Chapter 15 The Duel Part 2

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"Take your positions!" I nod walking up to the center as Harry does as well. We now to each other and hold up our wands. I sharply bring mine to my side as we both turn away and walk back to our respective ends. "Ready.....Set...."


"GO!" called Flitwick; and they were off. Choosing to start as defence to give false hope, as that was her favorite battle tactic, she stood still watching his every move. Harry thought that this was gonna be easy. When the duel started he thought she had been frozen because she didn't know what to do or she was scared. This is gonna be a piece of cake Harry thought. If only he knew how wrong he was. "Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted. The red spell, blasted towards Vitani, smirking she bats it away with her hand shocking EVERYONE. Gasps sounded throughout the Hall. Stunning everyone including Harry. Taking this as her moment she shoot of a 'Stupyfy', 'expelliarmus', and 'flippendo' all at the same time. The colorful spells flew out of her wand and hit Harry in the chest. However the expelled missed him by a centemeter, so he still had his wand. Cursing herself mentally for not firing straight, Harry had decided to take that moment to mock her despite 2/3 of the spells hitting him "Wow can't heven shoot straight!" Harry mocked. He casted an expelliarmus at her, knocking her wand out of her hand. He smirked victoriously, and thought he won. A scowl formed on her face; raising her hand and thrusting it toward Harry. Vines from the plants that had been decoration around the hall, started to get bigger. They shot towards Harry at lighting speed. Wrapping around a very shocked Harry, they knocked his wand away from him, one wrapping around Vitani's wand and brought it to her. The whole crowd and school were shocked, she had elemental magic! Even though she knew she had won, she kept on guard. She made sure to watch the movements of others especially the Potter's and Dumbledore. Seeing that Harry couldn't finish. Flitwick shot up a white and light blue light that matched Vitani's hair color, and said. "It seems that Miss Vitani Forest is the winner. If you would, Miss Forest,  could you unwrap young Mr. Potter from your vines?" He spoke his question a bit softer seeing her still on edge. She snapped out of it looking at Flitwick and nodding. She stood up straight and retracted her vines. Harry fell to the flower with a thump. James and Lily ran up to their son. Lily picked him up putting him on his feet and muttering words of comfort to him. James Potter however looked enraged. He turned to Vitani and stomped up to her, he got right in front of her scowling. Vitani, however didn't flinch, she got over her fear of James Potter a bit many years ago so she didn't flinch, as she would have a few years ago. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction "What was THAT?!" James Potter yelled angrily. "That was some elemental magic, earth if you didn't realize." Vitani stated dryly. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!" he yelled furiously. At this point Vitani was getting irritated, she kept her occlumency shields high, and her mask in place. Looking around Dumbledore could see all of the shocked, angry, and disgusted faces of the audience. He knew that there was no rule against elemental magic as that was a very light form of magic. "Actually James there were no rules against elemental magic only dark magic. And as you should know elemental magic is not dark." Flitwick spoke up before Albus could say anything. James froze, finally realizing what he had done. He looked out to see the faces of all the wizards and witches the all looked horrified and disgusted faces. He paled a bit stepping back from Vitani, grabbing his wife's and son's hands and leading them out of the hall. Flitwick nodded to Vitani who, still a bit tence, turned to the crowd and bowed before walking off stage. After a short interview with Rita. Severus lead Vitani back to the dungeons with the rest of the Slytherins.

Sev's POV

When Vitani batted away that spell everyone was shocked. However, I saw she faltered a bit after. Perhaps she didn't mean to do that, it might've just been a reflex I thought to myself. The plants was something I didn't expect. Vitani is very good at keeping her emotions in check, I've noticed, however I believe that when Potter started to mock her she lost a bit of control. Vitani is a very proud person, although she is not arrogant and she doesn't like to brag, she likes to put people in their place when they are out of line. Kinda like an alpha disciplining their pack. I thought; When it was clear that Vitani had won. I could tell she was still on guard, clearly Flitwick also saw this as when he asked her to remove her vines he said it in a softer voice. She snapped out of her servalece and looked to him and nodded. I knew she was still tence. Why though she's a natural. What happened to you.. I thought. Everything became worse when Potter SR decided to get up in her face yelling that she cheated. Classic James Potter trying to make it seem as though it's not fair and that something is wrong. Whenever something doesn't go his way. I could see that Vitani acted like she wasn't fazed by him; but I know better. She was abused by him, doesn't matter if they haven't see each other in years and the Potter's for some reason don't recognize her. She still has the memories. Everyone looked appalled by his actions. Powerful and mature or not Vitani was technically still considered a minor. So James yelling at her when 1. She's not his kid(well not anymore) and 2. He was trying to accuse her of cheating because his son lost. Flitwick put a stop to it thankfully. James Potter just looked up at everyone seeing their reactions. He paled considerably, and stepped back. He grabbed his wife and son before leading them out of the hall. Vitani, who was still tence. Probably because of Potter, had a short interview with Skeeter before me and the rest of the Slytherins took her down to the dungeons. I had put my hand on her shoulder and squeezed it as an act of comfort. Sadly it didn't work. She kept looking around her. Her eyes were cold her face marble. She didn't look scared in anyway. And you could excuse the tencness as an effect from the duel. Thankfully once we reached the dungeons and and collapsed onto the couch. She let out a huge sigh and clung to a pillow. Everyone let out a breath of relief. I did aswell. Draco went to sit next to her and grabbed her arms. He brought her into his arms as she shook, crying silently. Draco ran his hand through her hair in a comforting manor. "Every bone in my body is telling me to just go over and feed James Potter to my father's Bengal tiger for hurting my sister like this!" Draco stated angrily. All of Slytherin knew from the short time that Vitani had been here that she and Draco were like brother and sister. I knew Draco wouldn't actually do that..,I hope, but I still decided it would be a good idea to floo his parents here. It would have just been Lucius If I hadn't known that Cissa grew a soft spot for Vitani when they met. To say the Malfoy elders were mad was and understatement, they were enraged. However, I did convince them to let the Prophet deal with it as it would be much more effective. Lucius nodded before he went to take Draco away to calm him down. Cissa took Draco's position and started carding her slender fingers through the troubled girls hair. After Vitani had calmed she sat up and thanked the the Malfoy elders and Draco. She had also thanked me but I don't know why. The whole house started planning ideas to get back at the Potter's for what they did. Because as you know...
You attack one of us,
You attack all of us.

And there you have it part two of the duel. I know many of you had been waiting for it, and now that school is starting up again I won't be able to write and post as often anymore. I'm so sorry for that. That's why I wanted to get this out. I'm going to try and post one more before Monday(when I start) but I make no promises. Have a good day/night/afternoon. ~1486~

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