Epic Snowball fight(read Author note below)

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know that this is seperate from the story so that you don't get confused. Enjoy!


Vitani's POV

I love snow, which is why winter is my favorite season. I love relaxing in the white fluffiness, whats even better is because of me being a wolf I don't get clod easily. The snow has been falling since yesterday(friday) and now that there are no classes we can go play in thes now. It'll be my first time playing with peoplewo aren't wolves. I'm curios to see how they will react. Like other animals when it's winter a wolf's coat gets thicker to protect from the cold. When in human form our body produces more heat to have the effect of our winter coat when in the colder seasons. Which is why I want to see the reaction of everyone when they see my outfit for the day.

(Ditch the hat and switch the red on the skirt to green, you already know what the hair color is and it's in a braid)

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(Ditch the hat and switch the red on the skirt to green, you already know what the hair color is and it's in a braid)

As I walked into the common room, I saw everyone wrapped up in sweaters and scarves. "Morning!" I chirped happily. All eyes turned to me and they were about to say goodmorning back, but once they saw my outfit their mouthes fell ajar. Uttershock and confusion were wriiten acrose thier faces. "I thought we were snakes, not codfish." I said with a small chuckle; thier mouth closed quickly with and audible 'pop' I laughed to myself as I walked to, and out the portrait for breakfast.

 timeskip to after breakfast

 All throughout breakfast all anyone could do was stare at me till I snapped and said "Take a pictue. It lasts longer." After that they would only steal occasional glances every so often. However now was time for my favorite part of the day, going outside to play in the snow. As everyone was getting thier snow gear on I ran outside to the snow and just danced around a bit before plopping down to make a snow angel. "Forest? Are you really not cold at all?!" I sat up to see my head of house and the other hads staring at me shocked. "Nope!" I said standing up and brushing some snow off of myself. I saw them shiver from the breeze that went by and Stifled a laugh before taking my wand a flicking it silently sending over a wordless heating charm. They silently sighed in relief when I did this. "15 points to Slytherin for keeping us from freezing." McGonagall said. "And another 40 for a brialliant display of a wordlessheating charm!" Flitwick announced. I smiled before a snowball it the back of my head. I snapped my head to see aome of the Gryfindors snickering. I saw all my house mates look at me from different sectionsof the courtyard. A smirk  graced my face as I looked at all of them sending a silent message. 

No one's POV

The heads of house looked at eachother before quickly scrambling away to watch the inevidable snowball fight that was about to go done, no doubt placing bets aswell. Vitani walked up to the Gyfnindors that had hit her with a snow ball, with the rest of the Sytherins behind her. "Better get ready little lion, when you attack one of us." she gestured to the rest of the snakes, "You attack all of us!" she exlaimed before about 50 snowballs were launched at the small froup of aou 5-10lions. The lions shouted and immedialtly ran to the other side of the courtyard and began building a defence. Soon enough everyone had heard of the massive snowball fight about to go down. The rest of the Gryfindors, sans the twins who had secretly joined the Slytherin side, had heard about what was happening and cam out to help. Unlike the Slytherins though thier defences were smallerand closer to the ground becase they wanted to make more ammo thinking they would out nuber that of the Snakes.However the Slkytherins had another Idea, the split into 2 groups; 125 in each. Group 1 would make ammo, while group B would make a defence. By the time preperation was done, the lions looked to the other side and visably paled.

 By the time preperation was done, the lions looked to the other side and visably paled

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Huge snow forts were visable to everyone

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Huge snow forts were visable to everyone. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!" some of the lions shouted. "It's called Slytherin Strategy little kittys!" Vitani shouted, and before anyone knew it snow balls were flying everywhere. Vitani was the master at snowball fights, grabbing a stack ad going to the top of the fort she began rappidly throwing snowballs at what seemd like an impossibe speed. In that one go 20 lions were out of the runing. Shocked still the Slytherins took the chance and started hitting more gryfindors. 55 minuets later only 3 lions were left and on the Slytherin team was Vitani andthe twins. "Fred? George? Why are you on that snakes team!" called out Ron who was still alive with Harry and Hermione. "Well-dear brother- you see Vitani here-offerd us some expensive ingreadiants-that we need for some of our new prank-inventions-for the-small price-of joining-the Slytherins!"  they said swapping the sentece to the other like they always do. "THATS NOT FAIR!" shouted Hermione looking at the refering teachers. "there was no rule against it and we knew they were there the whole time orwe would have called them outfor going into the opposite teams territory." McGonagall explained. Angry, Harry and Ron had both through 2 snowballs each at the remaining enemys, all of which they dodged except for one which hit Fred's shoulder. "You idiots! that was the last of our ammo!" Hermione exclaimed angirly. Smirking at eachother both George and Vitani launched snowballs at the golden trio,succesfuly getting them all out. The Slytherins cheered for their win. "And as an award for the winning team 250 points will be warded to the Slytherins for thier win a point per Slyherin. And two points for Gryfindor because of the twins." Flitwick announced. After some more cheers Everyone went inside to warm up, or in the Slytherins case get Vitani to cast her heating charm on all of them.

And thats the end of that! I hope you enjoyed this littly short story. I made this because I wanted to make up for not getting one out in October, and because this is the Holiday special.


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