Chapter 3: The husband, the wife and her madre

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It's morning Fran and Félix are in the kitchen searching for a mouse. Felix is wearing a pair of gloves. Fran is carrying a whisk broom and towel.

"Come here, mouse," Felix called softly, "Come here, little mouse."

"Here, little mousey-wousey," Fran called, "Nothing to be afraid of. We just want to put you outside," Fran said.

"And then... we're going to kill you!" added Felix. Fran nudged him for that comment.

"Felix, why are you being so macho? It's unattractive. Yet, somehow, a turn-on," she gives him the broomstick to wash her hands.

"Fran, need I point out that the council is coming Monday to observe your work and decide whether to accept you as a member of the community?" he reminds her.

"Oh? I thought you were joking. It sounded so absurd. You know, 'cause I assumed Alma was the head honcho?" she said getting the kids' lunch prepared.

"Never hurts to make a strong impression. When the town was formed my family was looking for salvation and stumbled here. Thanks to the magic and the council we became part of the town like the other founding families," he tells her as he sat down.

"Until mí papa, who was working at a council member's house, accidentally knocked over a vase..."

Fran was intrigued and confused, "And for that, they ostracized him?"

"He was wrestling naked with the eldest daughter at the time," Felix said in quite shame for his father actions.

"Well, to each his own, unless she was underage and/or married!" Fran asked hoping there was more to the story.

"Was well into her twenties, both single and currently my step-mother," he replied.

"Oh, so one of the council members is your... Grandparent?" she said.

"Not by blood but in a way, yes. Aye, Growing up with a blended family was complicated, no matter what you do nothing was good enough," he said.

"If they are anything like your mother-in-law I'm not surprised. Though they've been on board with the improvements so far and I've managed to keep the town a secret so there's no need to worry," she added, "what's the worst that can happen?" A plate fell from a shelf and broke.

"I'll ask Bruno if he can get his rats to help," at her words Félix starts panicking. "And I'll ask him to get them to scram till the inspections are done."

The tiles move in joy, "Casitas is already on board."


In the living room, Franchesca is lounging on the couch. Going over her reports. Félix, Julieta, Pepa, and Agustín are taking the kids to the museum. Fran is staying behind for the council, and to help Bruno tidy up.

"All right, everyone, time to go!" Agustín announced as he came down wearing rain boots.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not going to the museum in those boots, are you?" Fran asked not a fan of the combo.

"My boots? Sí, There's a chance of rain," he said.

"There's a chance I'll fall off the chair, but you don't see me wearing a seatbelt."

"Your point?" he inquired.

"What happened? You're normally so GQ. Now, suddenly, the Gordon's Fisherman?"

"Fran, aren't you working on something with your... typewriter," he guessed still not familiar with the tech. "I'm pretty sure worrying over my wardrobe is not part of it."

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