chapter 11

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Eri was riding in the back of Mirio car they were heading to Deku's place to pick him for the dance but saw all the cop cars at his place along with first aid responders. Mirio pulls over and steps out.

"Eri you stay there I will try to figure out what happened."

Eri don't reply she got out of the car and ran into whatever was going on.

"ERI!!" Mirio yelled for her, but it only made her run faster finally she spots someone she knew not before running into an officer.

"Well, hello there are you lost little girl?"

Eri just shakes her head "well you can't stay here come on I well take you to your family your dressed quite nice for running around."

Eri don't really care about the cop she was looking for Deku hoping he was okay then she spots him with Bakugo and Todoroki she runs over to the tree Kacchan see her first.

"How you get here you damn brat?" Eri don't answer him instead she went right to Deku and she sees the bandage wrapped around Deku's head and some of his blood stained it.

"Hey, Eri don't you look nice." Deku smiles the young girl points at his wound and places her hand on it. Her horn glowed for a few seconds and then it stopped.

Deku just understood what she did she used her quirk to fix his head wound "thank you Eri." Mirio caught up around the same time "Eri there you are I thought I told you that you cannot run off like that."

Eri lowers her head "I'm sorry." Deku speaks up for her "It's okay Mirio she fixed my head wound." Deku then removes the bandage wrapped around his head that's when the rest of them can see the red marks around his wrists.

His skin had been worn off leaving the marks behind. It was from the zip ties he had been tied with before Kacchan cut him free. "Umm Midoriya your wrists" Mirio was the first to say something Deku looks at them he didn't even notice it until now.

Fixing his head wound took out what power Eri had but she knew she wasn't done she had to heal his arms too. Just like before Eri places both of her hands on top of Deku's her horn lit up and the marks on Deku's arms went away.

"Thanks again Eri" Deku says in a calm voice and with a smile. That made Eri have a huge grin.  "I need to check on my mom." Deku explains to the others. Mirio smiled "hurry up we got a party to get too."

"You're not going by yourself you damn nerd." Kacchan snapped out Deku just rolls with it he goes up to an ambulance that had his mother in it she had just woken up and sees her son a long with Katsuki it had been a really long time since she has seen him and with her son.

"Oh, sweetie are you alright Charile didn't hurt you that bad, did he?" Deku's mother asks Deku shakes his head no "Thanks to Kacchan and Todoroki I am fine how's your head?"

she looks at Kacchan who takes a deep breath "Deku you are hiding something from her." Inko looks back to her son giving a weird look over it "Izuku what is he talking about?"  Deku grits his teeth he might as well tell her "Mom if Bakugo and Todoroki didn't show up when they did well Charlie might had raped us both."

Inko placed her hand over her mouth and tears filled her eyes it was one if she went through it but Izuku going though it made her sick. "Izuku where is Charlie now?" She asks Deku don't answer but Kacchan does "we took care of it Todoroki knocked him out and when the police showed up, we handed him over."

Inko wipes a tear from her face but there was something on Deku's mind he had to know "Mom why did he do it he said something about payment?" Inko took a deep breath "We have been debt for a while I was getting ready to pay it but then he doubled it and threaten me."

Deku's eyes widen this is the first time he has heard about this "Mom why didn't you tell me?" Inko tears up again "Izuku he was threating to kill you if I said anything." This made Deku more sick to his stomach more than the fact that Charlie was going rape him and his mother.

Deku steps out of the ambulance and started to throw up heavily so much that Kacchan placed his hand on his back, and he kept throwing up.  This worried Inko "Izuku you, okay?"

Deku cleans the spit from his face a nodded. "I will be I just wished you told me earlier that's all." Inko lowers her head she should have told him it made her feel bad she looks back at Kacchan "You really got big." Kacchan just rolls his eyes "you going to be able to handle yourself now Deku?" Kacchan says annoyed.

Deku grins his mother see's it "besides don't you kids have a party to get to Izuku I will be fine try not let this bug you all night and have some fun."

his mother was right there is a school dance going on after all Charlie wasn't going to ruin it for him. "We should go back with the others Kacchan." Deku says still with a smile on his face he starts to head back with the others Kacchan rolls his eyes.

Inko had one more thing to say before Kacchan left " It's good to see you Katsuki." all that came out of Kacchan's mouth was "Whatever." he leaves to go meet up with the others Inko grins and shakes her head she regrets not telling Izuku sooner.

Happily, Deku hops in Mirio car and Kacchan Todoroki also hopped in "I know one thing Kirishima is going to be pissed." Kacchan spits out annoyed Todoroki "yeah and Momo is going to kill me." Todoroki says with some worry in his voice. Both of them was sitting in different sides Eri was in the middle of where they were sitting the three of was in the back.

"This why I never like school dance's you hear me Mirio?" Kacchan says still being a bit annoying.  Deku rolls his eyes and smiles the rest of the night was going to be good he just knew it.


A Nurse was handing over files of a test subject that would be perfect for tests and the doctor grins "this boy is goanna do me some good how can someone go powerless then one day gain a power.

It was something this doctor had tested on people who had quirks and others who didn't, but this was the first time he had seen someone qurikless then all of a sudden gets one.

"Get the tools ready I am going to get the subject now." the doctor gives the orders to his nurse she nods, and the nurse looks at the doctor's file and read who he was after.


Subject: 0043789

Age: 16

DOB: July 15th

hair: green and black mixed

Eyes: green

Sex: male

School: UA student

Name: Midoriya Izuku

Mother: Midoriya Inko

Father: unknown

Single child

Skin: white

Born qurikless but as he got older got one that formed.


The nurse was shocked he was going after a high school kid this wasn't right there had to be an error to the report that's all she could think about or was it the doctor messing around with her either way the nurse got ready for the new subject.

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