Chapter 8: To Hunt a King

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After hearing Peter Mauk's, as he called himself, declaration, Ra Ra Rasputin could already feel the blood within his veins pumping with renewed vigor. His fingers twitched over the grips of his revolvers, itching to grasp the worn wood and see to it that their main purpose was fulfilled.

Wait, do I have such a thing as blood anymore? Would pipes be my veins, while oil coursed through them? So strange to think I've had this body for a week already, but I still don't understand any of it.

Ra Ra Rasputin's gaze flitted to his trigger happy servos, the leather gloves muffling the clicking of each digit's joints as he curled them into a fist. Though his body was completely covered by the armor and attire that he usually wore, the natural sounds of his body were, at best, mostly muffled. While he had returned to his quarters to grab his "battle gear" as he lovingly called it, he had also made sure to grab a specialized ring that muffled ambient noises that he produced.

Good thing I never gave this back to Flatfoot, the gunslinger thought, flexing his pinky where the ring rested. When his attention finally returned back to the adventuring quartet before him, he noticed that they were leading him and his guildmates up a nearby flight of steps. Soon enough, they were all seated at a polished spruce table, the chair he sat in creaking under the weight of his equipment.

"I know what we're asking of you guys might seem too much at first, so if you guys decide to back out, we completely understand," Peter said, placing his hands palms down on the table. His teammate, the archer, looked as if he were about to say something, only to wisely close his mouth and relax back into his chair.

Momonga, ever the "wise" guild leader, spoke up.

"Nonsense! We would be happy to help you four out on this venture, especially if this helps us climb the ranks as quickly as you say," Momonga said, his raven-black armor clanking with each movement.

"Oh trust me," Peter said, "This is a very dangerous and risky task, but I do believe that if we can pull this off, we'll all get an advancement."

"So what is it exactly you wish to do with this 'Wise King of the Forest' that you speak of?" Ra Ra Rasputin mentally asked, having CZ repeat his question after reopening his private messenger with his guildmates and the pleiade.

"Well," Ninya, the spell caster, began, "We wanted to try and capture the Wise King of the Forest and then bring him back here to be documented. If we can manage that, the guild will not only pay us for any info they can learn from the Wise King, but we'll also get a rank advancement as a reward."

"And this is something that the guild would just allow? I'm surprised that we didn't see a flyer for it down at the quest board," Ariel said, her brows creasing underneath her wolf skull helmet. CZ translated for her as well.

"That's because it wasn't," Dyne Woodwonder said. "When it comes to tasks like these, they're not usually officially listed because it's either considered too dangerous or there is no real demand at the moment for that type of quest."

"So how can you be so sure that we would even be compensated for something such as this, if it's not 'officially listed' as you say," Momonga asked, leaning slightly forwards.

Ra Ra Rasputin copied his guild leader, as did CZ Delta and Ariel from what he could see out of the corner of his optics.

"That's because a task like this would be considered something like 'legendary'," Lukrut Volve replied, an easy going smirk gracing his face.

"Legendary how?"

"Legendary as in 'nobody else has ever been able to capture the Wise King and either came back home with nothing to show for it or didn't come back at all.'"

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