"Do you get beat up often?"

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WARNING: This chapter sucks


I unlocked the door and slowly opened the door to my house in case my mum was home. I didn't want her seeing me.

I took one very slow step into the house, reaching the table. I gently put my keys down then shut the door cautiously.

I turned around and carefully made my way up the stairs. These stairs always creaked. I was praying they would be on my side today. Apparently not.

I skipped three steps with my long legs and they creaked. The house was dead silent there was no way she could of missed that. Screw this old house.

"Luke? Is that you?" Mum called.

Well if I tried to go up any further the stairs would creak even more. Then she'll know for sure I'm avoiding her. I didn't want to get beat up by my mum too.

I held my breath and pulled my hood over my face before I answered. "Yeah mum it's me."

My body tensed with each step she took. I climbed off the stairs so i could look down without her seeing me. Just in time too.

"Hey mum." I said sounding casual.

"Hi baby." She grabbed the sides of my head and kissed my forehead. Please tell me she didn't see my wreaked up face. "How was your day?"

"Uh good. Good. The usual. Breezing through work and acing my tests." I said keeping my head down.

"That's my boy. Being the son of a teacher pays off hey?"

"Ha ha yeah." I said nervously scratching my arm.

Her voice turned a bit more serious. "Luke look at me when I'm talking to you. You're being rude. And take that hood down it's unflattering."

"You know mum I have a head ache. I'd really like to just go lay down." I said calmly as though nothing was wrong.

"Oh no. Do you have a fever?" All I saw was my converses and skinny legs. I didn't see my mothers hand reach up under my hood to feel my forehead, revealing my unattractive swollen face.


"Lucas!" She screeched.

I cringed. I hated when she called me that. It wasn't even my real name.

"What happened to your face?"

"It's a new look I'm trying. I thought it could get me more attention."

"That's not funny Luke." She snapped.

"I just fell." I insisted

"What? On a God damn bed of nails?"

I stood there quietly playing with the sleeves of my sweater.

"Was it that Michael kid again?"

I shot her a worried glance. "How did you know about him? I've never mentioned him before."

"Please Luke I'm your mother. We have a sense for this. I also got a call from the school a few times."

I slapped my face in shame sending pain to it like it really was a bed of nails.

Mum sighed and softened her voice. "Luke you gotta start standing up for yourself. It's going to happen for the rest of yor life if you let people walk all over you."

My eyes started to tear causing my cuts to burn. "It's not that easy mum." I choked out.

"Aw baby." She held me in a warm embrace. I think I really needed a mothers love right now. It helped me cope even if she was intimidating as hell.

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