"I'm warning you"

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School felt different today. The air was fresh the atmosphere enlightening and I hadn't had a single embarrassing moment yet. I was happy.

It felt nice to not be living in fear. It had only been my second day without a beating but hey I'd take it. 

I went to my classes with a smile. I said hi to just about everyone. I got dirty looks in return but I didn't care.

Call me crazy but I was in love. Sure she had a boyfriend and was out of my league, but that stuff wasn't important.  What was, was that I had the hottest girl coming over today.

I felt something hit the back of my head. It was realization. What if she doesn't want to come over today? she did run out after a small touch.

My happiness started fading. She has to come right? She doesn't want to be dumb and I'm here to help.   I'm like her superman. Rescuing her from her doubts and bad grades.

I mean I was as nerdy looking as Clark Kent and sometimes I feel like I was born on a different planet.

 I started walking to my locker to get my things to go home while dreaming about saving Alana from an alien attack.

it was going good until I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry. I should really start looking where I'm walking."

"But this is the only way you could ever come close to a girl."

My eyes shot up and widened with horror. Michael.

He took a step towards me making me wince. "How's it going Luke?" He took another step. He was right in my face now. I could feel his breath. "I heard you're doing real good."

I was confused. Was he making conversation or trying to scare the shit out of me. He was succeeding at both.

"Calum says you got paired up with my girl. I also heard your taking her away from my party tonight. Away from me."

Oh shit. That's what this was about.

"I know you have a cute little crush on her Luke. You probably jerk off to her picture. I get it. She's hot. I have too."

Every word in those sentences made me cringe.

"But I'm warning you." He got even closer than I thought he could.  "You better not try anything on her." He poked me hard making me lose balance a bit. "She's not interested. She's using you for grades so don't think of this as bonding. She goes for guys like me. Ones who are actually cool and have something going for them."

It's not like I didn't know this already, but those words cut deep. It kind of made me lose any hope I had about this. Serves me right for thinking I had a chance.

He's right. She wouldn't want me. She already has a boyfriend anyways. That would be cheating and I was starting to think that was okay. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Yo Luke? If you try anything you're gonna get a lot of this..." I watched his arm raise with hands in fists. He was going to punch me. Any dumbie could see that.

He took a swing just missing my head as I ducked away from it. We were both in shock. I didn't know something like that was possible. Stuff like that doesn't happen.

Michael stood there confused so I took a swing. It felt pretty good until I realized it did nothing. He didn't even flinch. Damnit I was weak.

The red head smirked and knocked me off my feet with impact twenty times harder than mine.

He just stood there and laughed. I'm glad pain fucking amuses you. He kicked me in the gut before walking away.

"You're a hopeless fool!" He said to me.

I hauled myself off the ground. I didn't want people seeing me and make me feel even worse. For fucks sakes I was done with that.

My hair hung in my face as I stomped through the hall. I kicked the locker to let out some rage. I didn't have a fucking human punching bag. I liked  to act a bit more humane.

I saw him. With anger running through my veins I walked right up to him. I wasted no time. I spun him around and placed money in his hand.

Randy stared at me in confusion.

"For the gym membership. I want back in."


HEY GUYS!! Woah so I haven't updated in forever! Sorry about that! I've been busy actually having a social life I never knew existed.

I love my attempts to be nerdy. It so doesn't work. lmaooo


also go read TalkingHemmings book!

I kinda want to do a double update since it took me forever to do this one. Idk what do you think?


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