chapter one

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When the children turned the age of six a party was being held at the Potter manor for their children.. though really it was just for Harry. Vitani came down out of the abandoned West Wing into the living room to see decorations everywhere. She immediately got super excited, only to see a banner that said 'Happy Birthday Harry!!' it didn't mention Vitani at all even the cake she looked at only said Harry. She decided to go to her father to ask what was up. His reply made her heart sink. "Only special kids get birthdays. Harry deserves all the love and attention he gets he's the Boy-who-lived! Your nothing more than a ordinary girl. You don't get a party weather it's your birthday or not now get out of my sight!" He exclaimed annoyed. Vitani ran back out to the living room with tears in her eyes. She decided to go to the library to read. She may only be six years old but she could read really well for her age. She read books on potions, charms, runes, COMC, DADA, transfiguration, history of magic, muggle studies, dark magic, and many human and creature languages and customs. She was on her third book when she heard noise downstairs, the guests had arrived. She headed downstairs and saw alot of people, she recognized the Weaslys as they came by often. She recognized her godfather's and Severus Snape who was Lily's best friend, she didn't think of her as a mom nor James dad. She saw alot of other people, but what caught her attention was a family of blondes. There hair was a very light platnium blonde. It was a family of three, a tall man with shoulder length hair, aristocratic facial features, and silver-grey eyes. Next to him was a boy who looked like a carbon copy of his father but with shorter hair and softer facial features. The woman next to the boy had blonde hair not at light but still not normal blonde with a chunk of black it the front, she had pretty blue eyes. Vitani saw James go up to them and greet them. The tall man put on a forced smile and greeted him back, as James gestured for them to go into the living room. Vitani made her way into the back of the living room in a corner sitting in a comfy chair reading a book. She was intrupted by a "excuse me miss?" Vitani looked up to see the blonde boy she saw earlier. She raised an eyebrow and said "yes?" The boy shifted akwardly and asked "Are you Vitani Potter? My father told me the Potter's had another child but said it was clear they didn't show anyone as they were to focused on their son." The boy said with a little sneer towards the end showing he didn't like the fact that the Potter's cast out their child. Vitani nodded "yes, that would be me, but if you could refrain from using my last name I would appreciate it. I don't think of the Potter's as my family anymore as they just ignore me in favor of my brother." She said with a sad smile. "Uh sure. My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you. My family and I got you a gift seeing as it is also your birthday." Newly named Draco said grabbing her hand and kissing it, as per-custom, before holding out a small velvet box. Vitani's eyes lit up as she took the box before thanking him. She opened the box and her eyes widened as she took out a beautiful silver necklace. It was beautiful!

(Picture of what the necklace looks like) Draco's POVVitani's eyes lit up so much and her smile was so wide I thought her face might break

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Picture of what the necklace looks like)
Draco's POV
Vitani's eyes lit up so much and her smile was so wide I thought her face might break. She looked up still smiling and said "Thank you so much this is the most wonderful thing I've ever gotten!" I smiled happy that she liked it and said "No problem we thought you would like it. It has a charm on it so that only you can take it off and it will ward off any potential threats." I stated proudly, Vitani smiled again and asked "Would it be alright if you introduced me to your parents? I would love to thank them for this beautiful gift aswell." I nodded and reached my hand out for her to grab, she did and I led her to my parents how a pureblood male should a girl/woman. "Mother, Father. This is Vitani the girl we got the necklace for. She asked if she could meet you so I took her to you." I said and they nodded. "Hello Lord and Lady Malfoy, I am Vitani it is a pleasure to meet you. I have already thanked your son and I would also like to thank you for your wonderful gift to me. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and I am enternaly greatful." She said in such a way it was almost hard to believe she was a Potter as they were never one for Pureblood Manor's. "It is no problem at all dear, and please call me Narcissa." My mother stated Vitani nodded with a smile before my father spoke up, "Yes, you are very welcome. As the same as my wife you may call me Lucius. I would also like to say your manors are amazing much better than I would have thought a child from the Potter house would have." The corner of Vitani's lip quirked up a bit into a smirk. "Yes, it would seem the Pot-my parents and brother have the worst etiquette I've seen. I on the other hand read many etiquette books in the library knowing I would someday meet other families including important and high up ones such as yourselves so I wanted to be educated on how to act." Vitani stated with a hint of disdain when referring to the Potter's as parents and brother. 'It seemed she has developed a dislike towards them...I wonder why?' I thought before storing it away to think about later.

A/n: hey guys what to you think so far? I'm not sure if I wanna put Vitani with Draco or not I have other ideas if who to put her with but I'm not sure tell me if you have any ideas. (1080 words)

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