Meeting The Hero's Part 2

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As you may know you had a sudden dream about the Mushroom Kingdom it was unexpected since you didn't stay here that long the dreams was basically you talking about how much you love the Mushroom Kingdom and your friends and you don't want to leave them so you had to make a choice to stay or go back to your world but before you was about to make an decision you was woken up by an sudden knock on the door you got up an answer the door Parakoopa gives you an letter and left it surprise you cause you never told anyone where you live so it was quite an shocked and it was so sudden you didn't look at it yet instead you cook you some breakfast went up stairs took an shower thinking about that Dream you had you had many questions about it but you have to figure it out by yourself you got ready and sat down and read the letter by your surprise it was from the Mario Bros[WE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN LOL READER] After you read the letter you smile and took a step outside and started to head to the Mushroom Kingdom of course you took a breather and stop to admire your surroundings you really love nature and headed to a open field of rare flowers after having the experience of a lifetime you came across a lake you enjoy the gorgeous view an sat down by the lake when suddenly your friend Toadette showed up you two had a great conversation you needed it because you was afraid and had an emotional breakdown you two confort each other which made you feel better after that you and Toadette trotted your way to Mushroom Kingdom to meet the others this my friend is where our story continues.


Mama-mia I'm so nervous I really hope-a she got my letter it's been hectic the last couple of days there-a so much to do I got to help Princess Peach prep for everything before we actually meet the new Princess that came to town she-a wants to throw her an welcome party at her castle which is an major step an a lot-a hard work I started to panic she want it's to be perfect when she arrive and I do too but this is to-a much to be honest I just want-a to go meet her and get to know the new Princess too maybe we-a can be friends but I need to focus on her party first then talk to her later I just hope-a everything ends up well.


Okie-dokie so-a Princess Peach wants us to get-a everything set up for the new Princess Welcome Party to be honest I'm kind of nervous too when-a Mario came up to me and said "Okay Luigi we will-a be throwing the new Princess an welcome party at-a Princess Peach Castle she-a wants everything to be-a perfect here the list of what she wants done Lets-a go Lil Bro,"I responded "Okie-dokie Mario Lets-a go."I was so excited but now-a I'm freaking out not only that-a I don't want to mess things up for her nor do I want to disappoint Mario and Princess Peach they believe in me and I don't want-a to let them down how will the new Princess feel if I screw this up that-a will be an bad impression on me and-a I don't want that calm down Luigi you-a can do this to be honest I can't wait-a to see her I'm looking forward to it.


Okay so far everything is going smoothly with her party I hope she likes it despise everything that happen with Bowser I really is looking forward to making her feel welcome here she is an very important person to me and everyone I don't want this to end bad I often wonder what she like from what Toadsworth was talking about she an amazing person and he love her personality she is very nice and very beautiful she has an spark in her eyes that Toadsworth admires he brag alots about her I couldn't help but be excited about meeting her if she is what Toadsworth picture I'm looking forward to be friends.

As Toadette and I headed down to Mushroom Kingdom we couldn't help but talk about everything that happen up till now she was an amazing friend and we enjoy each other company I even ask why she was out in the field "Hey Toadette why was in the field," Toadette look at me and smile and said "Oh Princess I was collecting herbs for Princess Peach she needed them for what she was cooking today,"I look at Toadette and said "Hmm is she cooking for an special occasion I remember Yellow Toad was talking about how you guys throw alot festivities here in the Mushroom Kingdom," Toadette laugh nervously and rub her head and said "Well Princess you can say that." I looked at her with a confused look on my face I didn't know what to make of it so I pushed to ask for myself since curiosity got ahold of me "Umm wel-well Toadette if you don't mind me asking what is this special occasion," Toadette face turn red at my question she know it was an surprise for me and Princess Peach didn't want her to say anything about it so she just smile and said "Its a secret you just going to have wait and see Teehee." I was still confused but I agree with Toadette and let it go I looked at the time it was 2:30 pm[If you are wondering about the reader your surprise welcome party starts at 7 pm]I look around and then look at Toadette and said "Hey Toadette is there anything we can do to past time I'm in the mood of doing something fun," I smile at her and she smile back and said "Of course Princess there is alot of things we can do to past time but don't have to much fun you going to tucker yourself out before the main event." She tease me with a wink I was confuse but I just laugh it off and went along with the flow we continued enjoying ourselves until it was time to go to the castle I was in for a surprise of a lifetime when we got to castle she told me to wait outside for a little bit why she go inside I obey and waited outside while Toadette scurry inside I just laugh as I watch the door close behind her it was very peaceful ("Hmm I wonder what is going on and why Toadette ask me to wait it's very mysterious.")I shook off the thought an waited patiently.While that was happening Toadette ran straight to Princess Peach and let her know that I was here and I was waiting outside she clapped with joy and thanks Toadette for the information she went to Mario and Luigi and let them know I was here without any doubt in their mind they smile at the Princess and gave an gentle nodded and went on their way.


OMG MAMA-MIA the new Princess is-a here and she outside of the Castle I look around just-a to make sure everything was good before she-a walk through the door of course I was panicking because I wanted to-a make sure that everything was good for her welcome party we work our buttons off to-a make sure everything is perfect an the last thing I want is to give a bad impression of everything as-a I was pacing back and forth I was asking myself "Mama-mia will she like everything, how is she, what was she like, is she-a sweet is she-a picky, will she love everything, how is her-a personality, and etc." So many questions was going through my head about her that I thought I was going-a crazy I took an breather and calm down and said"No Mario this isn't a way to start everything off you-a shouldn't panic especially since this is the first time your meeting her you don't want her to think your strange or an weirdo." With that said I reassure-a myself and headed downstairs thinking to myself"We finally going to meet-a Princess I was looking forward to this I'm truly honor."


OH MY GOODNESS SHE HERE SHE FINALLY HERE I was-a looking forward to this for-a the longest I know a lot has happen ever since Bowser kidnap-a Princess Peach it was quite-a an hassle but we-a manage to get her back and now here we are throwing an welcome party for the new Princess that-as in town now she here I'm so happy I wonder to-a myself " how is she, what-a type of person she, is like what-a her favorite color what-a she enjoy the most, is she-a nice is she a amazing person, so-a forth and so-a forth."  Toadsworth talk to us about her alot-a and how he-a enjoy her company and we in for a treat to meet her so on and so on I can't contain-a myself any longer I want to meet-a her right now I'm looking forward to this Yahoo.


YES THE TIME HAS COME TO MEET THE NEW PRINCESS I'M SO EXCITED I was waiting for this moment Toadsworth said so much great things about her I couldn't help myself I had to see her that is why I decided to throw this party to welcome the new Princess in town I was so happy when Toadette told me she was here and was waiting outside my castle I couldn't contain my joy any longer so I ran to Mario and Luigi to let them know that she was here the bros seem so happy to hear that I couldn't but help but to laugh at their jester they really was looking forward to seeing her and so was I this will be the best day of my life not only will I be able to meet a new Princess beside my cousin Daisy and my friend Rosalina but I get to make a new Princess friend thank you Toadette I really appreciate it you did a amazing job now we can finally meet her I hope everything goes well at the end.

Well reader I hope you enjoying the story so far next part is going be an banger will everything be alright will she enjoy herself will she make new friends will she start developing feeling for an special someone will they feel the same about her or will something domestic will happen there only one way to find out see you guys soon.

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