Chapter 21

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"KACCHAN!!" Deku woke up screaming Bakugo's nickname this also woke Eri up she ran into his room Deku was sweating he just had a nightmare about him.

His mother then yells for him "Izuku can you come here?" Deku sighs and he gets out of bed Eri follows him down the hall he sees Todoroki Kirishimia and Uraraka they each also had their hero gear on. "What's going on what are you all doing here?" Kirishima gave him a sad look "It Bakugo Midoriya." this had Deku start to freak out "Is he okay he's not hurt is he......!"

Uraraka buts in "We don't know but what we do know is Bakugo is after Simon." Deku started to cough on his spit "What?" The three of them that came nod their heads Deku shook his head "Why did you come here then?" Todoroki clears his throat "We need you to come with us you know Bakugo better than the rest of us and because he's going after the man that kidnaped you."

Deku took a step back "Look I am not sure I...." once again Deku was cut off this time by Kirishimia "Look we are asking a lot here and we understand if you don't want too but Midoriya do it for Kacchan." Deku bit his lip he looks at his mother the look on her eyes was telling him no, but he had to do something he didn't want to see his childhood friend become a killer.

Then he looks at Eri who was worried he faces his mother again "I have to do this before Katsuki does something he will regret."  Inko nods her head "I know." she looks at the others "please bring my son back." The three kids that showed up nod their heads Uraraka hand's Deku his hero gear he goes into his room to put it on.

He hasn't worn it since Eri was saved he opens the box it was in and took a deep breath his hand was shaking as he pulled out the jump suit "I have to stop Kacchan." was all that ran through his mind he still felt off being around Kirishima and Todoroki but they had to do something he gets the suit on and his red belt on he then put his gloves on his hands.

Slipped on his shoes and steps out of his room his classmates where waiting for him outside the house Inko got a good look at her son in his hero outfit and gives him a big hug "please come back." Deku nods "I will mom."  Inko started to cry "Things have been so rough for you and I am sorry." Deku hugs his mom tighter "I wanted this path this was my choice in the end." He lets go of his mom not before she gave him a kiss on his forehead.

Eri hugs on to his legs "Keep your word I don't want my family falling apart." Deku picks her up it allowed her to hug him "be careful." Deku gives a light smile "I will come back I promise Eri can you keep an eye on mom until I come back?" Eri nods Deku sets her down he gave the both of them a wave before stepping out of the house.

Kirishima was the first to say something "you ready man?" Deku cracks his knuckles "Let's go stop him."


Bakugo was on the rooftops waiting for the cops to move Simon to another jail house he was nothing but rage all he wanted to do was cause as much harm to Simon just like he did to Deku.

He spits he sees the truck carrying Simon he smirks "I am going to make you pay." He was about to go then ice froze his feet to the ground "You can't stop this icyhot!" he blasts the ice away from his feet and he jumps to another roof top it was an old building that he jumped to it was going to fall apart he falls to the next floor where parts of the building were floating in the air this was Uraraka. "Bakugo stop this is this really what Midoriya would want!" Bakugo grits his teeth.

"OUT OF MY WAY YOU DAMN EXTRA!!" he was going full blasts at Uraraka an ice wall had formed over her Bakugo got a punch in the face it made him hit a wall it was by Kirismia "Bakugo you need to stop!" "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STOP ME SHITTY HAIR!!" he blasts going after Kirismia Uraraka let the rocks fall which he avoided getting to Kirismia only getting another hit to the face.

"SMASH!!" Deku kicked him in the face Bakugo smacks the ground Deku just looks at him "Kacchan please stop I am begging you!" Bakugo was now madder than he was before he was nothing, but full rage Deku saw it in his eyes "Kacchan please." Bakugo grits his teeth "I will make Simon pay!" he goes to break the wall only Deku uses one for all to get close to him and he reached out for him.

Everyone there can hear a bone snapping and Deku screaming in a way they never heard before Bakugo had just broken his arm in two places the bone was sticking out of his arm. For some reason this made Bakugo snap out of his rage. No way he has heard this scream from Deku before. Then tears fall from his face "I wanted to keep the nerd safe, and I failed and now I just broke his arm." Deku whipes his tears away this wasn't about him this time he gets up the best he could with his arm.

Once again, he tries to reach out to Bakugo this time touching him."Kacchan what Simon did was never your fault I was his target for a long time."  Bakugo wouldn't even look at the nerd "please Kacchan let's just leave."  there was sadness in Deku's voice. He wrapped his good arm around him trying to give Kacchan a hug "I know you have a hard time saying your feelings I know that about you." Deku says trying hard to get his childhood friend to calm down.

Bakugo still wouldn't look at him "You know what I said in the hallway when you tripped and fell?" Bakugo asks Deku nods "Yeah you said no one could harm me but you." Bakugo starts to hug him back by this point "I meant it." Deku taps his back "you know Eri was right you care you just have a strange way of showing it."  Bakugo starts to laugh "so that's what the damn brat has said." He looks over Deku's left shoulder and see's Kirishima with a stupid look on his face.

This made Bakugo stop hugging Deku and he walks over to him "What you are looking at shitty hair!" Todoroki started to put medicine on Deku's broken arm "That should help until we get you to Recovery Girl." Deku nods "thank Shoto it helps a lot."

"Hey, can we head back I don't think anyone saw us." Uraraka tells the group Deku agreed really, he shouldn't be out right now. But it worked they stopped Kacchan from doing something really stupid."

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