Chapter 6 - Mischievously Bonding

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"Gon, im heading off!"

"Okayy, get there safe!"

The day started off... kinda normal, Killua got up, got ready, left the hospital, drove to work, and started working on a good note. He didn't feel so heavy headed today, what a miracle.

"Mornin' KK!" Zushi greeted from the counter. "Morning sushi." Killua smiled.
     "You seem... happier than usual, whats up with that?"
     "Nothing much, I just woke up like this."
     "Well okay Mr. Sunshine."
Zushi snorted and walked over to the cash register, preparing for his morning shift. Killua chuckled and stood near the coffee machine, waiting for an incoming order.

Gon was still in the hospital, but he assured Killua that he could work his morning shifts. In all honesty, he did feel bad for making Killua pay all the profit off his hospitality— so he might as well let him work to gain some cash back. Though, that choice wasn't so good to him. He laid there on his bed, basically dying of boredom. "Theres nothing to do..." He sighed, flipping himself around.
After a while, he made the stupid decision of sneaking out of the hospital. Why? He was bored, and he wanted to see what Killua was up to...

Slowly getting out of bed, he changed his attire and looked through the door window. Nobody was in the halls so he assumed it was safe. "This is gonna be fun." He smirked, sneaking out into the hallway. With his suitcase in hand, he put a hat on— which covered the majority of his face as he tilted his head down. With that, anyone who passed by didn't bat an eye at him, they must've thought he was just a visitor. "Idiots." He snickered.

He successfully made it to the lobby and exited the hospital with ease, all they did was perform a small baggage check and he was good to go. "Thank god they didn't ask for my ID."
Gon checked his watch, 8AM. It was still Killuas morning shift, so he might as well surprise him while he's out. He wont have much time though, the nurses usually check up on patients at 9:30AM. Luckily, the hospital wasn't so far from the cafe— so he decided to just play it slow and steady, going over to the cafe by foot.

About ten minutes later he had arrived at the cafe. "Heh, I can just imagine the look on Killuas face." He smirked. Before he entered, he made sure to remove the bandages on his nose. Time flew by fast, and he heals pretty quickly— so his nose was in its best state. Clearing his throat, he opened the door with one hand, removing his hat with the other.
"Good Morning! What would y— GON?!"
"Hey Ki'!"
Killua looked left and right before leaving the counter. He took Gon by the arm and brought him to the back of the room.
"What are you doing here?! You still have one day in—"
"Shhh, I'm fine! See? My nose is healed."
Gon stood there proudly as Killua stared at his perfectly normal nose, didn't look deformed at all. He felt his eye twitch and sighed. "You're such a pain..."

Killua may have sound annoyed, but he was hiding a smile— a smile that only Gon could notice. Gon was glad he could be bonding with Killua like this, its one step closer to finding out who was behind all ninety-nine murders. He decided for the next few months he'd bond with Killua, and get him to leak any and all information he could possibly need for the investigation. He's been setting track of the dates, and its currently two years and eleven months prior to Killuas death.

"You should get back to work you know? I still have a drink I need to order." Gon smiled. "Ah— right! My bad..." Killua rushed back to his station and resumed greeting and serving the customers. Gons smiled faded within a matter of seconds, and he stood there for a few. 'Killuas family has a number of six, the seventh got assassinated just recently...' He thought of possibilities, but nothing came to mind at that moment. "I guess I'll just have to sit back and let time flow." He shrugged, making his way back to the counter with another artificial smile forming.
"Yo Ki'! You have the usual for me?"
"Yeah yeah, come get it from the counter."
"Aw not gonna deliver it to my table today?"
"Oh shut up."
Gon laughed as he took his coffee off the counter. "Thanks!" He said, taking a sip— but he immediately pulled the cup away. "Pft, never drink coffee straight out of the machine." Killua snickered, looking at the distraught man in front of him. "Hot hot hot hot—!" Gon mumbled with his tongue stuck out.

Killua just laughed as Gon made a scene. The entire incident brought smiles and laughter to the cafe, and so it made Gon seem more... friendly. "Stop laughing!" Gon whined, shooting a glare towards Killua and his co-workers. Zushi— who was holding snorts in tried his best to conceal an entire laughing charade. "Y-you looked so— so—!" He chuckled, covering his mouth. "Not you too Zushi..." Gon sighed, slouching his back. "Go sit down Gon, we have— customers to serve." Killua said in between giggles.

. . .

Finally, Killuas shift was over. It was currently 9:15AM, and he was dismissed early. Gon, who was waiting for him at his table, got up the moment he saw Killua exit the employees only room in casual clothing. "Is your shift over?" He asked, approaching Killua. "Yeah, got the early treatment for working late shifts." Killua replied.
     "Good for you! Now we should get back to the hospital."
     "Why? Can't we go somewhere?"
     "The nurses are gonna check on the room in... fifteen minutes."
Gon gave him a cheeky smile before getting snatched by the back of his shirt. "Wha—" Killua suddenly sprinted out the cafe with Gon trailing behind him helplessly. "Whats with you and all the dragging!" Gon yelled as he was getting pulled along the sidewalk. "We're dead if they find out you snuck out!" Killua snarled, picking up speed.

They made it into the hospital in time, and they later on snuck into the room. Gon panting, and Killua nearly fainting onto the floor— they whispered a small 'hooray...' as to celebrate their victory. "Never... sneak out again." Killua mumbled, dropping onto his bed. "Mm... roger that."
"Alright! Daily check up time— Jesus Christ you two look dead." Gon and Killua look up towards the door to see the same nurse that guided them to this room a few days ago. "Oh its you." Killua said, turning his head around and shoving it into the mattress. "Well show some respect! Im here to check on your friend over here." She scoffed, walking towards Gon. "Alright sir look up." Gon followed her order, and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Your uhm, nose... its not bandaged. But— it seems perfectly fine. So according to reports we'll send you off early! Yayyy!" The nurse cheered, clapping her hands together. The two boys looked at each other awkwardly before looking back at the nurse. "Great... uh, you can leave now." Gon said politely, scooting backwards. "Oh, right. Byeee!"
"Is she that enthusiastic or is it just a comedic effect..."
Killua sighed and got up. "Go pack your things, i'll drive you home."
"Oh no need, I can take a taxi." Gon smiled, taking his suitcase off the floor. "I insist, I did break your nose—"
"Killua its been a week, chill out."

Killua looked at Gon confused. "Chill... out?" He murmured, tilting his head to the side. "Oh— forget I said that." Gon spat. "Yeah okay... lets get going."

Gon was officially discharged from the hospital and Killua brought him to his car as promised. 'God this car is so... old looking.' Gon thought, staring at it. "So, wheres your house?" Killua asked. "Thing is... I live in a uhm, hotel." Killua blinked, then laughed.
"Nice joke Gon."
"No like, seriously."
Killua stared at Gon, and Gon stared back. "You know what just drive." Gon sighed, looking away. "Okay but what hotel do I even—"    "Paladiknight Hotel." Killuas jaw dropped the moment Gon mentioned the name. "PALADIKNIGHT HOTEL?"
     "HNG— Do you really have to shout?! I get it i'm poor—"
     "It is?"
     "I mean its a hundred a week I don't—"
     "Oh my God im friends with a rich man."
The conversation went on, chaotically, but they made it to the hotel after a while.

Gon now knew how much money he had in that small wallet of his, apparently it's considered a lot in this date of time. He still has a lot to learn about the 20s, but he'll get the hang of it...

(1486 Words)
A/N: I finally updated this, yipee.
I have no idea where the plot is going so just buckle up for the most random yet makes sense scenes you'll ever read.🤷‍♀️

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