Chapter 7 - Don Freecss? Whos that?

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Having arrived at the hotel, Gon set foot on the pavement before the massive building. "Yeah this is the place, thanks for uhm... driving me here Killua." Gon said, eyes glittering as he admired the vintage car Killua had drove him in. "You're... welcome?" Killua replied, eyes fixated on the giant hotel in front of him. He cleared his throat, "Erm— i'll get going now. Goodbye Gon."
"Bye Killua." He waved, watching him slowly back up and leave. "That was the longest car ride i've ever been on..." He whispered.

Entering, he checked in at the lobby to make sure he added more days to his time at the hotel, making his way to his room afterwards. He unlocked the door, got in, and locked it again. "Man... I need to start reading those files."
Gon sighed as he opened his briefcase, it still had its contents— including Killuas case files. He had to keep a close eye on this, if Killua were to find out about these papers he'd go frantic and avoid Gon as much as possible, that situation is not what Gon needs at the moment...

He swept everything off the desk and dropped the heavy stack of paper onto it. Flipping through the pages he's already read over a hundred times, he began a new search for more key information. "Mhm... Killua was about twenty-three when he died, blah blah bla— oh?" Gon stopped at a certain line that caught his attention. He read it, over and over again. Furrowing his eyebrows at the detailed description, he tidied up the papers and placed it back into the folder, then back into the suitcase.

"I'll save that for... another time."

He cleared his throat, what he saw must've been horrendous.

. . .

Killua entered the cafe for his afternoon shift with his back slouched. "I'm back..." He sighed. "Welcome back Killua! You look horrible." Zushi snorted from the counter. "I don't want to talk about it mate, that person is a handful..."
"...Nobody, forget it."
Zushi observed Killua as he tiredly put on his apron, he smirked. "Got a special lady wrapped around your finger?" He asked, putting down the glass he was wiping dry onto the counter top. Killua nearly choked on his spit, he wasn't expecting that.
"Wha— no! Why would you think that?!"
"No need to get so rowdy, just a hunch."
"Well whatever 'hunch' you got, is just a hunch."
"Mhm... okay."
Zushi silently laughed to himself as he watched Killuas demeanor morph rather dainty. "Alright, get to work lover boy!" Zushi howled, patting Killuas back aggressively. "You—! Ugh..."

Customer after customer, the clock hit 6PM. Afternoon shift was up, and it was time for everyone to close up the cafe and go home. "Hey Killua! Could you pass me the uh... mop?" Machi, a veteran, called out. "Sure, just give me a moment!" Killua called back, picking up the mop from the corner of the store. "Here, catch!" He threw the mop to her direction, and she caught it with ease. "Hey, what did I tell you about throwin' things at me?!"
"HAHA— erm, sorry, couldn't help myself." He shrugged sheepishly. "Asshole." She scoffed, beginning to mop the floor.

After the cleaning was done, the employees and their sweet manager said their goodbyes and left to go to their respective homes. Killua got into his car and drove off to his house.

. . .

He opened the door and was greeted by his younger brother, Kalluto. "Hello brother... I made you pastries." He smiled softly, edging the tray of freshly baked goods towards Killua. "Awh... you didn't have to Kallu." Killua gushed, taking the tray into his hands. "They smell delightful." He said, patting his brother on the head.

"Killua dear! You're home!"

His mother cooed from the top of the staircase, she was dressed in a gown, pretty formal, actually no, way too formal for a regular weekday. "Mother... why are you uhm, dressed like that?"
"Oh, right. I came to inform you that we'll be having a guest over tonight. So hurry up and get dressed!"
Killua sighed and plopped a piece of bread into his mouth. "Is this what the pastries were for?" He asked, looking down at his little brother. Kalluto only gave a small nod before rushing over to their mother, whom he really clung onto.

Killua made his way to his room and tidied himself up, he won't bother asking questions. Just listen to mother and nothing happens, he doesn't want an earful after such a long day. He put on a simple black tux that had a tiny hint of blue to its shade and slicked his hair back, made him look more fancy, yeah?

"Killua! Come down here! The guest will be here any moment now!"

"I'll be there mother!"

He rushed out of his room and down the stairs, all his family members were standing in the middle of the hall. "God is this person really that special?" Killua rose an eyebrow, looking his family up and down. "Oh hush! Position yourself!"
The door slowly opened and the family stood stiff. The man stepped forward, and that gave Killua a full view of what he looked like.

He had long black hair that had a little green tint to it, his pupils were a brown ember color, and his eye shape was slim alike to those owned by a snake. He was all in all intimidating, even from such a distance. The man gave the family an eerie smile before fully entering the house. With the door loudly closing behind him, he bowed before the six. "Pleasure to meet you all, I apologize for the sudden inconvenience." He spoke, words echoing around the room. "It's nothing my liege! Please, no need to show such curtesy!" Kikyo smiled, placing a hand on her chest.

Killua glanced at his mother in confusion, not once has she ever showed a person such respect. "Very well, I'm sure your children don't know me yet, correct? Allow me to introduce myself."
Kikyo glared at her children, a sign to pay attention— and to not forget any single word that will come out of this mans mouth.

"I'm Don Freecss, an honor to be standing here with all of you."

Killua froze for a moment. His surname felt all too familiar to him, has be heard of it before? Maybe from a relative or a friend... or maybe from the cafes gossip? He shrugged off the familiar feeling and bowed in union with his brothers.
      "Come join me and my husband for tea will you?"
      "Of course... i'd be glad to."
      "Children, go to your rooms. This will be a very private discussion."
All four siblings looked at each other confused before leaving to their separate rooms. "Why is today so damn eventful..." Killua whispered under his breath.

He quietly closed the door behind him and undid his tight clothing, giving himself a chance to breathe. "God that thing is so tight on my waist!" He complained, burying his face into the pillows. He groaned as he flipped over onto his back, this might just be the most tiring day of his life.

"Don Freecss... Who the hell is that?"

(1210 Words)
A/N: I legit forgot I needed to update this thing weekly my bad😨
Been caught up with school work and all that... so uhm chapters might be slow.

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