chapter 13

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it's been a whole week since Deku went missing it put all the kids in the class of 1A on edge. Little Eri was a mess her nightmares got worse, and she would close herself from everyone just when they all thought she was like any other kid her age.

It was not just her Kacchan was a broken shell Uraraka blamed herself for not going outside with Deku the second time he stepped out and believing that stupid text. It was off and she knew it she just brushed it off because she thought he was tired it was all most midnight by that time.

The pro heroes would take turns trying to figure out where Deku was just like when he was in the hospital rumors would go around some of them led straight to Uraraka few would tell her he's dead and not coming back.

But she refused to believe it Deku is tougher than he looks even Kacchan knew that even though Deku standing back up at times put his teeth on edge.

But with all this happing she was able to talk to Kacchan some more even though it was odd for them to talk.

But speaking to him made Uraraka feel like Deku was there even though he was missing. One of nights she was talking to him and one of the teachers they had come in their dorm rooms.

Which made the two stop what they were doing it was Midnight, she tells them all in the class something that made Kacchan and Uraraka a little worried.

"We found something." was all was heard from Midnight.


one week earlier

Deku opened up his eyes his head felt fuzzy he didn't know what happened there was a school dance and some guy that came up behind him with a needle and stuck it into his neck.

He started to blink all he could see was a light shining in his eyes it was bright he tries to put his hand over his face, but he couldn't he learned really quick he was strapped down to a table even his legs were strapped down also. All he had on was a blue hospital shirt his pants he had on before was torn making them look more like shorts.

This started to make him a little more worried "where the hell am I?" was all that came out of his mouth "you're in hell boy." he could hear an older man next to his left ear. Whoever just spoke to him came in his view it was the same guy that stuck the needle in him.

"Alright I will tell you my name I go by Dr.Simon and for here on out your mine I will do anything I want you to break my rules, and there will be no food and the pain for you will only get worse now then tell me who are you?"

Deku wasn't too sure he wanted to tell him his name, but this man had kidnapped him had one more thing to say, "just so you know quirk's they don't work in this room so do not even try."

Deku still wouldn't speak to him the doctor was starting to get mad "listen here boy I tell you something you do it now tell me your name!" he picked up a small knife used for his tests and was quick to stab it into Deku's kneecap he screamed.

"So, are you going to talk, or will I have to do it with your other leg too?" Deku was breathing heavy what the hell is wrong with this guy? the doctor was going to his other leg getting ready to stab it and Deku just spits out his name "I am Izuku Midoriya!" the doctor puts the knife back on the table.

He grins "Now then that wasn't so hard was it now then I want you to forget the name completely understand here on out you go by subject 0043789 do I make myself clear?"

Deku had a weird look on his face "My name is Izuku or just call me by my last name Mid...." he was cut off because the doctor just stabbed the same leg, he stabbed earlier and like before Deku screamed.

The doctor took it out again "Now then what is your name?" Deku started to catch his breath the last time he was stabbed it hurt enough to make him tear up, but he was not going to go by the name this asshole wants him too.

"I-I am I-Izuku M-Midoriya!!" Deku snapped out the doctor looks at him and smirks' "the quicker you give in the less this will hurt for you."

So, over the next two hours the doctor Simon did this over and over again going from his leg to his arm and just like before Deku refused to go by that damn subject name. Finally, the doctor gave up. "No meals for you tomorrow subject 0043789 nurse can you clean him up please. It will stay that way for now and I well break you."

even though Deku was in pain he looks at the doctor eye to eye. But he didn't say anything the nurse came in and doctor starts to head out "just clean the subject up I will be back with more tools later."

the nurse agrees it was a middle-aged woman she had a bucket in her hand and walked over to the table Deku was tied down on and she started to clean him up.

The woman pulls the wet rag out of her bucket and started to wash his blood off made the woman kind of sad she wanted to say something, but nothing would come out she got done cleaning his leg off.

"Thank you." Deku says in a calm voice the woman put the blood covered rag back in the bucket and she went for his arm and started to clean that off Deku just watched her.

"I'm Maggie and I know you go by Izuku and no I won't call you subject 0043789 when it's just the two of us." she just got done cleaning off his arm and just like before he says thank you.

It made Maggie sad sure she has helped Simon test on others, but they were adults this was the first time he dragged in a teenager let alone a child. She had to talk to him about how she felt but right now it wasn't the time.

Because the next six weeks this well be hell for Deku.

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