: Yayyy update!
Exams just ended and like, I failed one of them☺️
But ykkkk thats okay I suck at any non-english subject anyway.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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