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The bell had just rung for break to begin. I peaked around my locker door. I was so happy I had a locker on the top rather than the bottom. It was perfect for people watching.

  I immediately smiled as soon as I saw who I was looking for. She was walking with her friends down the hall. She waved to anyone who said hi to her as she passed them.

  She was the most popular and most beautiful girl ever. Model material you could say. She didn't even need photoshop. 

  I watched her as she opened her locker. She started laughing at something someone said. My knees weakened. How could someone be so perfect?

Her light brown hair flowed down to her waist practically glowing. She had tanned skin with no imperfections. No acne or any kind of freckle in sight.  She had a body both slim and fit. She looked good in anything and it killed me.

  If I could just find the courage to talk to her. Life would be so perfect. I could just imagine late night talks on the phone. Or driving around blasting the best bands in the world while we screamed the lyrics.

  I would take her to a cliff, where we could see the city, watching the buildings as they lit up the night sky. I would hold her in my arms as we sat on the hood. Then I'd tell her how I feel. How I've always-

  "Luke!" A voice broke my daydreams "Luke!"

  I looked away from her and spotted a pair of bucked teeth and knew it was my best friend.

"Hi Randy."

  He handed me a handkerchief. "You were drooling over Alana again."

  I swatted it away. "No I wasn't!" I reached to the corner of my mouth and felt my spit. I grumbled, whipped it away on my fingers and placed it on his face.

  "Gross! Maybe that's why she doesn't like you."

  "Yes she does. She doesn't realize it, but we're going to be married one day." I looked over at her again.

  "That's the kind of things you say that make girls run away from your scrawny ass."

  I looked back and frowned. "Yeah like you would know anything about girls. You carry a handkerchief in your pocket."

  "You see Luke," He put his arm around my shoulder and started walking us down the hallway. "That's a perfect way to get a girl. Example: You see a girl crying. Her boyfriend said the wrong thing, or she didn't get the shoes she wanted. Then I come in looking heroic. I give her the handkerchief and my comforting arms. She opens up about her problems, talks to me all night and falls in love with me."

  I snorted "When has that ever happened?"

  "It happened in a movie once."

  I laughed mockingly. "You're such a loser."

  "Says you." He took my thick glasses off and put them on his face. "I'm Luke Hemmings. I can't grow the balls to talk to a girl. I'd rather just suck on them."

  "That's disgusting Randy." I reached out to get my glasses back but he started to run down the hallway. I rolled my eyes and took off after him.  He's so immature.

  I couldn't make out a damn thing but I could see the chubby figure running. I got a few judgmental looks as I tripped over my feet a few times.

  I'd rather just be invisible in my own warm bed playing video games than doing this. Which apparently was very amusing for about every pair of eyes were on me.

  It was like playing dodge ball and I had never been good at sports. I bumped into about five people. Two were making out and I ended up grabbing the girls boob by mistake.

  She gasped and I let go, clumsily getting my balance back. I turned my head to apologize when I suddenly fell onto my back hitting my head hard on the ground.

  I laid there for a bit not understanding what just happened. I managed to pick myself up, pain shooting to my head then to my heart.

  I just gave Alana a broken nose.


Hi everyone! OK so not sure if this chapter was good or not but I'm super excited for my followers to finally be able to read it! I know I asked  for followers about 1000 times. so thank you to those who did follow! I love you all so much! This is my first story so I'm not sure how good it will be.  If you could support me on it and give me pointers it would be much appreciated! Again I love you guys and thank you for reading this! :)

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