Chapter 16 Akira and Akela

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Severus's POV

It had been a few days since the duel. Vitani has gotten many compliments from the other houses sans Gryffindor(except the twins). The teachers have also been congratulating her as well. The Potters were still angry. However, Vitani had seemed... different. She was very... distant from the others. She barely spoke to them. Which was odd as she and all the others Slytherins had become great friends. She wouldn't even talk to DRACO!! It concerned me. So I decided that after breakfast I would confront her about it. At breakfast she sat towards the middle of the table as always. She seemed to be eating less than normal which concerned me more. Her friends had tried talking to her but she seemed to be in her own world. Suddenly the sound of owls filled me ears mail time I thought to myself. Normally Vitani didn't get any mail. So when a beautiful white owl with icy-blue tips on the wings landed in front of her. I was shocked and confused. Looking at my house I could tell they were aswell. Vitani smiled for what seemed to be the first time in days, and took the letter from the owl while giving her'?' a piece of bacon. The owl trilled happily rubbing it's head against Vitani's before flying away. The Slytherins and I were watching her very closely. She opened the letter, and as she read it her eyes widened. A huge smile was plastered on her face she stood up and practically bounced out of the hall.

Vitani's POV

I have been distant to everyone since the duel. I would rarely speak to them or even smile. Now you might think that its because of the duel. However, it's not. I got over that quickly after Professor Snape, Draco, and his family helped calm me down. What was bothering me was a letter I got that night. There was gonna be a meeting. One where every leader of every magical creature came together to discuss problems and to make plans to better our lives. Now I've been to a few of these before. However, it's still very nerve wracking, I mean I'm still only 11 years old. Not to mention I have to figure out how I'm gonna get out of school to get there!! It came time for breakfast and I sat in my normal spot. My friends were trying to talk to me but I ignored them. I was just too nervous, I didn't eat much and when my friends tried to tell me to eat more I just ignored them. I zoned out and went into my own world, I was only knocked out of it when I heard the sound of my owl. I saw my owl in front of me with a letter, normally I didn't get letter so this was surprising. I gave my owl, Leah, a piece of bacon she throwed and gave me a head bump, before flying off. I open the letter, and read it. The letter said this.

Dear Vitani,
Today me and your grandfather will be coming to your school. We heard about the meeting and we wanted to make sure you were okay, during the time where you should be having lunch we will be at the school. we're looking forward to seeing you soon, Don't worry we'll help you. Also congratulations on winning your duel.
Love Grandma Kira.

To say I was excited was an understatement. I haven't seen them since beginning of the school year. I stood up and practically bounced out the hall. I went up to my room, and took out something more formal to wear for when they came. Despite me taking up the position of Alpha, I still respected them a lot. So I wanted to look my best. They were still very well known for being the alphas of the Kaina pack among the creatures. They're very good at what they did, and everyone respected them. I took a deep breath and went down stairs to go to my first class.

Line break

I just got in out of charms, in transfiguration I had turned a mouse into a matchbox. It wasn't really hard and it earned me 35 points for Slytherin. In charms we had to heat up some cold tea. Basically we had to do a heating charm, something that I learned when I was five. doing it on the first try gave me an extra 40 points for Slytherin. I gained another 10 points each time I helped another classmate, gaining me another 80 points for Slytherin. Everyone in Slytherin had seemed to notice my change mood and were super happy for me. They're also super proud of me for getting a lot of house points. However that wasn't on my mind during lunch. Once we sat down after I finished my food all I could do was stare at the door. After staring at it for a long time, my housemates got curious. Just as they were about to ask, the doors swung open. They're in the doors stood my grandma and my grandpa. I got up and ran to them engulfing them into a huge bear hug. After we broke our hug, Professor Snape came up to us. " Ms Forest, would you mind telling me who these people are? " Professor Snape asked. I nodded. " These are my grandparents Akira and Akela. They told me in the letter this morning that they were going to be coming during lunch. " I responded, Professor Snape nodded before holding out his hand to my grandfather. " I'm Professor Snape I'm Vitani's head of house. " He said, my grandfather shook his hand and said "my name is Akela, I'm at Vitani's grandfather and guardian." He said in a monotone voice. "Come Vitani, we have important matters to discuss. Also very nice dress." I nodded "Thank you grandma. We can speak in my common room, I shall take you there now." I said, I was wearing a dress with a purple top and a navy blue bottom that went just above my knees, and I white scarf.

" I said, I was wearing a dress with a purple top and a navy blue bottom that went just above my knees, and I white scarf

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No one's POV

The hall was in a shocked silence. Thankfully Mcgonagall just tapped her glass gaining everyone's attention. "I know this was a bit confusing to you all but they did have my permission, as deputy headmistress, to come to the school now please finish your food and get ready for your class and or free period." Everyone just continued eating or got up and left the hall.

Line break in the Slytherin commons

"How have you been child?" Asked Akela to his adoptive grand daughter.
"I've been good grampa, I just recently got the notice of the meeting. How am I supposed to get out without suspicion? I know I'm sneaky but there are prefects and professors, and filch's freaking cat!" Exclaimed Vitani. She was worrying about this for a while so it felt good to get it off her chest. "Hush dear, we have everything planned. We plan to take you out of school the day before, for 'family reasons' and we can get your ready the next day. There is no need to worry. Ok?" Said Akira, in all honesty she was also worried. She knew this was gonna happen, so that's why she was prepared; however, like her granddaughter she was worried about being caught. Vitani nodded; "Thanks grandma, I needed that." Vitani said with a small smile, to which both Akira and Akela returned. After a bit more of planning, and talking about Vitani's school and such they bid each other farewell. Vitani watched as her grandparents fluid'?' to Diagon Alley, where they would then return to the forest. Vitani sighed, she went to the portrait and went to open it, however she wasn't expecting to see what she did..

Hey guys! Thanks so much for all the support! As I promised I have made this for you all before the end of September. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get out another before the end but I'll try no promises. Thanks for all the support, hope you have a good morning/evening/night!

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