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So I was sitting at home playing my favorite Mario game at home basically living an normal life I'm a serious Mario Fan as you can see I love other games too I just love playing Mario games in general the new Mario game have drop so I was going to played it after I finish playing my favorite Mario game(Any Mario Game Of Your Choice LOL) when suddenly my game system went out I was kind of mad "Dang it and I was just about to finish my favorite Mario game."I sighed in disbelief so I slowly got off my couch an took a look at my game system I tried turning it on and off thinking it was probably just a shortage or it probably was just over heating after all I was playing it for hours so it probably over heated but nothing happen so I finally took it down and unscrew it carefully(I'm not an mechanic or and electrician or a game developer so I don't want to hurt myself lol)once I open it I saw that it was completely toast it was completely fried its not going to work at all I was a little upset but I new there was nothing I can do for it now in defeat I let it cool down and finally threw it away."Well it look like it's time to go get a new game system."I said then I trotted outside it was a nice humid day so I threw on a little jacket and walk down the street I didn't feel like driving my car since I live close by a lot of stores so I didn't mind walking and besides I need to get out more staying in the house wasn't a good idea and if I want to break out of my shell and make new friends I got to get out more I need leave my house more so as I was stopping by each electronic store I wasn't so lucky because it's was Black Friday Month alot of the game systems was sold out so I was hitting a curveball at every corner "SERIOULY I HATE BLACK FRIDAY MONTH I CAN'T FIND ANY GAME SYSTEMS AT ALL CAUSE THERE MOSTLY SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE." I shouted in anger but I couldn't really blame it this is Black Friday Month after all of course everything was mostly sold out I sigh in disbelief after I calm down I said to myself "Alright I guess I'll head back home then."I was sad and started to head home until I spotted a new store I took a breather and headed toward the store it look nice on the outside alot of beautiful decorations I smile in awe admiring the scenery I look at the sign on the store "BALANZI'S",I thought(" never hear of it I mean I knew they was building a new store but no one every talk about it or mention it this is my lucky day let me check it out you never know they might have what I need.")After debating about it I went inside it was breath taking it was huge inside everything was so nice it had everything (Think about Walmart it was just as big and organize but a little nicer.)I was so indulge with the scenery I forgot why I even came in here for until suddenly an employee came up to me an spoke to me she said "Hello Ma'am Welcome to Balanzi's where we have all your wants and needs how may I help you on this magnificent day."I was brought back to reality she was a very nice and sweet girl  I gave her an humble respond with a smile and said "Oh yes sorry about that I was admiring the inside of store heh" I blush in embarrassment she let out a little chuckle and said "That's okay I had the same reaction when I started working here I was astonish by everything it remind of Walmart but a little bigger haha "I agree with her on that it does remind me of Walmart it's alot bigger and more beautiful I didn't want to hold her up since we was talking alot and eventually I made a new friend her name was Jessica so I let her know what I was looking for I said "Jessica I was looking for a new game system mines went out on me so I had to eventually throw it away do you guys have one in stock that I can buy." I smile in delight she smiles back and said "I know how that is I'm a gamer too I will hate for something like that to happen to me too especially when I'm playing my favorite video game since we just open we actually have our brand new game systems that had just came in your very lucky today to be here before the other people shows up I will take you to the aisle that the game systems are in follow me." She smiled and led the way in my head I was thinking "YES finally I can play the new Mario game I had brought this is the best day ever,"I squeal in happiness Jessica look at me and gave me a little playful giggle I look at her and rub the back of my head she smile at me and said "I'm glad we became friends your a very nice person and cool too." I was so happy to hear that from someone it made me feel good about myself I told Jessica thank you and I appreciate our friendship she nodded and we continued walking down the aisle when we got there I let out a gasped and said"OMG look at all of these game systems ya'll even got my favorite color(ANY BLUE COLOR IS MY FAVORITE BY THE WAY)and (ANY CHOICE OF YOUR FAVORITE COLOR READER IS FINE)She giggle at my outburst I sounded like a little child getting excited about the littlest things who could blame me I laughed and said"Sorry about that Jess,"I rub my arm in embarrassment she chuckle and said"Its alright bestie your good."I nodded and looked back at the game systems she smiled and said"So which one you want Bestie,"(May I say to you they all look very high-tech like futuristic so it was a very hard choice for me)(Any color of your choice reader is fine.)After looking at them I finally made a choice and said"Jessica I will like to get this one,"she look at it and said"Okay it's very cute you will enjoy that one."I shook my head and agree.(It had blue and pink lining on it and it had a beautiful light blue covering I also enjoy the Diamond shape design on it so I got that one)we walk back to register Jessica check me out she said"Okay bestie that will be $1,543.64 will you be paying in cash or card,"I replied "I will be paying in card Jessica,"she responded " Okay." And cash me out and say "Have a great day Bestie talk to you later." I chime and said "You too Jess talk to you later." and I left what I didn't know is that I wasn't going to be seeing Jessica in a very long time especially with the experience of a lifetime that I'm about to encounter I was so excited I ran off to my house hook up everything on my TV put in the new Mario game and started playing it I enjoy it so much I was playing it until nightfall I look out the window and seen how dark it was I said "OMG I can't believe I was playing that long I have to work tomorrow well time to cook dinner." I went to my kitchen(If you wondering I was staying in an townhouse)( but any home of your choice reader is fine)and started cooking since I went to culinary school and got a degree I found myself enjoying different forms of cooking it always melted my heart when it come to cooking but despise all of that let's move on shall we after I ate dinner I went to my bedroom and took a shower after I took a shower I went straight to bed looking forward to another day but what I didn't expect while I was sleeping that the game system I brought let out a magical aura in my whole entire house I got caught in the magic aura and wand up teleported in the Mushroom Kingdom of The Super Mario World(PS. I'M IN MY OWN CASTLE BY THE WAY) this my friend is where our story begins.

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