"He moans your name"

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"Aren't you scared at all?"

"Are you kidding me Randy? Obviously! Ashton could give an elephant a broken bone in outer space with those arms."

We were hanging out at his house playing GTA afterschool. He sucked at this game. Considering he's been playing it for so long you'd think he'd be able to get away from the cops.

I watched in frustration as he jumped out of the car before it blew up.


"You're screwed now."

"Shut up Luke I can make it."

He shot one of the policemen which gave him four stars. I smirked as the stars flashed in front of my eyes.

"You know stars are a bad thing in this game right?"

"Eat me." He frowned, trying really hard to concentrate, but soon with five stars he was busted.

"You suck at this game."

"No this game is rigged." He protested.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the controller. I punched in a cheat that gave me every weapon in the game.

"How did you do that?"

"Well I actually improve on my skills the more I play."

"Shut up Luke. You're only good because you spend sixteen hours in your room playing."

"Yeah that's because I have people who will beat me whenever I step outside my house."

He sighed. "Man for real. What are you going to do about Ashton?"

I paused the game and set down the controller. "What can I do Randy? I mean really. Look at the size difference."

"Yeah but you're like four inches taller."

"But his muscles are ten inches bigger."

"You can still put up a fight."

I frowned. "Randy what do I have to fight with? I have no strength. The only muscle mass I gain is in my brain and hands. I can't beat up a guy with smarts."

"Maybe you'll have to beat him with bronze."

"Did you not just hear anything-"

"Listen I know this guy. He works at a gym. I can get him to give you one month for free. That should give you enough time to get some muscles."

"Where did you meet this guy?"

"Band camp."

I raised an eyebrow. "Band camp?"

"What? We can't all be naturally talented with music like you .Girls find guys in a band hot."

"What did you play?"


I broke out into a smile and laughed. "Really?"

"My mom thought it would be a good way to lose weight and get rid of anger. It didn't work though."


"You know what? Maybe your smart mouth is the reason Ashton-"


A high pitched voice called.

"Jesus Christ. Not now Missy!"

The seventeen year old skinny blonde popped her head in through the door. "Did you say Ashton?"

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