The Tour Of Prisavona City

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[As you can see reader so far that you came from the humble town of Magnolia you made a friend name Evelyn she was the Princess of Magnolia Town she taught you the ways of her people to help you on your journey your next destination was Prisavona City when you departed from Magnolia Town Evelyn advised you learn as much as you can on your journey make new friends and learn their ways this can help you be more aware of you surroundings and help you from time being which is a good sign you came upon your destination which took quite an journey so far it been peaceful but peace can only last for so long before something extraordinary happen with that said reader let's continue our story.]

As I was sleeping I had an sudden dream about Prisavona City which was strange because I just got there in my dream I seen a couple of silhouettes of people they look like an gang they was very troubling I couldn't see their face but they wasn't welcoming at all they brought disaster whereever they go I can see fire brewing people screaming it was an nightmare I couldn't believe my eyes there maniacal laughing sent chills down my spine but I knew had to stop them from their diabolical plans I hear some other people calling my name they ran up to me they ask me if I was alright I couldn't see their face but they feel like companions of mines that I came across while I was in Prisavona City we got together and got into a fight the bandits before there was a resolve of the battle I woke up to an knock on my motel door I open up my eyes and groan a little when I came to I got out of the bed and open the door it was the motel owner he had very long silver hair, he was very tan, had an genuine smile, and most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen he was very handsome sweet and kind I just let out a sweet smile and nodded at him he look at me and said "Good morning Princess did you sleep well sorry for waking you I wanted to bring you some breakfast if that is okay,"He had a sweet gentleman accent I can tell he was properly raise well he was a very respectful man which I admire I let out an chuckle and said "Thank you I appreciate it." He smiled at me and said "No problem Princess I would love to give you a tour of the city but unfortunately I can't leave my motel if you don't mind I will send someone I know to give you a tour of Prisavona City if that is okay," I smiled at him said "Of course I will love that thank you," He nodded at me and gave me my breakfast he was about to leave then he stop and said "Oh my goodness I forgot to introduce myself to you Princess my name is Cosmo it's an pleasure to meet you I will like to get to know you more if that is okay we can become the best of friends if that is fine with you Princess," I look at him and nodded "With Pleasure Cosmo I wouldn't mind getting to know you I love meeting new people and making friends I'm okay with it."He smile and nodded we said our goodbyes and went on our way when I got back in the room I sat down at the table in my room an ate breakfast to my surprise the food was amazing such and unique flavor it was well balanced and season to perfection I was touch such Culinary skills made me wonder who made it after I finish I went to the sink and wash the dishes from the breakfast he gave me even though they wash them but I wanted to give Cosmo my gratitude so I did them for him after that I got in the shower got dress and did my makeup and hair after that I went back to the kitchen and pour me something to drink after I was walking to the couch to sit down when I saw a letter by my door it was strange I just got out of the shower I pick it up went to couch and sat down I open it the letter was from Cosmo he was basically welcoming me to Prisavona City and wishing me a great day and time here in Prisavona City he was so sweet he even gave me a beautiful rose it was touching he also gave me his number to contact him if I ever want to hang out or if I have questions about the city he willing to help and answer all my questions he also let me know about the person that was giving me a tour of Prisavona City everyone love her she very sweet and kind and love meeting other people just like me we might actually become friends her name was Bermuda I was looking forward to meeting her maybe she can teach me more about the city and the way of the people of Prisavona City just like my friend Evelyn did when I was staying on Magnolia Town after that I fold the letter back up and place it back in the pink envelope with a rose seal I put in my drawer and added Cosmo number in my phone to show my gratitude I wrote Cosmo a letter thanking him for everything and I was looking forward to the tour with Bermuda as an tradition I gave him a rose in return I even spray it with my favorite perfume just to sent him my generosity to him after that I hear an knock on my door I look through the keyhole I saw a pretty girl she had long curly flourish locks, magenta eyes, pearlized pink lip gloss, pearl earrings/necklace jewelry,and light pink and green dress with lavish gold heels to be honest she look royalty she even had a crystal crown on top of head I thought to myself ("She either like dressing like a Princess or she actually is an Princess,")I guess she knew I was looking through the keyhole of my door because she gave an genuine smile at me and then she spoke "Excuse me Princess I'm hear to give you an tour of Prisavona City I'm Bermuda I'm sure Cosmo mention to you about me giving you a tour I honor to give you a tour of my beautiful city and I'm also looking forward to getting to know you more too it's very rare that I get another Princess coming to my city if you don't mind I will like to be friends,"After that it was confirm ["Yeah she definitely the Princess of Prisavona City."] I was happy at the fact that I get to meet another Princess ever since my best friend Princess Peach was kidnap by this so called Bowser the Koopa King I been worry ever since then not to mention I was worry about my friends Mario and Luigi too I hope everything okay I don't know how but Bermuda sense my worry and ask me if I was okay it surprise me not to mention I didn't even open the door I finally open the door for her she look at me with her concerning magenta eyes I just smile at her and told I was okay and that I was sorry for hold up she wasn't really bying it but she didn't pry or make me uncomfortable so she discharge the thought but she let me know if there anything I want to talk about my worries my problems or concerns she all ears and she willing to listen and talk it out with me I was touched by this because not that many people are willing to do that for others especially since we first met I just smile at her and agree with her offer I did had alot on my mind especially about that sudden dream I had I question the meaning of such dream was there really something about to happen here in Prisavona City are these bandits really are a threat I know little of this place and the thought about encountering such people is terrible I barely know how to defend myself nor avoid such conflicts so that dream worries me not only who our these companions of mines that fight along side me in Prisavona City did I meet them later down the line I'm curious about the matter so many mysteries but nether the less I can't let this bother me I need focus on the tour the more I know about Prisavona City the better I get an better understanding of everything and the people of Prisavona City after all Evelyn wouldn't sent me here without a reason I should make the best of this I'm writing my own destiny after all and I on a mission to save my friends and I won't stop at nothing to save them because they mean that much to me what I didn't know that Princess Bermuda can read minds so she know everything now and my purpose on my journey which put an smile on her face I look at her I was confuse on why she was smiling I was about to ask but she shook her head and place her fingers on my lips to silent me she just said "Come on Princess lets get started on your tour of Prisavona City okay," I was still confuse but I didn't refuse the suggestion I nodded and said"Your right Princess Bermuda we shouldn't dilly dag we got an tour to do."I gave her a reassuring smile Bermuda just giggled and nodded, and we on with the tour Prisavona City was such an extraordinary city alone the history, the legends, the beauty of the city, and the amazing people of Prisavona City was awesome what amaze me the most is the Princess alone she was radiant girl I learn alot about her she even told me alot about Cosmo too which didn't surprise me they was friends for years so it didn't bother me the fact that they admire each other which is cute it reminds me of Mario and Peach how they depend on another such an amazing friendship even though I heard rumors about Mario actually have feelings for Peach they say he was in love with her and she doesn't even notice Hell I even heard rumors that the same goes with Luigi and Daisy but she such a brat I don't know what he see in her she so controlling too no wonder why Mario and Daisy always bumping heads she too much and Mario don't played about Luigi that his little brother after all so I wouldn't blame him I feel bad for Peach to have to deal with an abnoxious Cousin it break my heart even my family doesn't do that we get along just fine we may argue every once in awhile but we always come up to an agreement at the end they should have the same thing but not everyone the same it's sad very sad Bermuda read my mind so she pat me on the shoulder which kind of startle me I was confuse when she gave me a hug so sudden but I wasn't mad after everything that happen I needed one I caress her back eventually I wand up crying in her arms like a child she didn't let me go till I was done I felt better after I even thank her she said I was very welcome anytime I even question everything that when Bermuda told me that she can read people mind so knew what I was thinking and how I was feeling she even comment about my dream I had too she even told the meaning of my dream that there is danger coming soon and I need to be prepared for what ever comes my way and that she will help me no matter the cost cause I'm her friend and she won't let anything happen to me while I'm here she even offer to teach me everything she know and the way of her people to prepare myself for that danger that lurking around the corner so I be ready to fight after all I agree to this it was a huge step for me but at this point I'm ready for anything I'm ready to learn the way of the people Prisavona City.
[Well, Reader, it looks like you took the very second step on the journey to define your destiny. What will you experience on this journey? What hardship will you face, and how will you fight against the danger that is coming there? Only one way to find out the question is, will you be ready!]

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