Chapter 29

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Hello Wolf Pups!!! How are you today? I know once again it's been a while schools been a little tough lately and my main focus right now is not failing and also focusing on my job!

3rd person pov

Vitani, Draco and the others had just gotten off the train and we're heading into Hogwarts to join everyone in the great hall for the welcome back feast.
"I can't believe how quickly break went by." Draco whined,
"Lucky you, break couldn't have been longer for me. My mother took me to Belgium the entire break going on a million dates and now I have a new stepdad. again." Blaise groaned.
Vitani patted her brunette friend on the shoulder a gave him a look of pity before they entered the great hall, only to be stopped by non other than "The boy who lived to be a prat" and his lackeys. They stood Infront of the Slytherins blocking them (and others) from getting into the great hall. "Beat it Potter you're blocking the entrance." Pansy snapped annoyed. "Don't talk to me like that pug face! I can do whatever I want and I don't want you slimy snakes in the great hall!" Potter snapped back smugly. Blaise and Draco gave eachother a sideways glance as to say "wtf" and Pansy was steaming from what Potter called her. Vitani just as mad and confused. "What are you on Potter?! It seems like your arrogance somehow grew over break! I didn't think it was possible for your head to get any bigger. Mommy and daddy must have given you something. Now scram out of the way you're blocking other students aswell." Vitani demanded trying to walk past them into the hall, only for Potter to shove her back and pull out his wand. "I don't have to listen to a snake like you! Expeliarmus!" He shouted as a red light shot out of his wand. Only to rebound off an invisible shield and fly back at him. Blowing him and his lackeys to the ground.

Seeing this the professors ran over to ask what happened. Although the tri tried to lie and say Vitani attacked them, they had many witnesses from multiple houses saying that Potter attacked and the spell simply rebounded magically as Vitani hadn't even touched her wand. "She should still be given detention for potentially injuring students!" Potter senior yelled angrily. "Don't be daft James, the only reason they almost got injured is because your son tried to attack another student. It's not uncommon for purebloods and thier family friends to be given enchanted items to ward off offensive spells." Flitwick explained.
"Those are expensive though? And are they even allowed!?" Mrs. Potter complained as she knew that Harry couldn't get one as it would make him look weak. "They are always allowed, keeping students safe is our top priority." Professor Sprout corrected
The Potter's scoffed and continued to gush over their (un) injured son, before walking him and his friends to their table.
"I can't believe it's only the first day back and he's already trying to cause trouble." Pansy groaned annoyed. "Not shocked, he's always trying to cause trouble to boost his ego or get someone in trouble." Vitani explained as she and her friends walked their way over to the Slytherin table now that the way was clear.

At the head table

"Did they seriously think they could get Vitani in trouble for having a protectively charmed item?" Remus asked quietly only letting the men on either side of him hear.
"It's not something I'd put past him given who raised him." Severus drawled, causing Sirius to have to stifle a laugh.
Suddenly the sound of glass being clinked could be heard and chatter immediately dwindled down to silence. "Hello students. I hope you all had a wonderful break! Now however it is time to hop back into your classes!" Groans could be heard by most tables after Dumbledores statement. "Now now settle down I know that's not what you want to hear. However, this doesn't mean classes are starting right away!" He said.

"What now?" Theodore mumbled to the group who all exchanged a few confused looks.

"Classes will not be starting until Monday! I wish to give all of you time to settle back into your dorms!" Cheers could be heard after this proclamation. Except for the Slytherins and Ravenclaws who all were collectively thinking one thing.


"He can not be serious?" Asked Daphne. "Who needs THAT much time to settle in? We just had all break wouldn't it be better to start in the middle of the week where people are excited for the weekend instead of starting on a Monday?"

Daphne's group nodded along with a couple other Slytherins who happened to hear her comment.

"Normally we would just get right back to classes. That's how it was every other year." Flint spoke.

"Well then no doubt it has to do with the Golden Boys arrival." Draco stated. "First time he comes here and suddenly the rules change? Coincidence? I think not."

"I'll have to agree with him. I wouldn't put it past the Potter's OR Dumbledor to change school rules for him. All past and recent events considered." Vitani stated.

"Whatever let's just eat. I'm sure the older years and Professor Snape wouldn't mind if we got a head start among the rest of the students." Blaise said.

"I agree. Vitani maybe you could teach us some languages? I've been meaning to pick up a few new languages! Just to mess with some of my mom's new boyfriends" Blaise asked.

"Sure thing Blaise which languages?" Vitani replied.

"Spanish? And maybe French?"

"I can do Spanish my French is a little rusty." "Maybe Zenix will give me some lessons he's pretty good at French."

"Thanks Tani I'd appreciate it!"

"No problem Blaise. Anything to help you one up those dudes!"
By the time their conversation was finished it was time to head back to the dorms.

Hello Wolf Pups! Did you enjoy the chapter? There should be about 1 maybe 2 more chapters till the end of this book. But don't worry! This is still gonna be a series!

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