chapter 16

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Todoroki came through the hole Bakugo had made and he saw Bakugo Eri and Urarka they were all facing the ground it didn't take long for Todoroki to understand what they were seeing.

Deku was out on the floor Eri was in tears Uraraka tried her best to keep Eri calm Bakugo was checking for his heartbeat even he looked worried which was a shock. Todoroki touches Bakugo and he turns not thinking a blast went off, but it was to the roof of the room they were in.

Bakugo had a pissed look to his face "Damn it icyhot!!" Todoroki took a breath paying no mind to Bakugo and he got down and places two fingers on Deku's neck he could feel a heartbeat.

"He's alive." Todoroki spits out Eri was crying thinking he just died right there she looks at Todoroki "are you sure?" Eri asked still with tears in her eyes Todoroki nods "Bakugo, I need you to pick up Midoriya and...." Bakugo laughs "get him yourself I got an asshole doctor to deal with!"

Todoroki crossed his arms "The pros will deal with it you know our part of the mission Bakugo we......"

Bakugo cuts him off "He hurt the damn nerd and I want to hurt him the same way he hurt Deku!!" Bakugo than spit it was clear he was getting mad and wanted to kick Simon's ass for this.

Urakaka placed her hand Bakugo's shoulder "I know this is not my place to say this, but we need help get Deku out of here."

Bakugo made a huge groan "whatever icyhot help me left him."  Todoroki picks up Deku and he puts him on Bakugo's back he used his arms to hold onto the nerd. Urakaka grabs onto Eri and picks her up Eri's arms where around Urakaka's neck the poor girl had her eyes on Deku the whole time.

She pointed out to the others where to go or if they were about to get lost finally, they ran into Hawks and Midnight.

"There you guys are..." Midnight said with relief "Are you kids okay I can see you got Midoriya?" Hawks asks the kids nod Bakugo moans "Can we get the fuck out of here please!?" The two pro heroes bit the tounges at what Bakugo said but getting a closer look at him they could tell there was some worry in Bakugo's eyes.

Midnight tried to reach for Bakugo and Hawks stops her and he shook his head no, but she did it anyways "Hey Katsuki Izuku will be fine." they got no reply back from him the rest of the way back out he was quite his only thing he had in mind was get Deku out.

After they turned Deku over to the pros to check how bad Deku was Bakugo goes up to Midnight and Hawks "You all get that asshole doctor I'll kill him!!"

Hawks was the first to reply, "I don't think that's a good idea we need...."

"I don't give a rats ass he harmed the damn nerd you saw how he looked I want to kill him!" Bakugo was mad the two pro heroes he was speaking with could tell.

"Let's just see how Midoriya is before we pick something we will regret." Midnight tells him.

Bakugo crossed his arms.

"If that nerd dies, I will end him!"  Bakugo yells.


The other pro heroes got to Maggie and Simon the see she was holding onto the same knife Deku stabbed Simon with who was still up the wall and who was bleeding.

They took out Simon and Maggie followed not before she asked if they found Deku and she was told yes.

Recovery girl was checking over Deku after they got him back, she has seen a lot of heroes hurt and had worked on Deku before but not that bad they brought him to her to keep the case low for now.

The little old lady removed the old lab shirt Deku had on and she could see scars cuts bruises it was clear in the six weeks Simon had him he had tortured him.

After they all got back to UA Eri stayed close to Deku, she wanted to be the first to see him once he woke up.  Deku's home room teacher walked in Recovery girl's office he had a few things to ask her.

"Hey Easerhead how are you?" the old lady asks.

"I just wanted to see how my student is doing?" Mr. Aizawa tells her.

She lowers her head "I have never seen wounds like this ever-whatever Simon did to this poor boy he knew what he was doing I don't understand why though?"

Mr. Aizawa had a sad look to his face once he saw how his student looked and he answers Recovery Girl's question "we found a huge lab and one with a table with straps on it which we think Midoriya was used on. By what I saw looks like Simon was making a weapon of some kind."

Recovery girl shook her head "He was using the poor boy to do it."  Mr. Aizawa nods "you have no idea how many of my students want to return it to Simon if I wasn't there teacher, I would want to myself.

The both of them watched Eri get closer to Deku she put her hand onto his and her horn glows like it did at the night of the dance.

Deku moved a little and his eyes opened Eri gave him as huge hug. Then she smiled "Aizawa he is awake!" both Recovery girl and Aizawa smiled.

"Hey Eri" Deku says with a quiet voice he was quick to understand he was in recovery girl's office he also saw his homeroom teacher one of the Machine's beeped in the room making Deku jump and hold Eri a little more tightly. 

"Deku, you're hurting me!" Eri cries out making Deku let go of her "I'm sorry just that one machine went off I guess I freaked out a little." his words was enough to get Eri to forgive him.

It was also clear that Aizawa noticed that loud machines might set off Deku right which was understandable he gets closer to the two and was going to touch Deku only for the teen to jump back.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Deku screams out Eri Trys to make him feel better "hey it's okay that is your teacher remember?" Deku was shaking clearly scared but recovery girl got close and touched him and he was fine.

This was another thing they just learned Deku was scared of men touching him which was understandable due to what Simon had done to him the last six weeks.  There was a knock on the door Aizawa opens the door All Might, and the rest of his classmates tried to come in, but Aizawa pushes them all out.

He then tried to tell the others about what Deku had just gone through and his mental state is not good right now. But he did want to see how he would react to a few of his classmates he got in Uraraka and Bakugo in and told the others to go even though the others where not too happy about it.

Bakugo walks into the room first when he got a look at Deku, he saw that he was in bad shape had cuts bruises and scars on his body all over him head to toe. Simon had him for six weeks, but it was enough to do what he wanted on him.

Uraraka runs over to him and gives him a huge hug Bakugo then got close and tries to touch him like Uraraka did only he jumps at him too "DON'T TOUCH ME GO AWAY!!" Bakugo shakes his head his nerd is clearly broken.

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