An Unexpected Journey

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[As you may know you came back from hanging out with your friends yesterday you went to straight to sleep yesterday night but you had another episode of one of those dreams which was basically you beening kidnap by an monster(BOWSER) he wanted you to marry him of course you refuse because it was nonsense how can you marry someone you don't love anyway through this phase you two was arguing back and forth about the marriage thing you was about to say who your true love were but as convenient you wake up questioning that dream you took a bath got dress and head downstairs you smell breakfast and went to the kitchen you saw Peach,Toadette,Rosalina and other toads in the kitchen (Daisy wasn't there she left early and went home thank goodness) anyway you offer to help of course they agree after that Peach sent you to go get the Mario Bros they was in the garden they was planting your favorite flowers(Which was an convenient)after you catch up with all your friends you guys went outside everything was fine until you guys heard an explosion trying to figure out what was going on you all ran straight to Toad Town where everyone was panicking it was an nightmare what made it worse was you recognize someone voice from your dream an to your surprise there stood Bowser laughing evilly of course he snatch Princess Peach and went on his way the Mario Bros was about to spring into action until they realize they need to take you home because it was too dangerous and they didn't want you to get hurt so you went home told them goodbye and they went on their way you wanted to help but didn't know what to do until you heard a voice known as Mother Nature she advise you to go help them even though you was confuse and scare she promise you that you will find everything you seek future wise only time can tell but it was enough to convince you to leave your home now your setting your own destiny with no questions it was a hustle and very unexpected but you know you have to do what you have to do to get answers and this is where our journey continue reader.]

I was so scare I didn't know what to do my heart was facing so fast I thought I might have a panic attack it took me a lot of guts to leave the safety of my home but I was so worry about my friends that I couldn't just sit there I had to do something I might not like conflict but it breaks my heart to think about all the pain and suffering that Princess Peach was going through not to mention that the Mario Bros are out there risking their lives for The Princess of Mushroom Kingdom she was the citizens of Mushroom Kingdom leader and it will be devastating if something bad had happen to her all  the citizens of Mushroom Kingdom wouldn't be able to live with their self not to mention what about Mario I heard something's that he was in love with her my heart kind ached at the thought but who know they probably right then the situation with Luigi I heard he have a thing for that bitch Daisy the thought of this piss me off I didn't like her at all she such a judgmental person who could like such a witch but I can't say anything about that you love who you love even if the person you have feelings for is a pain in the ass[Yes reader I know what you thinking we know that Mario and Luigi have an crush on you just go along with the flow lol.]But despite everything about someone everyone deserves to be love even if they might be the worse person in the world but you never know some people change overtime hopefully she will be one of them(Aww even though you can't stand her reader you still wish her the best your such a sweetheart lol.)As I thought about this I realized I was wandering off somewhere when I snapped back in reality I realized I wasn't in my Kingdom anymore nor was I in the Mushroom Kingdom either I looked around aimlessly and said("WHAT where the hell am I and how far did I walk what is this place don't tell me I'm lost.")I should of known because I really don't know anything about this world even though I played the video game but I'm not a damn genius I'm still human for peek sake I get lost just like everyone else I try not to panic because I was in the middle of nowhere I was in a beautiful place that is true but the question is where as I gently walk through the land I notice how beautiful everything was from the trees to the flowers to the radiant river stream and the pleasant surroundings of nature it was such a majestic scene I couldn't help but to be pleased as I was traveling I notice a sign ahead of me I ran to it to see where I was at the left sign said {Aurora Valley}the middle sign said {Maleficent Forrest}(By the way reader you was walking through Maleficent Forrest)and finally the right sign said{Magnolia Town}I had a feeling this place was very beautiful I was curious about it I thought to myself if I can get familiar with this town I can eventually find someone who can help me with that said I headed towards Aurora Valley first to seek some help as I was going through the valley I notice it was quite large but very beautiful I love all the nature very peaceful as it all your worries was wash away it was a amazing feeling with such a nice wind blowing towards you with the sweet aroma of flowers blooming press against your nose not to mention the most elegant scenery of animals around you it was a perfect place to go on a picnic with your friends or even go on a romantic date with that special someone you love a great place for couples to enjoy it was very intriguing but a magnificent place as I continue down the valley I notice it had edible fruits and herb's around that you can collect on your journey not to mention the most refreshing fresh spring water that you can drink no pollution no nothing just fresh clean water I took advantage of this situation and collect all the fruit and herb's I can find on my journey I'm going to need it if I'm going to get to Bowser Castle where it's at I don't know but I got to keep everything stock up hopefully everything will be fine as I continue down the spring I came across the most marvelous waterfall it was so pretty I can stare at it forever but I knew I had to keep going I wash my face and fix up my hair and continue going I was very tired so I took a quick rest under an cherry blossom tree I was so tired I fell asleep for a little bit when I woke up I notice I was in a bed in an beautiful room the decorations was amazing the flowers on the desk was lovely I was even in different clothing I got to admit the clothes I had on was kind of filthy after I travel for so long not to mention I did collect fruit and herb's as I was walking so they even got dirtier so I'm grateful for the new clothing it was cute what I had on too I had on a radiant beaded blouse with a elegant skirt and the shoes I had on the side of my bed was crystalize beaded wedge heels that was breath taking I wore a beaded necklace with crystal earrings and my hair was curl up with a crystal beaded princess clip my crown was on the side of my bed by a gorgeous lamp it was polish very beautifully I was pleased by it even though my surroundings was good and welcoming I was kind of confuse on where I was and how I got here so I started to get up I was fully rested and ready to go hell I was even kind of hungry too so when I got ready there was a knock on my door I was startle I even question the matter ("Huh who could of that be is that the one who brought me here should I be worry") After debating everything the person answer"Umm hello I know you might be confused and wondering where you are right now but please don't worry I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to bring you something to eat you was sleep for a while I thought you might be kind of hungry may I come in,"It sounded like a young lady she seem kind of shy but sweet so I got up and open the door when I saw her she was pretty she look like a resident here in this land she had long red hair her eyes was emerald green she had rosy cheeks and a clear glossy pink lip gloss she had a beautiful yellow pearl dress she even had a crown so she was a Princess like me I thought to myself I was humble and grateful so I gave her a sweet smile she handed me the food I told her thank you she smile at me she was very friendly she said"Um hello Princess how are you,"I smile at her and said"Hello I'm okay a little overwhelmed but I'm doing fine thank you for your concern if you don't mind may ask for your name Princess,"She look at me and nodded and said"Umm Yes sorry I should of introduce myself first before I uhh gave you uhh your uhh food Princess umm my name is Evelyn umm Princess Evelyn it's nice to uhh meet you Princess." I giggle her face was flush but she kind of remind me of Luigi he was very shy when we first meet he couldn't even look me in the eye without stuttering even though he was always flush he try to make conversation it was sweet I like that about him even though he was timid he was very kind and sweet like a dove I found that part him kind of cute I smile at the memory but I was still concern about Mario,Luigi,and my best friend Princess Peach the thought of them being hurt or scare put a frown on my face I was very worry I wanted to cry but then I felt an touch on my face it was Princess Evelyn she look concern I totally forgot she was still in front of me she said"Princ-Princess are you okay you seem very sad is there something bothering you do-do you want to talk-talk about it,"even though she was nervous she was worry about me I couldn't just keep quiet so I told her everything from what happen in Toad Town to my friend Peach getting kidnap from a monster(Bowser)from the Mario Bros going after him to save her from me leaving my home to go help them even though I didn't know where to go or if I would be any help to them after all of that she gave me an hug she told me that everything is going to be alright and my friends will be okay and to not worry just have a little faith in them everything will be fine after all of that I sat down and ate the food Princess Evelyn gave me then left my room Evelyn explain to me while we was walking what have happen and how I wand up here in Magnolia Town[Yes Reader You Woke Up At An Inn In Magnolia Town.]Come to find out want of the citizens walk by and saw me under the Cherry Blossom Tree sleeping they was worry because how I was looking and what I been through to get here even though my clothes was dirty they notice my clothes was rip too from where they got caught on the rose thorn brush and since I look like I wasn't from here they was concern that I might get caught up in some danger lurking around the valley they didn't want anything to happen to me so they carry me to the Inn in Magnolia Town and let Princess Evelyn know about me that is why she was here and since I'm an Princess I could of got taking away by any villains and that wouldn't be good as I thought about that I kind of grew concern about my well being since I now know that it's an thing that villains kidnap Princesses everywhere and who know what they will do to them even I ain't safe I started to freak out a little until Evelyn calm me down she smile at me of course I smile back she was an sweetheart after all she was so energetic and always positive even though she shy and timid she had an great vide coming from her which I appreciate she an amazing person I even notice we got a lot in common too which was awesome we eventually became friends which is quite an accomplishment on my behalf I'm now breaking out of my shell which is amazing I'm even starting to understand myself more which is good too that was quite an gamble after everything it was getting dark since we was far away from the Inn Princess Evelyn decided to let me stay at her castle she even told me about the people of Magnolia Town and about herself too she even offer to give me a tour of other places that live inside and outside of their town it will help me get an better understanding of world I'm living in of course I wasn't going to past up the opportunity the more I know about the place the more I can get an better understanding of everything and what ahead it can also help me get more prepare on my journey and hopefully I will be able to face what live ahead of Bowser Kingdom and prepare me for what about come.[Well Reader Look Like You Starting To Realize Your Destiny Little By Little As Time Goes On The Question Are You Ready For Lives Ahead Your Boundaries.]

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