Can i call wake you up on a sunday

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(Lame title name I know) Hey! So so so sorry it's been forever! Look guys I freaking saw Ashton on the street!!!!! And I meet hey violet three times!!!!! Ajsjoslsbskahjslsbs I spent 18 hours stalking an it was well worth it. Anyways I wasn't goig to continue with the story. It depends on how many people want me to.
Does anyone want me to continue???
It was Sunday and I was currently standing outside of Alana's house.
I found out where she lived by her location on Instagram. I never said I didn't know how to stalk.
I figured she would be having a sleep over or went to another party on Saturday, so Sunday would be the day to visit.
That was better than my weekend.  I was at the gym with Randy for pretty much the whole time. I still wasn't showing muscle. How fucking long does it take?
I was standing outside her window because if I saw her parents at the door I would probably freeze and make a bad impression. Then we would have to make study dates at the library.
I had no idea which window was actually hers, but I guessed it was the one with hot pink curtains and aqua walls.
"Alana." I whisper yelled. I didn't really want to be any louder than that. I didn't want to be caught.
I threw a pebble at her window and waited. Still nothing.
"Alana!" I called a little louder. "Alana!"
I threw three rocks to make it sound like a knock. "Alana!"
I had been waiting for three minutes now. She wouldn't be out on a Sunday would she?
I threw one more rock before giving up. I turned around to leave. I took a few steps until I heard the window open.
I spin around smiling.
Well shït.
She was topless. I couldn't see anything but her head and her holders, but she was definitely not wearing  shirt.
My face must of been as red as a tomato.
"Luke what the fuck are you doing here?" She said impatiently.
"I- uh- thought we could... Study." I scratched the back of my neck nervously. It felt wrong to look but I couldn't look away.
"Well I'm pretty sure your mom hates me. I'm not going to your house."
"I was thinking,  maybe we could study here?"
She laughed coldly. "No way."
"What? Why?"
"I can't have a loser over. What if people see?"
What was she talking about? The other day was so fun. I thought- no I guess not.
"But we're study buddies."
"People don't know that. Besides you'll ruin mall my furniture. I'll have to disinfect everything. Can't risk catching your disease."
I swear if hearts could drown in sorrow mine just did.
"Come on Luke. Don't look so offended. Just because we got paired up for some stupid project doesn't mean we're friends now. You can't come to my house and expect me to invite you in. Don't be stupid."
I frowned and looked down. Of course. Stays quo. How could I be do stupid? That wouldn't happen. It would never happen. She likes a super model and I'm the guy who fixes computers.
"Babe what's taking so long?"
I looked up and saw Michael, also topless, behind her kissing her neck.
Okay I see what was going on here. Ew.
He looked down and broke away from her. "Hemmings? What the fck are you doing here, you worthless piece of shit?"
"Michael. It's okay babe. I got it."
He pushed past her and leaned out the window. "I'm gonna come down there and kick your ass, you pathetic dag. What makes you think you can come to my girlfriends house? You're an ugly fàg. Go home and die."
"Michael!"Alana screamed. She pulled him towards her so that their sides were facing me. "Baby I see you're angry. Just go lay down in bed and you can take that anger out on me okay?"
I was practically gagging at the Thought of that.
Michael relaxed his muscles and nodded. "Yeah. Yeah okay. Dot take too long." He lfe and went to the bed.
Alana turned to me and stared with such abomination. "Luke get out of here. I have to see you at school and that's annoying as it is. I don't want to see your face at school anymore. It honestly makes me want to throw up." She laughed a nasty laugh and flipped her hair. "So screw off and go hang out with your fat friend."
Before I could say anything she shut her window and joined Michael. I heard giggling and immediately left.
I can't believe it. Friday she was actually laughing and enjoying herself. Or maybe she wasn't. No she had to be. You can't fake something like that.
Were girls always this complicated?
Michael. It had to of been him. His presents was pressuring her. Yeah has it.
He did give off a "obey me or else" vibe. He's brainwashing her.
I'm sure she'll be back soon. And she'll do it in the cutest way. Like send me a note or climb through my window like the bad ass she is.
It's gonna be okay Luke
Bad chapter I apologize. It'll get better soon :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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