chapter 19

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AN: In my fanfic the events of the heroes rising movie takes place before Eri was saved not after in my
style of MHA -blademaster122 

Deku and Eri remained a sleep it was a quite drive home but Inko didn't mind she kept her mind on the road then she hears moans coming from Izuku she knew he was having a nightmare but still she kept driving anyways.

"NO... LEAVE....ME ALONE IT.....HURTS!!" Deku was screaming in his sleep Inko pulls the car over he screams even louder this time waking Eri up she was scared at first but was worried when she saw her brother freaking out.

"SIMON STOP!!" Deku screamed again lighting from one for all came out making Eri duck to the headboard of the car Inko opens his side to the car after she pulled over and started to shake her son up Deku slowly opens his eyes at first, he saw Simon "NO....DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Eri started to shake on him too "Deku you're having a bad dream!"

Deku blinks he saw his mother and Eri looking at him he took a deep breath "I'm sorry." Eri don't reply but she got back up in the car seat and rested her head on Deku again. "You okay Izuku One for All was going wild again?" Deku just nods at his mother "I'm fine can we just go home the rest of the way?" he then yawns.

Inko got back to the driver's side and started to dive again Deku saw Eri's teddy bear on the floor he hands it to Eri who slowly fell asleep again. As for Deku he stayed awake the rest of the way home.

He just watched Eri fall back asleep in his lap he looked outside the car window a few times but went back to looking at Eri it was a very long ride back but finally Inko pulled in the driveway.  Deku shakes Eri up she rubs her eyes the both of them got out of the car each had a box of Eri's things Inko had a surprise for the two she couldn't wait for them to see Deku was the first to open the front door.

"HI MR. DEKU!!" it was Katsuma he about gave Deku a heart attack. Deku took a deep breath "What are you doing here?" Katsuma walked over and gave him a hug his sister Mahoro also gave him a hug to then Deku saw their father.

"Your mother wanted this to be a surprise." Mr. Shimano tells him Deku shook his head "boy am I." Deku replies Katsuma see's Eri "Mr. Deku who's that?" he points at Eri who hid herself behind Deku. "Oh, this Is Eri she my...." Mahoro cuts him off "I didn't know you had a sister!!" she says with a huge grin she got closer to her "Hi my name is Mahoro and this boy with me is my brother Katsuma."

Eri still stay closed to Deku which confused Mahoro Deku understood it "She's a bit shy that's all look I am happy to see the two of you, but my mom and I have to get Eri moved in besides how did you get the info on the place we live at?"

Katsuma chuckles "My dad knows how to get around things." Deku nods "okay then." Deku's phone went off it was Bakugo most likely checking on him he put him on video call "hey Kacchan you will never guess who is here."

"What are you going on about Deku!?" Deku then shows him Katsuma and Mahoro "Well I'd be damned!!" Kacchan yells making Deku jump a little the two kids were happy to see him to "Bakugo!!" Mahoro shouts happily.

While all the kids were hanging out talking to one another Inko pulls Mr.Shimano to talk to him.

"I know its short notice but thank you for coming." Inko tells him the man smiles at her "Hey your son kept my kids safe it's the least I could do, and he is acting fine though are you sure he wasn't kidnapped?" Inko shakes her head no "I just wanted to make my son happy that's all and Eri is now a part of our family."

"I can see it she pretty close to your son I take it?" Mr.Shimano asks Inko nods yes "He saved her kind of how he helped save your kids the two of them is really close that and Eri had nowhere to go but to be in foster care I didn't want to rip her apart from Izuku."

Mr.Shimano had a confused look on his face "you mean Deku my kids told me that is his name." Inko laughs "No that's his hero name his real name is Izuku."  The both of them chuckled about it then they heard screams something wasn't right.

Both of them ran back into the house Deku was on the ground shaking all three of the kids around him tried to calm him down. Inko gets close to her son "Izuku deep breaths Simon can't hurt you anymore deep breaths it's okay." Deku backs up from everyone "stay away!" his hand shot out and black whip came out just like it did the night of the dance Deku was in tears "No! Stop!" he screamed this was an effect of One for All.

His mother hold on closer to him everyone else there had to duck for cover Deku was still crying. Inko hold tight to her son about a half an hour later black whip went back in Deku he started to take a deep breath he was sweating. Everyone who ducked for cover came out  Katsuma was confused at what happened "Mr. Deku what happened?" Deku was still taking deep breaths to answer so Inko does.

"Katsuma a very bad man did something to him, and the heroes only got him back a few days go."

that made Katsuma tear up he got close to Deku and started to hug him again what came to his mind was the battle Deku and Bakugo had fighting Nine what he did for him and his sister it was their time to help him. Inko tears up her son was really broken.

Deku wipes a tear away he looks at Katsuma "Thank you."  The young boy lets go of him and started to laugh for some reason him laughing made Deku laugh. Katsuma had a huge smile "oh Mr.Deku we are moving here to the main land dad got a job here that and we have been living in a motel after that villain blew up our home."

"So, you guys will be close." Deku replied Katsuma nods "I know you don't want me and my sister to know what happened, but you can always stop by when we move into our new home if you want." Deku grins "I would like that you guys have enough time to help us get Eri's things in?"

Katsuma nods happily they all started to unpack the car and started to drag Eri's things in.

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