"Welcome to my hell"

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 I stood there unknowingly. My eyes were wide with fear and alarm. I just gave the prettiest girl in the school a bloody nose.

Scratch that. I had just knocked her flat on her butt, with blood trickling down her face, and the whole year twelve hallway had just seen it happen.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. Even girls who looked like they wore maternity clothes were out of my league. How was I expected to talk to Alana?

Should I say sorry? Tell her why it happened? Crack a joke? Jesus why was this so hard? I couldn't even see for one, but I could see that blood was now all over her fifty dollar shirt.

Shit I was so going to get beat up for this.

I tried to speak once again. Instead my throat squeaked. More and more each time I tried to form words. All the eyes on me were making it worse.

I started to feel a panic attack coming.

I was loosing my breath. Literally gasping for air as I held my neck.

Then I started to sweat. My hands shook as I wiped a bead of hot liquid from my forehead. Why did I have to be born with such bad social anxiety?

Now my sight started to get worse than it already was. I could still tell that everyone was staring at me based on the atmosphere. They must be looking at me with disgust. I wanted to cry but I already looked pathetic enough.

I shut my eyes tight suddenly loosing the ability to walk. It felt like the whole world was fading now.

Oh God I'm gonna throw up. I can't cover her with blood and puke.

Dear God please help me.

I felt a large hand press down on my shoulder. I jumped thinking it was one of the populars coming over to punch me.

Warm plastic was slid onto my eyes. I opened them and saw Randy looking as scared as me.

Then I looked at Alana. She had her eyes locked on me with such a loathing expression. She looked as ashamed as I felt. She shook her head quickly as if telling me to say something.

Oh Alana I wish I could. I'd recite a whole God damn poem on how sorry I was if my mouth would just make words.

Randy grabbed onto my arms and yanked me to help me make my escape to the boys bathroom.

"You couldn't of said you were fucking sorry?" Alana screamed.

I ran to a stall as soon as we got into the bathroom and puked my guts out. I cringed at the sight of the breakfast mum made me this morning.

A sigh escaped my lips as what just happened stared to sink in. My head stung as I sat on the toilet. What the fuck Luke?

"What happened out there?"

"Shut up Randy. It was your fucking fault."

"Luke. You know I didn't-"

"Just shut up!" I grabbed my head as it ached while I yelled.

He looked at me apologetically then knelt down in front of me. "Do you want me to give you a blow job to make you feel better?"

I chuckled "I swear you're gay some times."

"Only for you baby."

We laughed for a while until he shot me an empathetic glance.


"You have math with her next."


"Dude just skip."

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