Chapter 3 - Lucky Day

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     "...Sir, its 1924"

Oh dear.

This isn't what Gon expected. He's in the past? No... that cant be. Time travel isn't logical, nonetheless— it isn't possible. He blinked in shock before clearing his throat. "Ahaha... yeah uhm, sorry. I had too much to drink this mornin'." He laughed. "Ah don't worry, we all know how you feel. Maybe you took a sip of hooch, hm?" The stranger chuckled, along with everyone else around him. "You sure you don't need to see a doctor, mate?" A guy from the small crowd said, stepping forward. "Yeah, no need. Thanks for the help."

Gon bowed slightly as a sign of thanks, but the others just gave him confused looks. He stood there awkwardly for while before clearing his throat, again— and walking off. God that was embarrassing, how do things work in this time of age? He had no idea.

He looked around as he was walking, things looked so... vintage. I mean it wasn't so different from his time but to him they were more of a... vintage-vintage look, if you know what that means.
The houses looked ragged and old styled— they had columns, shutters, and gabled roofs.
"Am I dreaming...?"
He pinched himself to make sure.
"No... no i'm not..."
He sighed and continued exploring the place. He stopped by a small cafe that looked oddly familiar. "Does the money I have even work..." He took out his wallet and opened it, and to his surprise the cash looked different— it most likely changed the moment he landed here. "Well ain't that efficient..." He smiled, tucking the wallet back into his pocket.

"Might as well get myself a cup of coffee... I wonder what it tastes like." He smiled, approaching the cafe. He entered, and the small bell above the door rang. He made his way to the counter and the barista immediately greeted him. "Good day sir! What would spike your fancy today?" The barista smiled, they seem to be pretty enthusiastic. "I'll just have it black, please."
"Got it." The barista called out to the person assigned to the machines, and they got to work.
     "Say, I don't recognize you. You new here?"
     "Huh? Oh.. yeah. Came by to check out the place."
     "Well, you'll love it here!"
     "I'm sure I will..."
Gon smiled rather emotionlessly at the barista as he was handed his coffee. After a small exchange of thanks he left to a seat near the window. The place and its interior felt so... intimate, but he put that aside.

He took a sip and admired the taste for a while. "Coffee back then was good..." He mumbled, taking another sip. He then started to ponder about his current situation. He's limited on cash, he has nowhere to stay— unless he somehow finds an affordable place to rent, he has no idea how things work in this time, and he is currently placed three years before the murder of Killua Zoldyck. It was bizarre, really. He didn't know how he ended up this far back into the past, but things seemed too real to turn back. "I need a way to befriend Killua Zoldyck somehow... huh, maybe I could prevent his death." He quietly laughed, taking the third sip of his coffee.

As he was in thought— barely awake, a worker approached him. "Do you need anything aside from your coffee, sir?"
"No thanks i'll be fi—"
Gons eyes shot open once he took a glance at the figure. He had white hair, blue eyes, and a small ragged tag on his apron. Indeed, that tag did say 'Killua'.

'Its my lucky day, isn't it?' Gon thought, before sweetly smiling at the barista. "Actually, may I have a fruit cocktail?"
"Of course, please wait for a while." Gon watched as he scurried off to the counter to prepare the dessert, things had just got interesting. "I guess I don't have to worry about finding him anymore."

Five minutes pass and the barista, who Gon knew as the one and only Killua Zoldyck, approached his table and placed the dessert right in front of him. "Enjoy!"
"Thank you, Killua."
The boy nearly jumped after Gon said his name, the way he said it gave him an odd feeling. "Mhm... you're welcome!" He hurriedly replied, rushing to the counter. His barista buddy noticed Killuas expression and raised an eyebrow.
     "You good there bud? You look paler than you already are."
     "Sorry... a customer just called me by my name."
     "Well you are wearing it on your apron you fool."
     "I know but the way he said it felt... off!"
"Whatever you say, maybe he found you keen."
"Oh shut it."
The barista laughed as Killua leaned on the counter. Something about that customer felt different. As if that man was someone who came from a planet light years away. He stared at the mysterious customer for a while, and observed every single move he made. Though, the man didn't seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary. He was just drinking his coffee, and eating his fruit cocktail... nothing more.
"Killua! Stop acting screwy staring at that man and help with the orders!" One of his co-workers yelled. "Ah! Yes of course, sorry zushi!"

Ever since his life was threatened by an unknown organization a few days ago, he's been pretty off edge. Killua sighed, carrying the trays back and forth from counter to table.
A few more minutes pass by, and the customer came to the counter. Killua immediately felt awkward and nervous when he approached him, but he tried his best to keep calm. "Thanks for the coffee, and the dessert. Heres the pay." The man said softly, placing 3.50 on the counter top. "Mm.. have a nice day sir!" The customer simply smiled and waved before he left.

"I wonder if hes coming back..."

. . .

Gon sat on a bench, crossing his legs. With his arms and hands behind his head, he thought of what to do next. Who is after Killua? How will he be able to find out? Will Gons presence alone alter time? He sighed loudly and took out his phone, but shoved it back in after its head peeped out. "Right... cant use devices like this right now." He muttered, looking around to make sure nobody saw that.

He was located at a small park near the cafe, specifically right in front of it. He turned his head over to the cafe and memorized its appearance. "I'll become a regular there, maybe i'll be able to befriend him by then."
He got up with his briefcase in hand and began hunting for a place to stay. Eventually, one appeared after a sharp turn near the cities main street. It was... huge. It looked way too expensive for Gon, he only had a small sum in his wallet, but when he snapped his head all over the placing trying to spot something else— nothing was there. He scoffed and entered the hotel, walking up to the counter.
     "Welcome to Paladiknight Hotel! How may I assist you?"
     "Hey, I was wondering if I could book a room for... a week?"
     "Of course! A week would cost you— a hundred mazuma."
If Gon had to guess, thats probably what they called 'dollars', so he didn't bother questioning it. Gon did the exchange with the lady and was later on escorted to his room. The moment the escort left, he entered feeling excited. That excitement was definitely not wasted, because that single room looked as luxurious as kings palace. "All this to myself, for an entire week? I've hit the jackpot with this one." He grinned, dropping the briefcase and immediately jumping face first into the bed.

"This is heaven..." He murmured into the silky sheets.

(1304 Words)
A/N: Yayyy I finished this within a few hourssss...
Quick note, I'm pretty sure this fic wont be so, historically accurate.
I swear im doing my research but it is rushed so, it's definitely— not accurate.

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