chapter 4

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°wolf speak°
I look up to see..a wolf
3rd person

     Beautiful white fur with brown eyes. That's what Vitani looks up to see. A magnificent white wolf know of as a Kaina wolf. They are the most powerful pack of wolves in the world both magic and muggle. They are known for their strength power and loyalty.

 °what is a child doing out in the forest alone?

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°what is a child doing out in the forest alone? that blood I smell!!° the wolf, Akira, said to herself. Unbeknownst to her, Vitani understood every word. °I ran away.. and umm the blood is my own my father got mad at me..° Vitani spoke her head looking at the now very intriguing forest floor. Akira looked at Vitani in shock her mouth open in surprise. °can you understand me child?° Akira asked taking a few steps closer to the small child. °yes?° Vitani answered confused. °you do know you're not speaking English, right? You're speaking Wolven.° Akira stated. °oh. I did not notice my apologies..° Vitani said shifting into a criss cross position. ° don't apologise child now why are you bleeding again?° Akira asked a but worried. A human that's able to speak Wolven is very rare. It is said that those who can were the ones chosen by the wolf goddess herself. That would explain the white hair Akira thought to herself. She knew she needed to take the girl back. There was no way she was gonna let this poor girl go back to wherever she ran from. °it was my father. He was mad that their was this kid playing with me instead of my brother. You see my parents do not love me. They only love my brother because he's 'The Chosen One' 'The Boy-who-lived' all rubbish if you ask me. He can barley do magic.° Vitani answered. °come with me child I will take you to my home. I will explain on the way. I will protect you do not fret. Oh! How silly of me. I'm Akira. You may call me Grandma Aki if you want° Akira spoke in a soft voice well helping the girl up as best she could. °oh yes please! My name is Vitani, you may call me Tani if you would like.° Vitani said excitedly. So they left, going deeper into the forest. Never looking back. Vitani not sparing a thought for her old family, as they wouldn't her. Going to what she would soon call home.

Hey sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to get something out for y'all. I can't believe that I've gotten this many views it's AMAZING new chapter should be coming soon ~444~

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