Chapter 3

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"Oh, Hey Kacchan." Deku wanted to say something else, but Bakugo cut him off.

"About damn time you picked up Deku!" For some reason hearing him talk made Deku's sweat drop "I got your get-well card and..."

"Yeah, I know my art sucks don't rub it in you damn nerd."

Deku took a deep breath "actually I want to say thank you." There was a long pause after that.

"Kacchan you still there?" Deku asks.

"Don't get used to it Deku we still have a one on one!" Deku laughed which made Bakugo start to yell more.  "The hell you laughing about Deku?!"

Deku stopped laughing "I'm just happy to hear from you that's all."

Deku asks him another question "how did you get my number anyways?"

"I had to force it out of icyhot like it matters you idiot."

"So, how's the training been like I've only gotten the paperwork?"

"Damn Deku you asking all these stupid questions!?"

"Hey you called me Kacchan."

"Yeah, to check to see if your still alive."

"You could come see me in person you know."

"What's that supposed to mean Deku!!"

"Hey I'm just saying Kacchan that's all."

The line on Bakugo side got quite again.

"Just get out of the hospital soon school is awful without you here."

Then Kacchan hung up before Deku could say anything else.  He then saw his number and saved it to his contacts wasn't long after that he got a text from Kacchan. 

*Why didn't you tell me about the rescue mission for Eri? *

Deku read that message several times before replying back to him.

*It was under NightEye's orders believe me if I could have told you I would. *

Deku places his phone a side and lays down and dozes off.


The next Moring, he was awakened up by a nurse there to check on him normal start to the day. 

"Mister Izuku I think it's time we fill up some paperwork and get you sent home later today the doctor approves it we have already called your mother she'll be here this afternoon for you."

For some reason that made Deku light up he was here for so long it got really boring the only thing he really did was do homework from school.  Sometimes he would watch tv but that was it and reread all the get-well cards over and over again.

He was so ready to leave the place before he knew it noon came up and just like he was told his mother was there to get him.  He still had to go to doctor appointments for his legs and if they started to hurt with him walking on them to much to take a pain medication.

Deku understood from All Might the reason he was able to get back on his feet so soon was because it was All for One doing it.  As for the doctors they told him he's really lucky not only to be alive but get some what back where he was before the recuse mission.

He still needed to rest for a few days before going back to UA.

Deku was quick to send out texts about what was going on straight away Uraraka was the one to reply first.

*Deku that's great I'm happy to hear your out of the hospital now I'll be sure that Eri knows I'm sure she will be happy to hear that. *

A few more texts came in, but he can answer them later he was worn out already and when he started to ride in the car back home with his mother driving, he fell asleep again.

His phone started going off like crazy and Inko noticed it made her feel happy that so many people at UA cared about her little Izuku.

Maybe she was too quick to think about pulling him out of UA. The screen on his phone lights up she sees that's it from his teacher All Might first thought that came to her mind that he's sending Izuku some schoolwork while he stayed at home for a while.

*Young Midoriya once you get this, we need to talk about All for One for your recovery progress. *

Inko was confused about that message what the heck was he talking about?  She wanted to ask Izuku about it but she saw the way he was asleep it's something that would have to wait until they got home.

His phone then started to ring loudly and go off which made jump outta his skin freaking him out.

"What that what's wrong!?" Some of the lighting from One for All started to show Inko hit the brakes.

"Izuku calm down it's just your phone take it easy!"

Fully starting to wake up after that he rubs his eyes "sorry about that mom."

Inko don't reply she started driving again Deku grabs his phone he feels a bit of shame once he figured out it was just his phone going off. He checked and saw five missed calls from Kacchan.

Deku sighs Uraraka must have gotten the word out.

Deku didn't pay attention to everything else going on he was just ready to get home.

It was a long ride home he still didn't answer when Kacchan called him he didn't even answer his texts he knew once he did it would only make Kacchan sour. 

Inko got out of the car and went to the other side to help Deku out he still had his cane and was walking on it slowly to the house it had been a while since he's been home.

Because long before Eri's rescue mission he had moved into the dorm rooms at UA with the rest of his classmates.

So, it was a little strange being back but the way his mother was acting she was happy to have him home for a few days before the doctors allowed him to go back to UA.


A full week pasted, and Deku went to his doctor's appointments like he was told to do. Sure, he was out of the hospital, but it still felt like he was still there just at home he was so ready to go back to school.  He hears his mother's phone go off he was going to answer it for her, but she got to it before him.

He quietly listened to his mother talk on the phone.

"Are you sure it's only been a week since he came home, he's... I understand and yes your right I can't keep him home forever I can see it in his eyes he's ready to go back."

She was talking to one of his doctors about him going back to school his stomach turned into a knot.  He was so ready to go back it ate him up inside. 

"I'll be sure to tell him I'll also be sure to let his teachers know."

Inko hangs up the phone Deku was still in the room with her.  "What did the doctor say?" Deku watched his mother hold the phone close to her hand "They think it's time for you to go back to school if you want."

Deku had a confused look on his face "already?" The reaction surprised his mother "but I thought you were ready to go back to UA?"

Deku lightly nods yeah, he was ready to go back he just wasn't sure about facing everyone again and the stuff they might say.  Ever since he got out of the hospital, he hasn't said a word to All Might he saw his text about him wanting a word with him.

And Kacchan just filled up his phone left a few voice mails. It was clear he needed to go back if he was ready to or not.

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