chapter 24

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AN: I am trying to wrap things up I wanna write a part two of the story I also want to open up this same story with Bakugo's point of view which I think will be cool. -Blademaster122


Maggie was in her care home they sent her too after the raid on Simon's lab when Deku was getting saved, she watched the news word on what the cops were working on about Simon. They brought up the fact Simon was behind on kidnaping a teenager but that was the only thing said nothing about the tests Simon did.

At night Maggie could still hear Deku's screams in her sleep she woke up sweating. She had her head in her own thoughts the doorbell rings she mutes the tv and goes to see who was there opens the door and sees a green haired boy standing in her doorway.

"Deku!" Maggie says with a smile it only been two and half weeks since she helped the heroes get Deku away from Simon Deku still had scars on his face and arms but the color in his face was back it was no longer pale like it had been.

"Hey Maggie, how's it going?" Deku asks her it got Maggie out of her head "oh I am doing great you look a lot better too." Deku just lowers his head making Maggie regret what she just said, "Deku I am sorry if I upset you I didn't......" she was cut off "you didn't upset me, Maggie." the woman took a breath "how about you come in we can talk more?"

"HA like I leave the nerd with you!" Maggie groans of course Bakugo came with Deku the teen looks at Bakugo "Kacchan I can handle this." Bakugo chuckles and crossed his arms and shook his head no but Deku walks in Maggie's place Bakugo not far be hide they sit in the living room.

Deku saw sadness on Maggie's face "Maggie you alright?" A tear drops down her face "No none of this Is okay Simon should have never touched you I still hear your screams in my sleep." A chill went down Deku's back hearing that "I still have problems about it myself I still won't look at the news without them bring up Simon's lab."

Maggie places her hand on Deku's knee "I know how you feel in that case been hearing that I should have been locked up with Simon." Deku shook his head "but you're the reason I was able to escape Simon?" Maggie agreed with him "anyways how's your mother and Eri?" Deku smiles "my mom is fine Eri is now my sister."

Maggie had a huge smile on her face "glad to hear it your mother took her in." Deku nods Maggie faces Bakugo "How are you, Bakugo?" He gave Maggie a sour look "Don't worry about me dumb bitch!" Deku frowns "cut it out Kacchan she still helped without her I still would be in Simon's lab or worse!"

Maggie clears her voice "Don't worry about its I...." The oven beeps and Maggie left to the kitchen she made cookies. She runs off to get them Bakugo rolls his eyes "I'm outta of here cookies really?" Deku was started to get annoyed by this point "Kacchan your supposed to keep me safe and case you forgot?"

Bakugo grits his teeth "God you suck Deku!" Deku shakes his head Maggie came back with the fresh made cookies and some milk "Would you like some cookies and milk Bakugo and Deku?" Bakugo rolls his eyes, but Deku happily took one been a really long time since he was able to eat something sweet.

"Maggie these are great!" Deku shouts making Maggie smile she looks at Bakugo he looks to her dead in the eyes "Not going to happen." Deku elbows him "I guess I am enjoying something better than you will Kacchan."

Bakugo felt madder "Fine give me one already!!" He snatches one off of Maggie's plate and took a big bite out of it then he got quiet. Maggie and Deku, both saw it they watched Bakugo eat the rest of and he grabs another.

"So, they bad Kacchan?" Bakugo had his mouth full and got done with his bite "Shut up Deku Maggie these are not half bad!" The women laughs "well I am happy you like it." Deku then started laughing the first time Maggie heard him laugh. That took away his screams she kept hearing in her sleep Deku had a strong laugh.

Bakugo grabs a hold and rubs Deku's hair "put a sock in it will you!?" Deku just kept smiling Maggie saw why now how Deku thought the world about Kacchan. After a while she packed up a few more cookies and set them with Deku and Bakugo. She waved them both goodbye and closed the door her smile went away she still felt quilt for what Simon did but was happy his latest subject was moving on, so she was feeling alright mostly.

Deku and Bakugo were heading back to UA they heard a little girl cry and they both look to face the sound another woman was hitting the girl while the poor thing was crying. Deku looked at Bakugo "keep out nerd that is not our call." But Deku refused and used his lighting and got close.

The poor girl was crying got even more upset when Deku got closer the woman, she was with hit her to the ground Deku tries to help. But the woman tries to attack him too thanks to one for all she couldn't get a hit in. "You pain in the ass brat get out of the way!" Deku shook his head no made the woman even more mad.

Then it hit her this was the kid that was on the news "you're that brat that just got out of a testing lab, didn't you?" Bakugo overheard the woman that was enough for him to butt in now. "Lay off your old hag!" the woman faced Bakugo "oh another one you all are freaks with those cursed powers someone needs to remove your kind!"

Deku was able to reach the girl and hold her close "you okay what's your name?" The girl cleans tears from her face "my name is Jill that crazy woman took me away from home I don't even know her mister I want to go home!"  Flashbacks came in Deku's mind he was just staring then he heard the girl scream made him snap out of it the old woman had a knife and her hand and had the blade up to the girl's throat.

"Stay way you freaks!" Bakugo runs to attack her only for the old women to turn the knife on him the women fall to the ground the little girl ran to Deku, but he kept his eyes on Bakugo. Then he saw blood drip down on Bakugo he lets the girl go who started crying Deku got closer and he tries to turn Bakugo around and he was holding his chest Deku saw blood covering his hand.

Deku tries to look at it, but Bakugo refused to let him look at the wound but Deku forces him anyways the knife made a huge gash and was still in Bakugo's chest. "Kacchan?" Tears fill Deku eyes he watched Bakugo fall over he catches him his blood on him now.

Deku tries to look at the old women, but she was long gone he then looks for the girl who they helped "Hey Jill I need to pull out my phone can you do that?" The little girl nods and pulls out his phone and she turned it on. "Great I need you to put it on a number that's say's Todoroki on it." Jill does what Deku tells her to do Bakugo started to cough up blood.

This made Deku worry more "I am going to get you help Kacchan just stay with me!"  All that ran in Deku's mind I can't lose you Kacchan.

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