"I have rights!"

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I choose to stay in the bathroom for the rest of first period. I was currently filling the toilet with a mix of tears, puke and blood. a terrible sight I knew all too well.

My stomach had finally calmed down and I left the toilet to go check my face. Oh fuck... maybe I should stay in here the whole day.

my face has holes all over the left side of my face with blood filling them. My eyes lids as well as my lips were starting to puff. I looked like I had just been in a car crash. But it was worse. I had been involved with Michael and his gang. A gang who called themselves "5 seconds of summer" or "5sos"

I don't understand the name. It sounds like the name of a kids show for girls. Like they're trying to make the summer last so it didn't seem like it was only five seconds.

I'm not sure who came up with it and why they thought it was a good idea, but what should I expect from a bunch of dumb bullies.

I turned the tap on and let the cool water rinse the blood off my face. It hurt but in that satisfying kind of way. I let out a soothing sigh. 

The smell of pee filled my nostrils causing me to cough. Oh shit that was coming from me. And just my luck... I don't have cologne. This day keeps getting better.

The bell rang making me jump. I was petrified. I couldn't go to class! I looked like I was in a scrap with a wizard and smelt like I came from the sewer.

Well I had no choice. I'd rather deal with judgmental looks than my mom.

I was so glad I was wearing a sweater today. I pulled the hood over my head and cleaned my dirty bathroom infested glasses off.

I wanted to get out of here. this bathroom is just filled with bad memories.

I walked to my class after making a trip to my locker for my books and bag. Wow isn't God on my side today? I have math! Fan-fucking-tastic!

I got there first and sat down at the very back so no one could see me if I turned my head. I rested my swollen head on the desk and waited for everyone to come in.

Soon laughter and hormones filled the room. A hand slapped me on the back.

"Wow, you're still alive Hemmings." It was Calum. His voice sent shivers down my back. "I can't believe you still came to class. You're such an apple polisher."

Why the fuck did he think being a good student was so bad?

"What do we have to do to get you to leave?"

"Calum sit down." Mr Downs commanded.

That last comment make me queasy for what seemed like the hundredth time today. They're actually trying to get rid of me? How could they do worse than today?    They'd have to put me in a hospital to get me to not come to school. I know that's exactly what they'd do.

"Alana?" I heard Mr. Downs say with my head still on the desk. "You failed your test again."

"Are you kidding me? I actually tried that time!"

"You tried? Alana you got 30 percent."

"Well I'm not a therapist! Math can figure out its own damn problems!"

I smiled into my arm. Her sassy sense of humour is so cute.

"Class I have a proposal. A lot of you have been struggling in my class. Understandable, I'm not exactly easy to get along with, I can see why you wouldn't want to ask for extra help.  So I thought I would be a good idea to have study buddies."

"Calum bro be mine!" Some one shouted.

"Hell yeah man let's do it!" He replied enthusiastically.

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