"Death by swirly"

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It was only Wednesday- or hump day as the kids here liked to call it- and I had already had enough of school.

People were going around yelling "hump day" like the camel in that Geico commercial. To make matters worse they would hump each other while doing it.

I was way more mature than most people my age. That must be why I didn't have many friends.

It's like they don't even have brain cells to begin with. They all go around practically begging for attention as if it's the most important thing.

What about grades? I mean seriously. These people wont even remember your name after you graduate. How about focus on your future?

I've heard some girls say they'll just become strippers because they can make two hundred dollars a day. One even said and I quote "I would be a perfect stripper because all you have to do is be sexy." Unbelievable.

I decided to just ignore the childish behavior like always and keep walking. I could feel myself getting dumber the more I listened.

I turned the corner to head to first period when I caught a glimpse of perfectly shiny curled hair. Alana was standing alone for once. That didn't happen very often so I knew I had to step into action now.

I went back around the corner to prepare. I swallowed down the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.

"Think of happy times Luke. Find your zen." I said to myself.

I began to think of Friday nights. Staying up until two to play online games. I imagined myself in that position. My cool head set wrapped around my sweaty head. I'm talking to Randy and some strangers through the microphone. Randy's talking about girls while I'm in the zone. I've just killed the enemy. I'm winning. I'm winning! I've won! The boys groan while I bask in my glory.

I wish it was really Friday.

Managing to make myself calm, still in that peaceful zone, I take one more breath before I turn the corner and make my way to Alana.

There she is. One step at a time Luke. You'll be fine. Just don't think of the disgust in her face when you walk up to her. Jesus why did I think that? You're an idiot. Think happy things you dunce.

A bright colored dyed head interrupted my self arguing thoughts.

Shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Michael Clifford. The leader of the dick heads that make my life hell. He's the one who started this all. The endless torments from everyone. I thought he was suspended.

I stopped in my tracks. If he sees me he'll call Ashton over and they'll take turns sacking me until I bleed through my penis. Gross I know, but it's happened before.

I looked around for a place to go. Where the hell was I supposed to hide? It's a hallway. The only place to go is in a locker, and that's not a fun time when you're 6'4 with shoulders the size of Canada.

I panicked and looked around. As if on cue Randy showed up. I pulled him over to me and hid behind him.

"Luke what are you-"

"Shh!" I pointed over to the boy with red hair.

"Is this what your obsession with this girl as come to?"

"No Randy. Michael! Why is he here?"

"Yesterday was his last day of suspension."

"He's only been gone two days."

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